Chapter 129 The Breath of the Sword Body

Liu Yirou had no experience in dealing with such brats, and she was obviously relieved when she saw the little boy running away: "It's really too much, to run into someone's backyard casually."

Chu Jinsui asked: "Is this how Yaobei educates boys?"

Liu Yirou opened her mouth, and finally thought of her brothers at home, and said helplessly: "Yes."

She held Liu Yixuan's little hand: "I'll take Xuanxuan back first."

The little girl still looked frightened, and followed Liu Yirou out in a daze.

Chu Jinsui just walked around the corner.

"Sui Sui!" Cheng Feng's figure sprang out, "Why do you have to smudge outside for a while every time you come back?"

She asked: "What did Wen Renjing ask you to say? The more I think about it, the more weird Hua Manzhi and Wen Renjing are."

Chu Jinsui didn't think so.

In Hua Manzhi's description, the relationship between her and Wen Renjing can be said to be incompatible with each other.

But in Wenrenjing's memories, the relationship between them seems to be very good, like family members clinging to each other.

"Both of them... are very cautious." Chu Jinsui said, it seems that this is the only description. The two of them are both true and false, and they are very vigilant.

You can't help yourself when you are in this position.

She said: "Wen Renjing said something about the past, maybe he wanted to arouse my sympathy and let me agree with him."

"The second is some of his plans, but he should have concealed a lot."

Chengfeng reminded her: "Then you must not believe it casually."

Chu Jinsui curled his lips amusedly: "Am I that stupid?"

"By the way, do you want to tell Hua Manzhi what Wen Renjing told you about today?" Cheng Feng asked.

Chu Jinsui thought for a while: "Let's not let it go, let's see the situation first."

They are not simple guys, there is no need to surrender in such a hurry.

Chengfeng stretched his waist: "It's really boring to stay in the mansion all day."

She also doesn't want to go out, the streets in Yaobei are no better than the human world, women have to get all kinds of stares when they go out.

Chu Jinsui knew what she was thinking: "According to what Hua Manzhi said, it won't be long before Wen Renjing is ready to do something."

"He said before that he would give me the panic tree, but now it seems that he still has to find a way to get it himself."

The day he usurps the throne is the best opportunity.

At that time, Hua Manzhi will also make a move, and the whole Yaobei will fall into chaos.

Chengfeng sighed: "You have to be careful."

What did she think of again: "By the way, I never had the chance to tell you that when I was in the Yaobei Palace, I seemed to feel the breath of the sword."

"That's when we were all taken, when we were released from the dungeon."

Chengfeng's face was a little strange: "Why did my sword come to the demon world?"

Chu Jinsui immediately thought of it: "Hua Manzhi said that the only thing that can kill the demon king is the sword sealed in the forbidden area."

"At that time, I will find a way to get the sword back. Hua Manzhi also said, let me find a way to get that sword."

Chengfeng's eyes lit up, and then his face became serious again: "Then you will be even more dangerous then."

She pondered for a moment: "Get the panic tree first. Don't worry about the sword. I think she and Wen Renjing want the sword more. Even if you don't take it, they will have other ways."

"If you are suspected by Wen Renjing at that time, you will inevitably be in danger."

Chu Jinsui knew her concern: "It's okay, I will decide according to the situation."

(End of this chapter)

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