Chapter 136
All the courtyards Chu Jinsui and Su Yao passed by were lit with lights.

At this time, the nurses who came over from Wen Xun had already left long after they learned that the man in black had just dropped a pile of papers from above, and silence shrouded the Hou Mansion again.

However, the burning candles in those rooms seemed not so peaceful.

"Trouble both of you." When Liu Yirou saw them coming, she quickly got up and thanked her, "My mother was frightened, so I asked someone to disturb you both."

"If you are willing to rest in the courtyard, mother will feel much more at ease."

She was thoughtful enough to have the two rooms next door cleaned up in advance.

Su Yao focused on practicing, so she nodded her head, and then went into the room to continue meditating.

Chu Jinsui stayed, she was a little curious: "Did Miss Liu also read those photo papers?"

Walking through several courtyards along the way, if you listen carefully, you can hear the people inside whispering, all about the content on the echo paper.

The courtyard on the side of Da Furen and Liu Yirou is very quiet, except for the maid who led the way at the beginning who couldn't suppress her curiosity, everyone else was very calm.

Quietly unsociable.

Liu Yirou raised her head and smiled subtly: "I see, that is really a yearning scene."

She said so, but the movements in her hands never stopped—she was still meticulously drawing patterns on the man's clothes with silk thread.

She smiled and said, "If there is a chance, I would also like to see that scene."

"However." She changed the topic, "For me, the most important thing is to do the things right now."

Chu Jinsui also smiled.

Liu Yirou lowered her eyelids, embroidering the pattern in her hand wholeheartedly: "Originally two days later is my wedding date with Brother Jing."

"I started embroidering this dress very early on."

Her drooping long eyelashes completely blocked the expression in her eyes: "Brother Jing said before that he would make me the happiest bride in the world during the wedding day, and let me stand in the position that everyone looks up to."

She raised her head suddenly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed a little different.

Before Chu Jinsui had time to carefully distinguish her emotions, the dark color on Liu Yirou's face disappeared, and she returned to her usual gentle and gentle appearance.

"Miss Liu, don't worry, your marriage will not be affected," she said.

Liu Yirou shook her head: "I'm not worried."

She embroidered the last stitch and folded the clothes neatly: "It's finally finished, I'll send someone over there tomorrow."

She stroked the complicated embroidery: "Brother Jing sent someone to deliver a letter before, and the letter mentioned the dissolution of the engagement."

Chu Jinsui frowned, just about to speak.

Liu Yirou put her hands down: "By the way, where is the other girl? Why didn't you come with the two of you?"

Chu Jinsui replied naturally: "She is extroverted and likes to play, so she disguised herself as a man and went to the street to play."

She silently added a sentence in her heart: go to the roof to fly and play.

Liu Yirou covered her mouth and snorted: "It's very similar to her character, that's great, I haven't been out of the house for a long time."

"The last time I left home was when I went to the mountains with my mother to pray for blessings four years ago."

Chu Jinsui looked at her a little strangely, and Liu Yirou talked unexpectedly a lot today.

Liu Yirou stood up, put away the clothes, and said softly, "I have been embroidering this dress for four years."

"I hope my final ending can be worthy of these four years."

(End of this chapter)

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