at dusk.

Chengfeng ran over to Chen Lifeng: "I can't sleep even if we're not in the same room."

She threw herself on Chu Jinsui's bed: "I'm going to sleep here today!"

It's like visiting.

"Why did you worship Chenli Peak? That peak owner looks very weird." Cheng Feng sat up, "Oh, that's not right, generally speaking, this kind of weird person is very powerful."

She asked: "After you stayed here for a day, did you realize that your master is actually an outsider? It's the kind that has a ceiling in combat power, but is very out of gregarious."

Chu Jinsui didn't know where her logic came from: "Master seems to have been injured before, so he cultivated in the peak all the year round, so he didn't show up often."

Chengfeng was a little disappointed: "Well, then why don't you come to worship under Master Shuanghua with me, we can still be companions, now we are so-so far away."

Chu Jinsui: "I was Lexiu before, as you know."

"Ordinary sword repair methods may not be suitable for me, and I am indeed not very talented in sword repair. Even if I memorize sword moves or something by rote, the power I can use is average."

She took out the sword manual: "But Master can teach me how to combine music theory and sword moves. This is the most suitable way of cultivation for me."

Chengfeng turned a few pages curiously: "It's so powerful."

She patted Chu Jinsui on the shoulder: "All right, all right, as long as you feel good."

"What can I do, of course I choose to forgive you."

Chu Jinsui suddenly remembered: "Has Peak Master Shuanghua ever told you about Dao Xin?"

"Dao Xin?" Cheng Feng said, "I've said it, but I'm still at a loss."

She was a little embarrassed: "My comprehension is actually quite low. Senior Sister Su said, just let me be like them. Our school is all cultivating the Xiaoyao Dao."

"What about you? What do you think?"

Chu Jinsui shook his head: "I don't know yet."

Chengfeng wondered: "What about your master? Didn't he say anything?"

"Master said that his way has no reference value for me."

"Ah? Then it's not a blood loss for you to worship him as a teacher? I gave you a sword manual. I saw him as a strange person at first. He really is a strange person."

"Now it seems that he is not only a weirdo, but also an irresponsible weirdo."

Chu Jinsui made a silent gesture: "Don't talk nonsense, preach for the master, and I have already obtained the best way of cultivation from the master, and that is enough."

"The heart of Tao is the path that everyone chooses."

Chengfeng covered his mouth: "Your master won't be able to hear us, right, the peak master has such a high level of cultivation, he should be able to understand the movements of the entire mountain by heart."

She immediately changed her words: "Tongyan Wuji Tongyan Wuji, I was just kidding, you look like an expert, don't care about it like a child."

Chu Jinsui was funny: "It's okay, he doesn't have time to listen to what we are talking about."

Cheng Feng held his chin: "Actually, there is no rush for these, anyway, you haven't formed a pill yet, so it's not too late to think about it then."

"Besides, isn't there a lot of people who spend decades looking for their Dao Xin? What's the rush?"

"By the way." She asked, "Your opponent in the competition was Senior Brother Jiang. Is he very good?"

Chu Jinsui nodded: "Well, very strong."

"But I see that you guys are playing back and forth." Cheng Feng said.

Speaking of this, Chu Jinsui is also very strange: "It's not that we fight back and forth, but he is giving me tricks, otherwise I would have lost."

Chengfeng: "Hey Zhao? Is he so kind? The competition will teach you."

She frowned: "Is this a good show? No, even if it is a good show, we should be more vigilant."

Chu Jinsui was silent for a while, and said: "I thought about it before, and I thought, maybe our thinking has gone into a misunderstanding from the beginning."

"Hmm... Although in the world of comprehension, precognitive dreams are a more serious omen similar to warnings, and they will basically come true, so monks are very taboo."


When she said this, she frowned, as if she was thinking about how to organize her words next.

Cheng Feng was not in a hurry, he held his chin and looked at her.

After thinking about it, Chu Jinsui: "But it may not necessarily develop 100% according to the law in the dream."

"And after I have fully known, I will avoid those things, so we don't have to pay too much attention to it, which will lead to disharmony in the same sect."

"And." She thought of Jiang Yu's kindness during the competition, "We don't have much contact with Brother Jiang, why should we define him first because of a precognitive dream that hasn't happened yet."

"It's also very unfair to him."

"From the current point of view, he seems to be a good man with a cold face and a kind heart."

Chengfeng sighed: "That's what I said, but I'm not afraid of [-], just in case."

"I read this kind of thing a lot in the scriptures." She said, "Even if you stick to your heart now, what will happen in the future?"

"It's not that I don't believe in your concentration, I just don't believe that everything will be so simple."

"Even if you have no problem, but if." She said, "I mean, what if, one day, your memory, your point of view, is tampered with? Have you ever thought about this possibility?"

"Although you have done a good job sticking to your original intention, what if your original intention is directly tampered with?"

Chu Jinsui was stunned: "What does this mean? Desperation?"

Chengfeng shook his head: "No, no, no, these are actually just what I have read in the storybook."

"That is to say, if one day, the Dao of Heaven manipulates you, changes you, and asks you to pave the way for the Chosen One, die in martyrdom, and change the situation where no one ascends."

"If that's the case, what are we going to do?"

Chu Jinsui was speechless.

She never imagined this development.

After a while, she said: "If this is the case, then there really seems to be nothing to do."

Chengfeng frowned: "What are you talking about?"

She patted Chu Jinsui on the back: "Shouldn't you say, 'If this is the case, then I will change the way of heaven and let the way of heaven work for me!' 'I am the chosen one'?"

"Why don't you have any backbone at all."

Chu Jinsui let out a chuckle, and his originally suppressed emotions were relieved a lot: "You are right."

"Cultivation has been against the sky since ancient times."

Her tone was calm but firm: "I want to see if there is any way to make me die willingly."

Chengfeng is satisfied: "That's right."

"Don't worry, even if it's really the worst situation." She thought for a while, "I'll just knock you out, erase your memory, and carry you away, and we'll just find a small sect to practice incognito. "

"I won't let you inexplicably pave the way for irrelevant people to die."

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