The heroine of the abuse text just wants to fly to become a fairy

Chapter 194 Rumors begin with people with dementia

"Sui Sui! You are finally back!" Fang Qingya seemed to have seen his savior, "Chengfeng bullied me because my skills were not as good as hers, and she always made trouble for me, so I just copied two pieces of paper!"

He looked like he was about to cry, but after seeing her clearly, he asked: "What's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

Chengfeng also expressed concern: "Yes, isn't it an invitation from an old friend? Why is your face so ugly?"

Chu Jinsui forced a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that we happened to meet a former disciple of the sect, and we broke up after a disagreement."

Fang Qingya had no doubt that he was there: "Just leave him alone as an unimportant person. Come and help me."

The contents of the book were scrawled across the several pieces of paper in front of him.

Such a thick book makes one's eyes darken.

But Chu Jinsui just needed to do something to calm down, so he found an empty seat and helped them copy the book together.

The three of them were immersed in their desks, copying in a daze with the sound of writing.

On the way, I couldn't sit still due to the wind, and I wished I could smash the painting's earth-forcing curse into pieces.

"We can't finish these tonight!!!" Fang Qingya looked up to the sky and roared.

Chu Jinsui reminded: "The duration of this spell's effect is unlimited, and it will only come out after you have finished copying it."

"Moreover." She told the cruelest news, "You have a rest tomorrow, you still have one day and one night."

"Click!" The pen in Chengfeng's hand snapped.

She slapped the table: "If you continue to oppress me like this, I will rebel!"

Fang Qingya said weakly: "Elders are at the lowest stage of becoming gods."

Chengfeng sat down, changed his pen, and said with an expressionless expression: "Gou Jian can still endure the hardships by sleeping on a salary, but we must endure the humiliation and bear the burden." He leaned at the desk again.

The moon sets and the sun rises.

the following afternoon.

"I really vomited." Chengfeng threw away the pen, "Why are there so many left? I declare that what I hate most in my life is copying books."

Fang Qingya cast a tired look: "You haven't copied too much every year, so who is being punished?"

Chu Jinsui turned his wrist: "It's nothing, I just happen to be familiar with these contents."

She had been emptying her head all day and night, and now when she raised her head from the tree, she felt that her eyes were dazzled. No matter what she looked at, it seemed as if there were names of medicinal materials floating from above.

Chengfeng made a face at him: "Don't copy it for him in Suisui. We will go back to rest after copying it and let him stay here."

Chu Jinsui glanced at the papers and books on the table: "It's probably endless. At most, the three of us can copy half of your second copy."

Chengfeng: "Yeah, copy mine first, I only have a small part left."

Fang Qingya was about to cry but had no tears, and just wanted to speak.

"What are you...?" A clear male voice came from the door, and a moon-white figure stood at the door.Lou Bianyue paused as she looked at the piles of papers on several tables.

The three of them turned their heads together and looked at him.

He walked in: "In a few days, there will be a gathering of heroes. I thought of sending you some elixirs, which may be useful when you go down the mountain. What are you..."

Only then did Chu Jinsui remember that in a few days it would be the day when they would go down the mountain for free training for three years: "Aren't you going to join us?"

Lou Bianyue shook her head: "I have to be late. I have to help Master pick up something from the Medicine Valley."

Fang Qingya interrupted them, as if holding on to a life-saving straw, and said in a weak tone: "Come and copy the book together——"

The ending is plaintive and drags on for a long time.

The sun sets and the moon hangs.

Wait until the fish belly turns white again in the east.

The four of them finally put their pens aside.

Fang Qingya stood up tremblingly, holding on to the table: "Finally finished copying."

Lou Bianyue stood up: "My master has a morning meeting today. I have to go back. You should keep these elixirs and I will look for you when I come back."

"it is good."

He left quickly.

There were only two figures left at the door, with empty steps, pulling together on the petite figure standing in the middle.

"I can't leave with you like this." Chu Jinsui was helpless.

Fang Qingya said weakly: "Take me for a ride, just carry me like before."

Chengfeng agreed: "Yes, you can just throw me on the roof or at the door."

Chu Jinsui: ...

A few days later——

"A demonic cultivator broke into the Sword Sect and even seriously injured an inner disciple and threw him on the roof" spread among the sect.

"Do you know something big happened at the inner gate?"

"what's up?"

"An inner disciple was captured by a demon cultivator!"

"I know I'm an eyewitness! I just finished my sword practice that day when I saw a person flying past the sky, seemingly carrying two corpses, huh? You said he's not dead, oh, that's good, at least he can be saved Take your life..."

"..." (end of this chapter)

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