When they walked out of the gate, people on the road looked at Mr. Li with avoidance and fear.

The three of them watched this scene calmly.

Arrived at the Li Mansion.

While other mansions were particularly festive, only the street where Li's Mansion was located was particularly desolate and silent.

There were children running around holding sugar paintings on the street I passed before, but when I arrived at this street, there was not even a pedestrian on the road.

The white lantern in front of the front gives off a gloomy atmosphere as night approaches, and the ominous senses are amplified to the extreme at this moment.

"Guys, please." Mr. Li looked scared when he arrived at the door of his house.

The group entered through the doorway where wreaths were displayed.

The environment in the mansion was even more deadly, and there were not even a few servants and maids on the road.

The candlelight in the white lantern flickered slightly.

Mr. Li's two sides trembled: "I'm sorry, the servants in the mansion are running away and dying. There aren't many left. The remaining ones don't dare to come out."

"I can't ask them to come out and die, so no one in my house is worth watching at night."

Fang Qingya asked: "Uncle Li, please tell us the details first."

Unexpectedly, the situation turned out to be more difficult than he imagined.

Mr. Li's chubby body shrank down hard, looking a little funny: "It's like this, just four months ago, maids suddenly started to get sick in our house."

"At first, I just thought it was a small cold or something else, so my wife rewarded her with some money, gave her a few days off, and asked her to go see a doctor."

"The results were okay at first, but then for some reason, the maid failed."

"Then starting from that maid, more and more people reported illness in the house. Then I felt something was wrong. I thought there was an epidemic in the house, so I immediately went to invite the most virtuous and respected old doctor here."

"But no matter how much medicine I take, it doesn't work. The doctor also said it doesn't look like illness, but more like..."

He shuddered when he said this, and continued fearfully: "It seems like he is possessed!"

"Then I found someone to exorcise the evil spirits. I didn't know how many Taoist priests I called in that month. No matter they were charlatans or Taoists who were really involved, there was no solution at all."

"What's more, even before I arrived at my house, I was scared away just by standing at the door and looking at the gloomy inside."

Mr. Li continued: "From that time on, people began to die in the house. Whether it was my room or the two rooms of my eldest brother, third brother, and two brothers, many people died."

"And they all seemed to be sick at first, but then they became crazy, screaming about seeing shadows, evil things coming, and so on."

"At that time... I was in the room with candles on at night, and I saw a few shadows floating past the window. I didn't dare to go out and look at them."


"Ah——" Mr. Li screamed.

Chu Jinsui glanced at the roadside: "It's just the wind blowing the branches."

Mr. Li wiped the sweat from his head: "I'm really scared. I beg you. The lives of our whole family are entrusted to you."

Hearing this, Chengfeng interrupted: "No, we can only do our best. If there is nothing we can do, you may have to find someone more powerful."

Fang Qingya asked: "If this is the case, then no one in your house has ever run out?"

Mr. Li: "Yes! Of course I have!"

"Last month, many maids and women sneaked out at night, but those people either died in the middle of the night, and their deaths were extremely miserable."

"It would be useless even if he ran out. He would go crazy and die within two days of being outside."

"I died faster than when I was at the house, so no one dared to run out anymore. They all stayed at the house, hiding in the house every day, just praying that the bad luck would pass quickly."

Fang Qingya touched his chin: "It seems like there is something purposely trapping you all here."

Chengfeng agreed: "It's like being kept in captivity."

Hearing what he said, Mr. Li was even more frightened and almost cried again: "That...that..." Chu Jinsui suddenly stopped in his tracks: "The ghost spirit is too strong..."

Mr. Li was so frightened that he said, "It's really... it's really..."

Fang Qingya and Chengfeng also stopped quickly.

Only then did they realize that they were almost reaching the backyard.

It was different from the rows of dark and gloomy houses in front of Master Li.

What appeared in the eyes of Chu Jinsui, Chengfeng and Fang Qingya was thick black mist, and the strange and cold aura made everyone feel chilly.

Fang Qingya had no expression on his face and was already retreating in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to say he was afraid, so he had to wink at Chengfeng.

He had an ominous premonition, feeling that this place was not something they could handle, and forcing him to stay might bring disaster to him, so he might as well report it directly to the more powerful senior brothers and sisters in the sect.

This kind of premonition always kept him away from danger in the past, and this time should be no exception.

Although Chengfeng gave him a lot of face, he completely misunderstood what he meant. He thought he wanted to show off, so he didn't say he was afraid. Instead, he asked: "I think it's not very simple here. Mr. Li, are you hiding something?"

After speaking, he cast a look at Fang Qingya asking for credit: That's right, you got the point.

Chu Jinsui also nodded: "There seems to be something...thing inside."

After hearing this, Fang Qingya's eyes darkened.

Mr. Li only thought that they could see things that ordinary people could not see: "No more! I have told you everything I know! I have told you everything about my family in the past four months, how could I dare to hide it!"

Chengfeng frowned: "Everything happens for a reason. You must have done something to get entangled..."

A dark shadow flashed past the bushes in the corner of her eye.

The conversation came to an abrupt end.

Everyone present saw it very clearly.

Mr. Li was so frightened that his legs weakened again: "Don't look for me, don't look for me, let me go, let me go..."

There was a rustling sound in the leaves.


Chengfeng swept over with a sword energy.

Mr. Li sat down on the ground.

"It's a snake." Chengfeng said.

A small snake with black background and red scales was swept to the tree by her sword energy and fell down with a splat.

Mr. Li got up quickly again. He had never seen a method where the strong wind turned into a blade when he raised his hand.

He immediately approached the three of them, as if he suddenly saw hope: "It's amazing! You guys are really experts!"

Chengfeng hated these slippery molluscs the most: "I can't do it anymore."

Fang Qingya's unknown feeling reached its peak at this time.

He immediately said to Mr. Li: "It seems that we can't help you here. When I go back and inform the sect, the sect will send more qualified and capable disciples."

Mr. Li wanted to grab their legs at this moment: "But we're afraid we won't be able to wait until then!"

“We don’t know how many days we have left to live!”

Fang Qingya was firmly held by him: "But we..."

"Sui Sui, what's wrong?" Chengfeng asked when he saw Chu Jinsui looking towards the tree.

"That snake..." Chu Jinsui said, "I've seen it before."

"In a secret place, there are many, thousands of snakes."

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