Chapter 22

Chu Jinsui performed a cleansing formula, cleaned up the blood on his body, changed clothes at random, and threw himself on the bed, not even bothering to deal with the wound.

Very dizzy.

The whole person was dizzy.

Consciousness unknowingly sank into the endless darkness and gradually sank.

It's a dream—

The main hall of Wanlezong is always in early winter in four seasons. It is rare that there is heavy snow on the top of the mountain. When she looked down the mountain, it was already a vast expanse of whiteness.

The seasonal climate of the main hall was all fixed by Ji Hengzhou in early winter, but he didn't seem to like this season, at least Chu Jinsui felt so.

But Ji Hengzhou perfunctory her every time, saying that this kind of cold air is most suitable for warming and nourishing ice springs.

He always asked her to stay in the ice spring on the top of the mountain to practice, saying that it could temper her will.

In fact, every time Chu Jinsui set up the formation secretly, sitting in the center of the formation would warm him up. If Ji Hengzhou came to check, Xiao Hei would find out and tell her, and she would remove the formation immediately.

Xiao Hei is a black python, her pet, unilateral.

Ji Hengzhou said it was a Jiaolong, but Chu Jinsui touched its big head with no horns, so she always firmly believed that it was a python.

So Xiao Hei annoys her very much, and most of the time he doesn't want to talk to her.

Only when she was practicing the formation, Xiao Hei was willing to lean over and nestle with her in the warm formation.

"It's snowing heavily, what is Master doing?"

Little Black didn't lift her eyelids, and no one answered her.

Chu Jinsui got up from the ice spring, ran to the edge of the cliff, and saw a white figure walking up the mountain in the ice and snow.

She withdrew immediately.

Ji Hengzhou didn't look like a cultivator at all. Others would fly up the mountain, but he was the only one who would come up step by step. He always used his spiritual power when he could use it.

She squeezed a few snowballs the size of a fist, and threw them at Ji Hengzhou when he was about to walk up.

He didn't hide, let Xueqiu be thrown on his shoulder, and when he raised his head, he smiled helplessly and waved to her: "Come down, Ah Ci."

Chu Jinsui's eyes were crooked, and he knew that this meant that he didn't have to stay on the top of the mountain to practice today.

She jumped up, jumped from above, and landed firmly in front of Ji Hengzhou: "What are we going to learn today?"

When not practicing, Ji Hengzhou would teach her many things, calligraphy, tea making, painting, spells, and some simple formations.

Sometimes she would tell her stories, folk tales that she had never heard.

Ji Hengzhou patted the snow on the little girl's head, and held her hand: "You can read miscellaneous books by yourself, and there will be a gift for you later."

Chu Jinsui's curiosity was aroused, and every time Ji Hengzhou wanted to give her something, he gave it to her directly. He said a gift, it must be a good thing.

It is better than shiny stones and beautiful glazed cups.

She tugged at Ji Hengzhou: "I also have a little secret to tell Master!"

Ji Hengzhou bent down and listened to her "little secret" very seriously.

She pulled out her hand, hugged Ji Hengzhou's neck, and climbed onto his back - this little trick has always been tried and tested.

At the age of 15 and being naughty, Ji Hengzhou was also willing to pamper her, so he walked down the mountain with her on his back.

She lay on his back, reaching out her hands all the way to catch the snowflakes falling on the road, and then pressed her icy little hands to his face.

"Master, when will I stop practicing on the top of the mountain?" She didn't want to spend most of the time meditating alone on the top of the cold mountain.

Ji Hengzhou's voice was gentle: "When will you be able to beat me?"

When she heard this, she pouted: "It will take a long time, I am practicing, and Master is also practicing, how can I catch up."

Doesn't this just make her stay on the top of the mountain all the time?

Ji Hengzhou just slightly raised the corners of his mouth: "A Ci wants to go down the mountain?"

"Think about it." She didn't think about it.

"Do you want to leave Wanlezong and play in the outside world?" he asked.

"Hmm... No, I want to stay in Wanle Sect with Master forever."

A soft laugh came from Ji Hengzhou's chest: "Silly girl."

Chu Jinsui continued to ask: "Then can I go down the mountain earlier, can I practice in the main hall?"

"Okay, when you can beat me, you can go down the mountain."

Angrily, she stuffed the snowflakes she had received along the way into Ji Hengzhou's collar, and a handful of cold snow melted along his collar.

He tilted his head: "If you make trouble again, I will throw you down."

"Master will not leave me behind."

After descending the mountain, the top of the main hall was already covered with a thick layer of snow.

At the corner of the corridor, the lake was also covered with ice.

There is a charcoal fire burning in the small fireplace in the study, and there is a cup of hot tea.

If she hadn't read it before, the book was still opened on the low couch beside her.

Ji Hengzhou leaned against the coffee table, twisting a pile of red silk on top.

Chu Jinsui leaned over with the book in his hand: "What is this, is it for me?"

Many of her objects are made by Ji Hengzhou himself, such as wooden dolls, bamboo gadgets, and straw dragonflies.

"Yes." Ji Hengzhou weaved several red silks together, "It will be fine later."

She threw the script aside and sat opposite Ji Hengzhou, holding her chin: "This red string looks so ordinary."

Although the red silk is full of spiritual power, it doesn't look very beautiful.

Ji Hengzhou saw through what she was thinking at once, raised his hand, and a pile of delicate golden Lings appeared on the table.

He carefully weaved Jin Ling together on the red rope.

Chu Jinsui just got a little interested: "This bell is so beautiful."

She picked up a small bell and stroked the pattern on the bell with her fingertips.

She didn't want to read the script either, so she just concentrated on looking forward to the bell in Ji Hengzhou's hand.

Seven bells were woven on a red rope, made into a bracelet and worn on her thin white wrist.

She stretched out her arms and shook her hand, and the bell made a crisp sound.

"Pour spiritual power into it." Ji Hengzhou taught her, "It can be stretched according to your thoughts, and it can be as long as you want."

She followed suit one by one, and at the same time as the red thread lengthened, the bell also appeared.

"This silk thread is sharper than a sword, and a bell is the best musical instrument." He looked at Chu Jinsui with a happy face, and said, "You think other musical instruments are difficult to learn, this is the simplest."

"Thank you, Master!" She put away the bell and wrapped it around her wrist again.

Ji Hengzhou picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of the tea: "It will be your magic weapon from now on, give it a name."

"I can't think of it, Master will take it for me." She leaned in front of him, "This is what Master made up for me, it should be Master who chose the name."

Ji Hengzhou glanced at the bright red silk thread on her wrist: "Let's call it Qianqianjie."

"Qianqianjie?" Chu Jinsui touched the bell and smiled brightly, "Good name!"

(End of this chapter)

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