Chu Jinsui walked lightly and walked to the door, Ji Hengzhou pulled her into the temple.

There are no candles in the temple, and the statue above is covered with a red cloth.

"What are you doing here?" There was a bit of blame in his tone, "It's very unsafe here."

He closed the door lightly, and looked at her by the moonlight: "Don't run around outside at night."

The appearance of an elder preaching to a younger generation made Chu Jinsui suddenly feel that what he was facing was her master Ji Hengzhou, not the boy in front of him.


Chu Jinsui gave him a strange look.

He was the one running on the street, and he was also the weaker one, so why did he teach himself a lesson instead.

She was just about to speak.

"Hush." ​​Ji Hengzhou signaled her to be quiet.

Why is there a double standard? He doesn't let others speak when he speaks for himself.

He pointed to the wall on the left.

Listening intently, there was a slight conversation over there.

He waved his hand and signaled to go with him.

Chu Jinsui followed him to the wall on the left, only to find that there was another door here.

He pushed open the door, and there were piles of dusty incense candles and red cloth inside, which seemed to be a place to store items.

In the innermost part of this warehouse, there is a small wooden window.

Ji Hengzhou pulled her to squat beside the window, and pointed to the window.

She saw a small hole poked in the window paper, and she could actually see the temple next door through the hole.

About a dozen or twenty people gathered in the temple, sitting in a circle and discussing.

The statue in the temple over there was not covered with a red cloth, and Chu Jinsui saw the statue of the girl at a glance—the girl with folded hands was weeping bitterly, her delicate face distorted by pain.

Such a strange statue is actually the idol worshiped by everyone.

There are fruits and pastries placed under the idol, and the candle looks like it has just been replaced, and it has only burned a little.

Chu Jinsui frowned, and looked down at the group of people sitting around.

These people seemed to be from the town, some of whom she had seen on the street during the day.

But obviously, these guys are not the people she saw during the day, they are creatures that only belong to the night.

As they got closer, the voice of communication over there became clearer——

"This year's situation is very bad!"

"Yeah, what can I do, I'm really worried."

"Or, if it doesn't work, let's use that method?"


"Why can't it work? Why should I listen to you?"

They talked as if they were about to quarrel.

There were also those who stood up emotionally and wanted to hit the person who refuted just now, and a few people next to him immediately stood up to fight.

Pulling and tugging, their sleeves were rolled up.

Chu Jinsui saw large irregular dark marks on the exposed arms of several of them.

Not like a birthmark.

She squinted, and the marks... looked more like being poisoned.

She saw that the marks on several people had begun to rot.

It's just that she doesn't know much about poison, and Ji Hengzhou hasn't taught her much, so she can't see what kind of poison these guys are poisoned.

"Okay, stop arguing!" In the temple next to the wall, the old man sitting in the upper seat scolded.

The rest fell silent.

Although there was dissatisfaction on the face, they all kept their mouths shut, waiting for the old man's next words.

"No matter what the noise is, it's a grasshopper on a rope. It's still noisy at this time."

The old man glanced around the crowd: "That's it, this year we will sacrifice with living people!"

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