Chapter 7
The dressing room is larger than expected, and there is even a small coffee table with a pot of tea.

Chu Jinsui changed his clothes and opened the curtain.

The maid outside the door was stunned for a moment: "Girl, there is a matching hairpin in the item just now, why don't I put it on for you."

The maid's hands were very dexterous, and she tied her long hair that was simply tied up in a bun, and the rest of the hair hung down to her waist smoothly, and then put a ruby ​​gilt hairpin on her head.

"The girl is so pretty." The maid held the mirror in front of her.

Chu Jinsui touched the little pearl hanging from his ear.

When she got outside, she saw that Yue Yue had changed into a blue skirt with narrow sleeves, holding a long sword, and standing by the counter, she looked even taller, like a green bamboo.

"Ah Yue, I'm fine." Chu Jinsui pursed his lips and smiled.

Yue Bian's eyes froze for a moment.

Chu Jinsui tilted his head in confusion: "What's wrong? Isn't it good-looking?"

"No, it's pretty." Lou Bianyue handed her the clothes and jewelry packed on the table.

She actually looks better in red than plain white.

Others wearing such a bright red dress will not be able to suppress the color, but her eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and her complexion is fair, which complements her snow-skinned appearance.

Her clear eyes are like ice springs, and she always looks a little cold when she is not smiling, so this enchanting red dress that is easy to wear is suppressed on her, without the slightest frivolity.

Compared with too light white, she is more suitable for such a strong red.

Make her appear more angry.

The lady proprietress also echoed, "Yes, I've been running a shop here for so many years, and I haven't seen anyone prettier than a girl."

Chu Jinsui saw a small pile of silver on the counter, and he was really sweet about taking money.

out of the shop.

She stuffed a few spirit stones into Yue's hand beside the building again: "You spent a lot of money just now."

On the other side of the building, Yue was holding the high-grade spirit stones in her hands with a lot of spiritual power. Where did she get so many high-grade spirit stones: "No, it didn't cost much money. Take it back."

Chu Jinsui bent his eyes: "There is no reason to take back what is sent out."

"If you want to return it to me, then I will return everything to you."

Hearing this, Lou Bianyue had no choice but to give up: "We're at Jubao Pavilion."

Before entering the door, she reminded again worriedly: "You have given me enough spirit stones, don't give them to me anymore, keep them well, there will be plenty of places to use them in the future."

"Know it."

Walking into the Jubao Pavilion, only to find that there is a universe inside.

It looks like an ordinary storefront from the outside, but after entering, I found that the place here is very spacious.

Chu Jinsui looked around, he should have formed an inch-shrinking array, and the space inside was enlarged several times invisible.

A variety of instruments and elixirs are displayed on the shelves, and the entire Treasure Pavilion is full of aura, so rich and generous.

There are no clerks or shopkeepers in the store.

Lou Bianyue explained softly: "If there is something fancy, just leave the corresponding spirit stone according to the above price."

Jubao Pavilion is very powerful in the Nine Kingdoms, and most of the consignees are anonymous high-ranking monks. No one will think about going against them, so they dare to open a store in this bold way.

Chu Jinsui nodded: "I want to see what good swords there are."

Since you want to be a swordsman, you can't even have weapons.

She followed the moon beside the building to a sword stand, and there were all kinds of long swords on this shelf.

But after a rough scan, there is nothing particularly eye-catching.

Lou Bianyue only bought some pills to heal her wounds.

Chu Jinsui rejected her offer to buy her own elixir, because she blew herself up that the golden elixir had damaged her spiritual veins, and these elixirs had no effect on her.

"Don't you want anything?"

"I haven't seen the sword that fits my eyes yet." As he said that, Chu Jinsui picked up a long sword that was placed on the shelf, and experienced the feeling of holding a sword.

"Hey, I want that sword!" The boy not far away called her, "Give it to me."

Moon beside the building frowned: "First come, first served."

The young man had a clear and handsome face, and was dressed expensively. He looked like a son of a noble family: "Is it enough if I compensate you with a few spirit stones?"

The servant next to him wiped away the non-existent cold sweat: "Young master, the master asked you to buy any sword and send you to Jianzong, but he didn't say that you should grab someone else's!"

The young master's face darkened when he said: "I just want this one, if I can't buy it, I just don't have to go to Jianzong."

"Also, don't you want to say everything outside, don't I want to lose face?"

The servant became even more anxious: "How can this be done, young master, you can't do this!"

"You don't care, anyway, I didn't buy this one today, so I won't go. If you can't buy what you like, it's better not to buy it." The young master immediately began to cheat, "Go, go home!"

"Here." Chu Jinsui handed him the sword, "I'll give it to you."

The young master's expression froze instantly: "You just gave it to me like this? Don't you think I hurt your backbone? Don't you scold me? Don't you fight me and beat me away?"

The servant hurriedly took the sword, and immediately relaxed: "Young master, since you have bought the sword you like, let's go, the master is still waiting for you to go back and pack your luggage and leave for Jianzong."

The young master stared at the sword with trembling eyes: "Aren't you sword cultivators the most spineless?"

He looked at Chu Jinsui eagerly, as if he really hoped that she could snatch the sword back and beat him up, preferably the kind of beating that wouldn't get out of bed for ten days and a half months!
However, Chu Jinsui just looked back innocently: "I'm not a sword cultivator, I just took a casual look."

"Young master, let's go!" Don't be ashamed, the servant was about to cry, he grabbed the boy's arm, and pulled away the boy who looked loveless.

Chu Jinsui withdrew his gaze, what a strange person.

Turning around, she caught a glimpse of a guqin on a shelf beside her out of the corner of her eye, and she walked to the shelf like a ghost.

This guqin looks very tight.

In fact, she doesn't have any particularly good musical instruments.

Knowing everything, not being good at everything, Ji Hengzhou said so.

Qianqianjie was also given to her by Ji Hengzhou at the beginning, because she was not good at temperament.

The bell does not require skillful manipulation at all, and it can make a sound with a light touch.

If you have to talk about a musical instrument that you can get your hands on, the Guqin is probably the only one.

She plucked the strings lightly with her fingers, and a crisp sound came from under her hand.

Good violin!

Lou Bianyue glanced at her, and put a high-grade spirit stone on the shelf next to the guqin: "You haven't learned swordsmanship yet, it's not bad to buy a familiar spirit weapon first, I remember that your spirit weapon has been damaged gone."

Chu Jinsui picked up Guqin: "That's right, so I thought about buying a spiritual weapon and using it for now."

At that time, I will find a way to repair Qianqianjie.

"Huh?" Her footsteps paused, "The scene in this painting looks familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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