Chapter 291 Chapter 291 Too Many Ideas
Li Changhui didn't intend to hit Lin He, although he knew that this was definitely not a simple short-term period.

As far as he knows, it takes more than nine months for a cow to go from mating to giving birth, and then it takes another two years for the calf to go into heat and mating, and it takes about three and a half to four years for the calf to be born again.

And if Lin He wants a herd of cattle...

This matter is difficult, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible except for a longer time.

Lin He talked blabberingly for a long time, but Li Changhui didn't get a response for a long time, so he tugged on his sleeve.

"Brother Hui, what do you think of what I said?"

Of course Li Changhu was listening and pondering carefully. Hearing the words, he said: "Cows are not as good as bulls, especially when they are pregnant and giving birth, their strength and labor force will decrease."

"So in most cases, there are more bulls, but the bulls are irritable, and many people are more docile when working for the cows, and they will directly castrate the calves when they are young, so the reproduction of the cows will naturally be slower .”

Hearing what he said, Lin He's eyes lit up: "Brother Hui, what do you mean, we just need to buy more cows?"

"Well, it will take a long time to achieve what you said about the herd of cows. After all, cows are slow to conceive and grow up."

"It's all right, all we need is time, just take your time, I'm not in a hurry."

Hearing what she said, Li Changhui was surprised: "Didn't you still talk about raising sheep before? Why did you think about raising cattle again?"

This idea, one day, no, it changed several times in a while, and the change was too fast.

Lin He smiled awkwardly, and she also realized that this thought of hers was a one-off, and it was indeed not very good.

But she still explained: "I just want to raise some cows and sheep, and then I can drink goat milk. Drinking more cow milk and goat milk is good for my health. If I have energy, I can raise a pasture by myself."

As Lin He spoke, he began to look at the surrounding mountains. There are quite a few of them. There are several mountains that look big but not high.

Lin He pointed to the two mountains next to each other: "Brother Hui, look, how about those two mountains, can they be bought?"

They just climbed to the top of the mountain at this time and had a panoramic view of the entire farmland of the manor. The two mountains that Lin He mentioned happened to be near their vineyard.

If possible, buy those two mountains directly, and then buy the next piece of wasteland below.

Those two mountains are very big, but they are not particularly high or steep. Even if you don't raise cattle and sheep, you can grow all crops without any problem.

Li Changhui was taken aback: "Such a large area? How many cattle and sheep do you want to raise?"

Of course, the more the better, Lin He thought to himself, but this cannot be said, after all, she does not have the ability to buy so many cattle and sheep.

It's not a matter of money, but of being out of stock, especially cattle, which you may not necessarily be able to buy if you have money.

Lin He feels that the area is indeed not small, but if it can be successful, it will be worth it no matter what.

What's more, what she said was all about wasteland. It's not difficult to buy land. What's difficult is the follow-up development. According to what Lin He said, this is not a small project.

"I also think it's a bit big. At that time, some big trees will be left on the mountain, and then the thorns and weeds will be replaced with pastures that cattle and sheep like. It should be very good."

Suddenly, it occurred to me that I could plant fruit trees, which would lock the water in the soil, and let cattle and sheep be herded below, killing two birds with one stone.

However, I also thought that several different ideas have come up in succession today, so let’s not talk about this for now, just take your time.

Li Changhui was about to say something, but suddenly shut up again, and signaled Lin He to be quiet, and at this time, Lin He also heard a rustling sound.

She didn't even recognize where the sound came from, and then she saw Li Changhui directly draw the bow and shoot the arrow, as if he didn't even aim.

Lin He was shocked.

She knew that Li Changhui was good at hunting, but she had never seen it with her own eyes.

Ashamed to say, when they were in Yonghe Town, they would go to the mountains to live for a day or two every month, and Li Changhui would also hunt, but he always left the cabin and went hunting by himself.

There was a sound of '咻' piercing through the air, followed by a '噗味', the sound of a sharp knife entering his body, Lin He instantly forgot his surprise and became happy instead.


But she still didn't see the prey.

But she saw the direction of the arrow, and pulled Li Changhui to run a few steps in a hurry, only to see a gray rabbit that was shot in the neck and nailed to the root of the tree.

"The weather has become warmer recently, and rabbits have come out to look for food, and there are more pheasants. However, this time is also the breeding season for animals, so we can't hunt often."

Li Changhui strode over and pulled out the arrow. The rabbit was still stuck on it. Just about to start, he hesitated, and said to Lin He: "Xiaohe, turn your head first."

Lin He waved his hand: "Don't worry about me, I've eaten so much, I'm still afraid of this."

Li Changhui had no choice but to hold the arrow with one hand and the rabbit with the other, and pull it out forcefully, a stream of blood spurted out and splashed on the surrounding ground.

Lin He was indeed not afraid. He had seen pigs slaughtered countless times. Who was afraid of this? Li Changhui was unfounded.

Lin He even took the initiative to take the rabbit and weighed it: "It's really heavy, but we forgot to take the back basket. Where do we put this? We can't just carry it like this?"

Li Changhui thought for a while, and said simply: "You wait for me here, I'll go down the mountain, and I'll be back soon."

After speaking, he took the rabbit, put the bow and arrow beside Lin He, and strode down the mountain. As for Lin He's safety, Li Changhui was not worried.

Not to mention that this place is not far above their vineyard, where Lin He is, you can still see people working in the field.

As long as the voices of the people on the mountain are louder, the movement can be heard down the mountain.

Of course, this is not the main reason. Lin He also has his own abilities, which Li Changhui has always known.

Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, it was Lin He's ability that contributed to the complete separation from the Li family, but Lin He didn't tell him, so he didn't ask.

All in all, even if he knew that Lin He would not be in danger, Li Changhui's speed down the mountain was not slow, especially in places covered by trees, he seemed to dodge a few times, and he was already a few meters away without even seeing clearly.

From Lin He's angle, he naturally couldn't see Li Changhui going down the mountain. He could only see him reaching the foot of the mountain, carrying the rabbit to the backyard, and then to the field after a while.

It seemed that he was looking for someone, and when he found it, he was asking about something. It seemed that he hadn't asked clearly, so he asked a few more people to ask carefully.

Lin He was full of question marks, but he waited obediently on the mountain until Li Changhui asked, and then came up the mountain again.

(End of this chapter)

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