Notes of Lanxi Crossing

Chapter 90 Acacia

Although he was a bit puzzled, he didn't ask any questions immediately. His wife spends far more time with the children than he does, and their perspectives are also different. It's normal for his wife to discover something he didn't know.

With the lessons learned from Lanxi, he took the initiative to dig clues into his daughter's life, and asked tentatively:

"Could it be that you are worried about Shu'er's marriage?"

Liu Yunyao looked up at him, satisfied that her husband didn't leave all these things to her, but took the initiative to think about the answer.

"You guessed it is close to the point, but Zhang'er's marriage has not yet been settled, and people outside can't make Shu'er's mind for a while."

"It's not about marriage? Then Shu'er, what else is there to worry about?"

Shu'er is not like Lanxi, who has to chase after her to study, so there is really nothing to worry about.

"You are such a relaxed and unrestrained father. Shu'er doesn't let us worry, but don't you think she is too worry-free?"

Song Qinnian was not stupid, he immediately understood.

"You mean, Shu'er has something on her mind?"

Liu Yunyao nodded: "Exactly!"

After a pause, she continued to say to her husband dumbfounded: "You don't know how much Jiu'er and Xi'er are worried about Shu'er, and Jiu'er told me not to hold Shu'er in his words.

And Xi'er, when she fled to Hanshan Temple last time, she had to drag Shu'er to death, pestered her for a long time, even they couldn't stand it anymore, but you were still motionless like a log. "

"This..." Song Qinnian was wronged, coughed, and looked away erratically.

"Xi'er has a good saying, the reason why Shu'er is cautious in his words and deeds, and follows the rules, is all because of fear.

Shu'er sees things too clearly. There are too few things that a daughter's family can decide in this world. She knows in her heart that she will be more comfortable when she is with us now. She will go out and get married in the future. Much depends on luck. "

Song Qinnian didn't expect Shu'er, who had a calm and elegant face, to think so deeply in private, and his heart was filled with pity for his daughter.

"Shu'er is too sensible to bear all these worries in her heart alone. She is also confused. Even if she gets married in the future, wouldn't she be my daughter, Song Qinnian? Even if I take a step ahead, Zhang Can Er and Jiu Er ignore her?"

Liu Yunyao understood her daughter's thoughts very well, and explained to Song Qinnian for her: "Since you also said that she is sensible, you should know that she absolutely does not want to cause trouble for Zhang'er and the others."

Song Qinnian couldn't refute it. His wife's words were indeed true. If there was a day, unless it was a last resort, with Shu'er's temperament, he would probably only report good news and not bad news.

"The situation is not necessarily that bad. My daughter will live happily with Le Ankang for the rest of her life. Maybe we are just worrying." Song Qinnian comforted his wife.

Liu Yunyao could only nod her head: "I don't ask them how outstanding they will be in the future, as long as they have no illness or disaster in this life, they can get married and start a family, and they will grow old safely, and I will be satisfied."

Speaking of children, Liu Yunyao showed a rare look of fragility, Song Qinnian got up and walked to her side to comfort her.

"I will. Shu'er is worried about the future a lot. I think it's because I, as a father, can't let her rely on her wholeheartedly. If I am high and powerful in the future, who will dare to bully the treasure in my hand?"

Song Qinnian became an official firstly to realize his childhood ambitions, and secondly to give his family a better life, so he would never tolerate others bullying his children.

"Yao'er, I will look for an opportunity to talk to Shu'er, you can relax for now."

With Song Qinnian's guarantee, Liu Yunyao really let go of the worries in her heart these days, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

Liu Yunyao, who put aside a few worries in her heart, simply stayed here to grind ink for her husband. Song Qinnian was naturally happy with this elegant matter of adding fragrance to his red sleeves. For a while, the two of them in the study were in harmony.

Liu Yunyao mentioned the naughtiness of the youngest daughter and youngest son, and also mentioned the thoughtful sensitivity of the eldest daughter, but only forgot the eldest son, Song Lanzhang, who made the couple feel at ease.

Speaking of that day, Lanxi guessed that Song Lanzhang used actions to realize his inner pursuit, and the latter did have some intentions.

After thinking about it, Song Lanzhang also felt that it was not plausible for him to shrink back like this as a man, so since that day, he really went out and came to Ji's house.

Feeling uncomfortable, he chose to come alone, but when Song Lanzhang really stood at the gate of Ji's house, he realized what a stupid thing he had done.

He had neither an invitation nor an invitation, so it would be impolite to come to the door rashly, not to mention, he came here for another girl, how could he tell his host the delusions in his heart, he asked himself that he was not so shameless.

Under the strange eyes of the concierge of Ji's house, Song Lanzhang hides his face and runs away in embarrassment.

It's not right to come directly to the door, and it's even more wrong to follow him. Song Lanzhang struggled to find the right time to meet Ji Mingxin.

Unable to find a solution for the time being, he suffers from the daily suffering, and often walks to the street where Ji's house is located without knowing it.

In the face of feelings, even the eldest son, who was recognized by the Song family as the most stable, became impetuous.

On this day, Lan Xi dressed up as a rich young man and went out wearing a men's suit specially tailored for him.

Baizhi Baixue is already nine years old, and her pierced ears are not easy to cover up, so she still dresses up as a girl. Lan Xi doesn't want to pretend to be a boy, only to be overturned when she finds clues in the maid.

Apart from accessories, Lan Xi only had a small purse hanging on her body, and there was only a small silver bean in it.

She wasn't too careful about her belongings, unlike Bai Zhi and the others, who hid all the purses containing silver in their bosoms, and had to feel whether the things were still there from time to time.

What's more, she is also used to the feeling of being taken care of for all the trivial matters in life, and she has long been completely corroded by this kind of life of slaves.

"Fourth son, where are we going to play today?" Bai Zhi asked beside Lan Xi a little excitedly.

Bai Xue is fine, Bai Zhi, under the leadership of Lan Xi, has basically let herself go in secret, and sometimes even Lan Xi's jaw would drop madly because of her astonishing actions.

"Don't worry about where you go, just pay more attention to yourself, don't pull other girls' pants and rely on me like last time!" Lan Xi said angrily.

After hearing what their young lady said, Bai Zhi and Bai Xue couldn't help laughing.

Last time, they also dressed up as rich sons and went to the street with two pretty little maids. The two little girls who were used to following Lanxi to gain knowledge were no longer so restrained, and they were very curious about everything along the way.

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