Chapter 186 I Need Her Too
After the three members of the Zhou family left the hospital, Zhou's father asked Zhou Tingyang to give him an explanation on the way back. After all, the Zhou family is still in crisis. If they lose their marriage with the Lin family, what will they do in the future?
"I've already found a new partner. She promised me that she will bring funds to the door tomorrow to relieve Zhou's crisis." Zhou Tingyang replied.

"Is it the girl who was with you tonight?" Mother Zhou asked.

"Where did you come from? What kind of family background? Are you looking for another messy woman to add to my troubles? Ye Zhen Zhen's matter has not been resolved yet, and now another woman pops up, you are trying to make it easier for me, right?" Father Zhou said angrily, "When will you be able to act like a man and do something that impresses me? You are either in love or a woman all day long. You can't live without these two things?"

Zhou Tingyang didn't say a word, and let Zhou's father scold him severely.

At this time, Zhou's mother hurriedly defended her son: "Since my son has said that he can solve the company's crisis, you should stop looking for trouble. Ye Zhenzhen made so many jokes, are you still married to make fun of him? I think my son You did the right thing, why can't she be replaced if she can't do it? How about changing to someone who is gentle, sensible and likable?"

"A loving mother who loses her son, you are used to it. Now everyone in Jinchuan knows that they still have a marriage contract. Ye Zhenzhen also raped the Zhou family's grandson in front of so many people. You go out and say You want a new bride? Gossip can tear you apart."

Zhou's mother choked for a moment and was speechless immediately.

Because it's a fact.

"Anyway, I don't think my son is wrong."

Father Zhou took a deep breath to calm down his anger, and finally, looking at Zhou Tingyang, he said, "I will trust you again, if no one comes to solve the Zhou family's fund problem tomorrow, even if you kneel down, you will still ask Ye Zhenzhen to me." return."

Zhou Tingyang still didn't speak, or maybe he was already immune to Zhou's father's mental control numbness.

"It's hard to get rid of Ye Zhen Zhen, don't force your son anymore."

Being able to get away with the Ye family's mother and daughter, Zhou's mother really doesn't want to go back. Those mother and daughter are vulgar and vulgar. Now everyone in Jinchuan knows how vicious they are, and she absolutely doesn't want to let this happen. The woman steps into the door of her Zhou home.

She never felt that her son was at fault, even though the woman had just had a miscarriage after she was pregnant with her grandson.She can also show her disgust unadorned, without even a greeting, just want to get rid of it quickly, let alone care and compensation.

This night was truly the darkest moment for the Ye family mother and daughter.The mother and daughter each have their own pain, and there is really no other way to resolve it except hugging each other and crying bitterly.

One was stabbed all over by the old lady, and the other was bloody by Zhou Tingyang. At this moment, the mother and daughter were full of unwillingness and hatred.

"Mom, although I say this, you will think I have no backbone, but I really have had enough of being bullied and humiliated by others. I want to take refuge in Lin Wanli. I really need her hand to replace me. To take revenge on Zhou Tingyang, I can't bear Zhou Tingyang's retreat, I just want to tear the Zhou family apart."

Ye Weiyin listened to Ye Zhenzhen's words, let her go, pressed her on the hospital bed, and said with her red and swollen eyes: "I also need her, because I want Lin to disappear from this world forever."

After Lin Wanli said that she didn't want Mrs. Lin, the mother and daughter went online to read all the news about the confession banquet.

It turned out that after they left, Lin Wanli and the old lady had another fight.

During this confrontation, they also learned about Lin Xueyi's situation in the Lin family.

It turns out that no matter whether she is by the old lady's side or not, Lin's daughter or not, she is just an accessory of her son, who will be sacrificed, borrowed, humiliated, and ignored at any time.

Thinking of it this way, Ye Weiyin didn't know whether it was worse for herself, or for Lin Xueyi, who had been tortured by the old lady and made things difficult for her pregnancy.

But she can't control Lin Xueyi now, she just wants to take care of herself.

"Abandoned twice, boundless pain and suffering, I will repay her bit by bit during her lifetime."

"And Zhou Tingyang, I won't let that bitch step on you for nothing."

Therefore, now Ye Weiyin urgently needs to know what she should do, and the only person who knows the answer is Lin Wanli.


From the moment she threw out the letter, Lin Wanli knew that in the end, the mother and daughter of the Ye family would agree with her.Therefore, she was not surprised at all when she received a call from Ye Weiyin, and she no longer had the deliberate mocking and targeting gesture in the past, and just asked, "Got it now?"

"What should I do?" Ye Weiyin asked on the phone.

"Let's deal with Ye Zhenzhen first." Lin Wanli said.

Ye Weiyin was shocked, she really knew everything.

"Those bastards from the Zhou family came just now. During today's dinner, Zhou Tingyang cheated outside, and even said in front of our faces that he wanted to marry that woman." Ye Weiyin added.

"Let Mrs. Lin speak up and publicly terminate the engagement. You don't need to say a word about the rest." Lin Wanli said, "You tell Ye Zhenzhen that if she wants to achieve her goal, she should control her emotions and not worry about it. Control your desire to express yourself."

"As for the old lady..."


Ye Weiyin's call lasted 10 minutes, which was the longest call between them.However, this also allowed Ye Weiyin to truly see the gap between her and Lin Wanli.

At this time, Ye Weiyin understood that regardless of Xu Menglan's presence or not, she and Ye Zhenzhen could not win, because Lin Wanli relied on controlling the opponent's mental state to deduce the direction and situation of the whole matter.

Rather than saying that Xu Menglan helped her, it would be better to say that because she understood the personalities and psychology of all of them, she took advantage of the situation and turned Xu Menglan into her pawn.

The first thing Lin Wanli asked her to do was to ask Lin to disclose the news of Ye Zhenzhen's termination of engagement.

If they want to go out and sell miserably according to their previous methods, if Zhou Tingyang's affair is made public, the audience will only think that this is a dog-eat-dog show, after all Ye Zhen Zhen caused a miscarriage on her own, and she can't stand her feet.

But to dissolve the engagement in such a straightforward and easy way, it will make the audience look up to Ye Zhenzhen instead.

After picking Ye Zhen Zhen out, this account will be easy to settle.

As for Mrs. Lin, thinking of Lin Wanli's suggestion, Ye Weiyin took out her phone again and called the old lady.

The dinner party has failed and the old lady is sulking in the lounge.

But thinking of Ye Zhen Zhen's condition, she still connected Ye Weiyin's call.

"Mom, I was wrong. I am sorry for causing such great harm to Lin. Tomorrow, I am willing to publicly express my position, take all responsibilities, and restore the negative impact for Lin."

Lin Wanli's original words were: "You have to let her know that you are still valuable..."

(End of this chapter)

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