In the middle of the night, Huo Yu'an saw the lights in Lin Wanli's room, so he knew that she was not asleep, so he knocked on the door and went in, and saw Lin Wanli who was tired but still maintained a high degree of concentration.

"Are you serious about yourself?"

"I'm just thinking, what is the thing that can really comfort those parents." Lin Wanli closed the computer and sighed helplessly, "The children have their hearing taken away, what can we do to calm their inner anger .”

"Aren't you already doing it?" Huo Yu'an said.

Lin Wanli in the hospital was the other side that Huo Yu'an saw after meeting her.She has a softness that she has never seen.What makes her admire Lin Wanli even more is that she uses her own strong tolerance to accommodate everyone's bad temper, whether it is the parents or the children, she has no complaints.

"It's never material things that comfort people." After finishing speaking, Huo Yu'an patted Lin Wanli on the shoulder and said, "Go to bed early, don't be exhausted, and I can't do business with my elder brother."

"Understood." Lin Wanli nodded.

The person who obviously has nothing to do with her and can stay out of it is working hard to make up for the harm Huo Shengyuan caused to the children.But the real culprit didn't think he was at fault, and was still sleeping soundly at home with his wife in his arms.What's the point?
It doesn't make sense, but some consequences will be settled sooner or later.


As Lin Wanli expected, for three days in a row, Huo Shengyuan did not give any positive answer.As long as the parents' representatives urged or asked, they would be prevaricated by the hospital with various reasons, as if the negotiation that day did not exist at all.

During this period, Lin Wanli never told these people about her speculation that day, but just worked in silence. It was the parents who finally understood the meaning and became angry.

Finally, when they talked with the hospital for the last time, they said this sentence: "If Huo's family is not sincere in solving the problem, then we don't have to be polite. We will use the law to protect our rights and interests. Tonight , We gave them the deadline, if Huo Shi still pretends to be deaf and dumb tomorrow, then I'm sorry, we will make things worse."

The hospital broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately contacted Huo Shengyuan's assistant, fearing that something would happen if the delay continued.

Huo Shengyuan is still in a hurry, and plans to tell the parents tomorrow according to Mu Qingya's statement that he has fought for it with tears, but failed to win better benefits. If the parents don't accept it, then continue to drag on to the next step. wheel.

But what Huo Shengyuan didn't know was that Lin Wanli had told the children's parents what they wanted from the very beginning, so maybe he couldn't get what he wanted.


In the middle of the night, the empty corridors of the hospital looked a little desolate.

Lin Wanli had been busy all day and was sitting on a chair to rest. At this time, the strong parent representative walked up to Lin Wanli and asked, "Are we only able to get more than 30 yuan? We Is human health really as cheap as an ant in the eyes of those rich people? You are also rich, don’t you also think that the ears of us people are not worthy of 30 yuan?”

"For ordinary people, 30 yuan sounds like a lot at first glance, but what it buys is a child's life and infinite possibilities!"

Lin Wanli didn't know how to comfort her, and after a long silence, she asked her back: "Will you despise the child because he is deaf?"

"how is this possible?"

"I won't dislike the person I love because of my deafness. I didn't know that he was deaf, and I would hear him accidentally throwing things on the ground to make harsh noises, and I would see others talking about him behind his back. But that How? It didn't stop him from being the best person in the world, and it didn't stop me from loving him, so life is priceless to me."

After the other party listened, he sat down beside Lin Wanli, and his heart seemed to be much calmer.

"Tomorrow, it will be fine, right?"


Even if you don't, someone will get back this beautiful tomorrow for you.


Early the next morning, Mu Qingya and her lawyer team appeared in the conference room of Ruikang Hospital as scheduled, and successfully met with the parents again.But after the meeting, she choked up first, and then said cryingly: "I'm sorry everyone, I really tried my best, but Huo's has indeed recalled all the drugs, and the relevant departments have also explicitly banned the use of this drug. Unexpectedly, these children were still harmed by some ignorant clinics."

"Therefore, Huo's will assist everyone to recover compensation from these clinics, which will definitely give you relief."

Mu Qingya's words have two main meanings. First, the main responsibility lies not with the Huo family, but with the drug abuse clinic.Second, there will be no more compensation, which is a fixed amount of 30 yuan.

"Having said so much, I just don't mention that Huo's compensation to us is too little." The parent representative said, "You Huo's, it's obvious that you want to bully us ordinary people, don't you?"

"This parent, I understand your anger, but I have really tried, you have to believe me, I am on the same side as you."

"Since this is the case, then we don't need to adjust it. The amount given by the Huo family is not as good as I can pay directly through legal procedures. Let's call the police." The parent representative directly took out the phone.

At this time, a trace of panic flashed in Mu Qingya's eyes, because she didn't expect that these people would be so ignorant, they were worth 30 yuan, and they wanted to blackmail them. Bewitched, he insisted on going his own way and wanted to call the police.

"If you don't have the attitude of admitting your mistakes, and you can't show the sincerity of compensation, your Huo Corporation should go bankrupt."

Just when the parent called the police, Mu Qingya hurried forward, pressed the parent's cell phone, and said: "There is something to discuss, and there is something to discuss, otherwise, I will work harder?"

"Then you should talk to your responsible person on the phone in front of us now." The parent demanded, "If you can't do this, I will call the police immediately."

The incident happened suddenly, and Mu Qingya hadn't communicated with Huo Shengyuan, and she had no one to turn to for help, so she was extremely troubled.

"Fight or not?"

"Hit!" Mu Qingya had no choice but to call Huo Chengyuan's cell phone. However, before she could speak, the parent representative took the cell phone over, pressed the speakerphone, and put it on the table.Moreover, the parents signaled that everyone should keep quiet.

"What's wrong? The negotiation is not going well? Those people still think that 30 is not enough?"

"Chengyuan..." Mu Qingya wanted to remind Huo Shengyuan to choose her words carefully, but the parents stopped Mu Qingya from speaking.

"Then continue to consume it, and see who can consume more energy than whom."

When everyone heard this, they were so angry that they couldn't help themselves.So, everyone pushed Mu Qingya aside, and said angrily: "It's too deceitful!"

"I've already recorded this episode, we'll go directly to the Huo family, I want to see how big the Huo family really is."

"This kind of company, this kind of boss, will be punished by God sooner or later!"

"And this woman, who has been acting like this, do you think we will believe you when you shed a few fake tears? You are also a scum!" After speaking, everyone became excited and kept pushing and shoving.

At this time, Lin Wanli entered the meeting room, blocked Mu Qingya and the others, and separated them.

Mu Qingya slumped down on the chair in embarrassment, took a look, and then called out: "Sister-in-law."

When everyone heard this sentence, sister-in-law, they immediately looked at Lin Wanli with hatred.

"So you lied to us too! We really believed the wrong person blindly!"

"The reason why I stopped you is because she is a pregnant woman. You don't want to bear the debt of life?" Lin Wanli said to the crowd, "I know you are angry, but don't do stupid things."

"What about you? These days, you have spent your heart and soul with us, but you are actually playing with us."

"Whether I played with you or not, you can feel it in your heart."

Seeing the infighting between the two sides, Mu Qingya laughed, and said to Lin Wanli: "Sister-in-law, you came here for this under the guise of going to Lutai for a short stay? It's a pity, they don't appreciate it. As long as you are the Huo family, as long as you have money, you are guilty, hahaha..."

"You don't need to worry about my affairs, you should think about it carefully, how to explain to your father."

Everyone left the conference room angrily, and Lin Wanli followed suit. However, when she returned to the door of the pediatric ward, she saw that the doors of every ward were closed.

Lin Wanli didn't say much, just sat down on the chair.Not long after, the parents discussed the countermeasures and came out of the ward again. However, they turned a blind eye to Lin Wanli, as if their friendship had vanished in the past few days.

"I'm doing what's best for you guys, don't do anything stupid."

"We don't believe you anymore." The parents said, "Only by making things big, we weak people have the right to cry. Get out, we don't want to see you again, and you make us sick!"

After speaking, the parents left in a hurry.

Lin Wanli was not hurt by these words, because she knew that these innocent and weak parents were just mad with anger.

Afterwards, these parents went to reporters to expose the tragic side of Ruikang Pediatrics to the public, and spread Huo Shengyuan's arrogance and cold-bloodedness everywhere.

The recall of Tongqu Xingsu by Huo's Pharmaceuticals had been in the news before, but I didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.And Huo Shengyuan, the noble and wise heir-to-be of the Huo family in the eyes of everyone, can actually say such shameless words to continue spending time with the victim, which is simply shocking!

It's so vicious!How arrogant!Treat the victim as a money-making beast, but you are an immoral beast!How can such a person be qualified as the person in charge of a pharmaceutical company?

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