Chapter 7 Don't Stimulate Her Like This

"I see." Lin Wanli returned, and then, she wanted to send a message to Huo Yixiao, but when she opened the dialog box, she didn't know what to say.

Two years ago, Huo Yixiao brought her to France, allowing her to give birth to Yoyo in the best environment, but he never participated in their mother and daughter's life.Although the two are husband and wife, the number of times they meet is very small.

But he will meet with Yoyo at a fixed time every week. Although he doesn't do much, it's better than doing nothing.

Early the next morning, Lin Wanli had breakfast at Lin's house, and then asked Lin's mother for the car keys.

Since she had already reported it yesterday, Mother Lin didn't ask any more questions, but was worried that she would disappear again: "A Li, will you come back?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm going back to Jinchuan this time, not just to go home, but also to work." Lin Wanli hugged Lin's mother tightly.

"About your being hurt two years ago..." Mother Lin wanted to make an appointment with Lin Wanli to come back and chat, but was interrupted by Father Lin.

"Since you've come back, stay with your mother more at home. Don't be spoiled and self-willed like before, making trouble for the family. Look at how you have tortured your mother!" Father Lin told Lin Wanli with a newspaper , "Also, grandma, don't you go to say hello?"

"Grandma's birthday is about to come. I want to go again in a few days so as not to upset her." Lin Wanli said with a good temper.

"A Li, since you have already returned home, you should learn from Zhenzhen. You should be sensible. Zhenzhen is already the director. You can't let us worry about you doing nothing all the time!"

Perhaps it was because Lin Wanli's return made Lin's father feel that he had disturbed the situation, so he didn't know that his words were thorny for a person who had returned from a calamity.

Lin's mother was afraid that Lin Wanli would be provoked and play his temper, so she tried to smooth things over, but Lin Wanli patted her hand to comfort her: "Mom, I'm fine, Dad is right, it was all my fault before."

After finishing speaking, Lin Wanli took away the car keys, but behind her was Mother Lin's trembling voice: "Ah Li just came back, don't provoke her like this."

"Running around just after returning home, what does it look like?"

Ye Zhenzhen, district director, he has to show off like this.

What about her job exposure?

However, don't worry, let him be proud for a few more days.


After mocking her in her heart, Lin Wanli did not stay any longer, but drove to the manor. However, halfway along the road, she found a white car following her.So, she hooked her lips, ignored the stupid stalking, and called Frank's doctor, asking him to meet him at the door.

Half an hour later, she parked at the gate of the manor, and the tall and mighty personal doctor greeted her, and gave her a hug and a kiss on the back of the hand, and the two entered the gate of the manor together.And all of this was captured on video.

After 10 minutes, Ye Zhen Zhen got the video.Thinking that Lin Wanli's relationship between men and women was really chaotic, she said, if she was drugged, she could still meet a kind person to take her to the hospital?I'm afraid it has long been a pillow for thousands of people with jade arms, and the body and mind are extremely dirty.

She originally wanted to contact the media to expose it, but after struggling for a while, she still felt that it would be more useful to hand over the video to Father Lin, because she couldn't let Lin Wanli damage Lin's reputation, and it would be their Ye family's mother and daughter in the future. world.

However, she can make Lin's father and Lin Wanli's father and daughter more alienated.

Sure enough, after receiving the video, Lin's father patted the table, and then called Lin's mother: "Let Ah Li go home immediately! I have something to ask her!"

Mother Lin's heart also trembled: "Huaijing, can't you be closer to your daughter?"

"If you don't want Ah Li to go the wrong way, tell her to go home!"

Hearing the word "wrong way", Lin's mother calmed down and called Lin Wanli: "A Li, your father asked you to go home. It seems that there is something urgent."

"Okay Mom, I'll be right back."

Can't hold back anymore?
(End of this chapter)

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