Chapter 296
The passenger ship heading to Olavi Island slowly left the dock in Nas. Mateo stood on the side of the ship and looked at Nas with an expression full of reminiscence.

"What are you thinking about?" The green-eyed lady walked up to him, "I asked for someone else. She said you looked a little reluctant to leave."

Mateo was stunned for a moment before realizing that the parasitized person still had self-awareness, which was different from the previous one: "Did Esther say that? It's not that I was reluctant to give up, it's just that I suddenly realized that she needed to I’ve done what I’ve done.”

Banabei tilted his head and suddenly laughed after a few seconds: "Ha, she just realized this, so stupid. She said that if you want to leave, you can leave at any time, and she will tell you how to summon the messenger. You know how to perform ritual magic, right?”

Mateo nodded: "Let me think about it again. It doesn't matter to me whether I go to Olawi or Byam."

Vika stared at Banabei's expression for a long time and suddenly asked: "Have I seen the tone of your voice and this exaggerated smile somewhere before?"

"That's right, I only introduced myself to her at that time. I am Banabei, a genius gambler passing by. Whether you are happy or not, I am very happy to meet you." Banabei held up the dimples on his face. The female face cast a wink at the two of them.

Vika's expression turned ugly for a moment, and she quickly took a few steps back to the side, pressing her back tightly against the fence.

He stared at Barnabas in confusion: "Aren't you a man!?"

Vika's worldview has been challenged one after another in the past two days, and her gender recognition is already in danger.First it was Mateo, and now it was the man who was betting against others at the card table with a cigarette in his mouth!

I don’t know why Banabei was silent for several seconds, Vika stared at him nervously, and then Banabei suddenly laughed out loud:

"Hahaha, so that's it... Are you planning to cultivate your own extraordinary? Don't worry, Mr. Vika, this is just an unsurprising part of the extraordinary world. People have become 'monsters', so why do you care about men and women?"

Then Banabei tapped his temple: "Then tell me, this lady is in my head now. If I still maintain a male posture, wouldn't I be wronging her?"

Mateo also gradually showed the same subtle expression as Vika: "So you took the initiative to change into a female appearance?"

"Yes, I want to go to the restaurant of this ship." Barnabas waved to the two of them, "Are you coming? Esther is treating me."

Esther, who was lazily enjoying the "passenger service" because she was parasitic on Barnabas, suddenly reacted: "Wait a minute, I said I'll help you pay the bill, but that only counts your normal expenses!"

Barnabas retorted to her in a very pleasant voice: "This is my normal expense."

Vika and Mateo looked at each other and followed.


At dusk, the passenger ship docks at the port of Olavi Island.

Esther was regretting it, very much.

She felt that Banabei was maliciously retaliating for her parasitic behavior, and she should not have agreed to this shameless bastard to help pay the bill.

He really spent money like water. All the meals and wines were specially ordered for the most expensive ones. The waiter smiled happily. Vika and Mateo took advantage, but Esther gritted her teeth.

If Barnabas hadn't gone to the card table to join in the fun, won several gold pounds and came back to calm the "parasite"'s anger, Esther's resentment towards him might have turned into reality and turned into some concrete actions. .

Barnabei restrained his arrogant words and deeds, and cleverly used his current female appearance to make the other people at the poker table feel unlucky and did not have any disputes over losing money.

But Esther still felt very irritated, and she complained loudly in Barnabas' head:

"Believe me, if the God of Luck knew what you were like, he would spit on you just as viciously!"

Banabei picked his ears twice: "Really? Then I'll just change her name. What do you think of the goddess of good luck?"

"I bother!"

Following the flow of people on the deck, Barnabas, Vika and Mateo walked onto the pier.

But they didn't move forward for long before they were stopped by someone. The tall man's back was slightly bent and he seemed unable to straighten up completely.

His appearance is very strange, his eyes, ears, nostrils, and even the corners of his mouth are not symmetrical.The arms are thicker and thinner, the legs are long and short, these very unnatural abnormalities are reflected in the man's body, making him look quite weird.

Before Barnabas spoke, Esther took over his mouth, lest Esther would control Barnabas' arm and punch him as soon as the man spoke.

Esther asked the man opposite her in a friendly manner: "What can I do for you?"

"I was asked to welcome you here, saying there is a distinguished guest."

"Welcome, me?" This was what Banabei said, and he raised his left hand and pointed at his face.

The man looked at Banabei hesitantly for a moment: "If you are willing, follow me. You can call me Kano."

Vika and Mateo looked at each other without saying a word. Compared to the extraordinary person who made both of them wary, they felt that the other person was more trustworthy.

It’s just that Esther is still parasitic on Banabei... Banabei subconsciously wanted to reject it. Although his spiritual intuition did not indicate any danger, since meeting Esther, he realized that his premonition had changed. He is less reliable and becomes more suspicious of things around him.

However, Esther directly seized his "right to speak" and replied to Kano: "Okay, you can lead the way."

Kano bowed to several people respectfully, and then led the three of them into an alley at the edge of the dock area.

"Is this okay?" Vika approached Banabei and asked in a low voice.

The corners of Banabei's mouth were raised high, but when he was about to answer the question, Vika glanced at him: "I didn't ask you, I asked Esther."

Banabei clicked his tongue in disgust, and after two seconds of silence, he answered Vika: "It doesn't matter, she said so."

Mateo interjected questioningly: "She must have said more than that, right?"

"Yes, she said she had a strange premonition, but I can't explain this kind of thing to you both, which can only be understood by yourself." Barnabas patted his head hard twice, as if to try to It was as if Stern had thrown it out directly.

Cano led a few people through several winding paths and went around the alley behind St. Draco's Church. There was a house nearby with a gray-white exterior wall.

Cano pulled the doorbell twice and waited three seconds before pulling the doorbell a third time.

The door was opened, and an old man with snow-white hair appeared behind the door. He didn't have many wrinkles on his face. He was wearing a smart black short coat and held a black wood cane with silver edges in his palm.

There was a pair of black eyepatch on the old man's face, which tightly covered his eyes: "Ah, it's you... This is much later than the president reminded me. I thought you wouldn't visit."

Barnabas' spiritual intuition gave an extra warning. He was alert and glanced back at Vika and Mateo, who were unaware.

Just when Barnabas wanted to answer the old man's words, he heard Esther's voice: "Take off your red cloak."

Barnabas obediently untied his red cloak and threw it aside casually. A ball of light escaped from his head. Barnabas clearly felt that his spiritual intuition was suddenly enlightened, and then he issued an even more uneasy warning.

Barnabas turned his head and met Esther's murderous eyes. She spread her hands under her cloak and said to him solemnly: "Give me the satchel."

Barnabas handed over the satchel without saying a word, pursed his lips tightly the whole time, not daring to add fuel to Esther's obvious anger.

She still looked angry. Didn't she just spend more of her money?Why are you so stingy? I also won some of it back.

Banabei muttered something depressingly in his heart, but his face was completely blank with the precise control of the "Joker", showing no expression at all.

Esther then turned to the old man, her expression instantly became calm, and she bowed respectfully.

Out of respect for this gentleman's age and the goodwill shown by the forces behind him, Esther did not act too casually even if she realized that the other person was an Extraordinary of the "monster" path.

The old man returned the gift, then turned sideways to get out of the way into the house: "No need to give so many gifts. It's my honor to entertain you. Please come upstairs with me. But it's only for you. Your friends may have to Waiting in the living room."

After saying that, he nodded to Kano: "Please take them to the living room for a while."

Esther stepped directly into the house and walked towards the stairs diagonally opposite the door. Barnabas looked at the back of the red cloak and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Suddenly, the old man turned his head in his direction and showed a gentle smile. His spiritual intuition felt a trace of inadvertent oppression, which made Banabei shut his mouth instantly.

Is this old man a demigod?Are they both demigods like Esther?It's really scary. When did demigods become so worthless?It seems that since I met Esther, my luck has hit rock bottom...

Banabei, Vika and Mateo had no choice but to follow Cano into the living room.

As Barnabas walked, his hair and cheeks began to squirm. When the three of them sat on the chairs in the living room, Barnabas had returned to his original black-haired, blue-eyed appearance. He took out the gray hair from the pocket of his tuxedo. Frame your glasses and put them on your face.

He looked at Vika and Mateo: "Do you know that demigod?"

"I don't know." Vika replied quickly.

Mateo shook his head slowly: "We don't know why Esther would..."

He glanced at Kano next to him. Kano twisted the corner of his mouth and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to make some tea."

Banabei immediately raised his hand: "I want coffee, preferably plateau coffee, ground by hand."

Everyone looked at him with subtle eyes.

Barnabas cleared his throat: "Ahem, some other coffee will do."

(End of this chapter)

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