Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 452 Autumn Hunting

The Rose Manor in Klein's hands was introduced from Duke Negan's family through the introduction of Major General Qionas Kilger. He suspected that in addition to the widely recognized self-brewed wine of Rose Manor, this manor also has some special features. place.

Autumn hunting is often part of Backlund's social season, mainly because autumn falls between June and New Year every year.

During this time, the noble members of the House of Lords will return to Backlund in the heart of the kingdom, wandering among banquets, balls and salons to jointly discuss and decide on the changes and development of the Loen Kingdom.

After the New Year, the land-owning nobles will return to the back page one after another to spend a more leisurely time - or stay away from Backlund's extremely bad environment and breathe some fresh air.

Klein invited his good neighbors, the Macht family, and naturally he would also invite Major General Kilger, who recommended Meige Manor.

And this major general is the prey that Klein is truly prepared to deal with.

Klein is tracing the truth about the Backlund smog, and the clues have already fallen on the other party. As the deputy director of MI[-], Kilger still hides the strength of a demigod. This invitation is still based on the "test" In most cases, hunting requires patience and lurking.

Major General Kilger is the fundamental reason why Klein would hold hunting activities so actively.

During the dinner, when Klein briefly greeted several ladies, he paid some attention to Hazel.

In the past two months, "Justice" used hints to convey her two follow-up treatments to Hazel when they met at the Student Aid Foundation. So far, the effect seems to be very good. This young "thief" She was quite lively today. Whether it was sincere or disguised, at least she could show a more relaxed smile.

As long as Hazel doesn't directly retrieve that horrific memory, she won't have a sudden worsening emotional breakdown. For this lady, time is the best "psychiatrist".

But this seems to give me some ideas for playing the role of a trickster... Of course, it cannot be used to scare innocent people. If it is those notorious pirates, then there will be no problem.

Klein smiled and nodded at the ladies, then walked towards the other gentlemen, showing the grace that a host should have with ease, being happy but not proud, enthusiastic but not flattering.

Although Miss "Justice" advised me to take off my mask, in these situations, social masks are necessary.

Klein smiled inwardly and shook his head, clinking glasses with Major General Qonas Kilger and recommending to him the lamb chops that the chef was very good at.

The dinner went very smoothly. On the surface, it could be said that the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. After arranging the guests' rooms so that everyone could rest peacefully, Klein went over the arrangements for tomorrow's hunting activity with the butler.

After making sure everything was okay, he returned to his room.

Knowns was staying in his own birdcage. When he saw Klein walking into the room alone, the moment the door was closed, the skylark used his paws and beak to pick up the door lock of the birdcage and let himself out, proudly. The ground flew onto Klein's shoulder.

"You were very good tonight. You didn't make any noise or make a fuss." Klein looked at the silver birdcage, "I didn't lock the cage door before, but you sneaked out?"

The skylark moved out and chirped in a low voice. Klein couldn't help but smile and tapped his knuckles on the table, and Norns obediently landed on it.

"It's better to try not to have contact with other customers, okay? I'm worried that your little secret will be discovered."

Knowns nodded and walked around the table with his head held high, looking confident.

As the night progressed, Klein was finally able to rest in his room for a while. However, not long after he lay down, the owner of the manor, who had been busy all afternoon, was forced to leave his peaceful sleep.

It's hard to say whether it was because of spiritual intuition or because Skylark was twirling his hair that caused Klein to become sober.

He caught the naughty Norns, but in his mind he pictured the scene in a certain room in the manor:
Major General Qonas Kilger, wearing only a simple shirt and trousers, flew out from the guest room window invisibly and floated in mid-air.

Klein transformed a flying insect marionette outside the house and saw the demigod leaving Mei Song Manor and arriving at the banks of the Tasok River.

Through the ability to transform tiny creatures along the way and change directions with the Marionette, Klein followed Kilger about one kilometer away.

Until the demigod stopped moving and began to circle the area nearby, Klein had to distance himself again. By praying to himself, he magnified the light spot above the gray fog and expanded his field of vision.

However, when the opponent's figure disappeared, Klein, who did not want to alert the enemy, was once again in trouble. Although he connected the underground ruins he had entered with the location where Kilger disappeared, for that tightly defended ruins, based on his It is really difficult to carry out effective penetration with my own strength.

Not long after, Klein switched to another train of thought. He returned to the real world, and then recited in ancient Hermes:
"Goddess of Night, nobler than the stars and older than eternity, you are the Lord of Crimson, the Mother of Secrets, the Queen of Disaster and Fear, the Lord of Sleep and Silence..."

Within a few dozen seconds, the figure of "Hidden Servant" Arianna was outlined from beside Klein.

After the battlefield was designated as Mei Ge Manor, the ascetic leader who represented the will of the Night Goddess was once again erased from the air.

But Klein knew that He was hiding nearby, ready to provide him with "secret" assistance at any time.

The rest is up to Klein to prepare the performance.

——The red cigarette butts flicker in the darkness, making people who hate the smell of cigarettes easily have the urge to put it out.

There were no candles burning in the musty guest room, not even a fireplace.

In this season, there is always a growing chill that lingers, not to mention that the travelers staying in this room opened the windows to let out the air that is even worse than outside. The temperature inside the room is different from the street outside. Almost low.

Outside the wide open window, there was a quiet street in the East District, with only a barely functioning streetlight far away.

Not many windows are still lit, and even if some of the residents here can afford to install gas lights, none of them have the luxury to turn on the lights all night at this time when they should be sleeping.

Therefore, the shadow covers a huge part of the street. If a shadow moves in it, no one will notice anything unusual.

A black shadow climbed along the outer wall of the old hotel, slowly flowing from the window, and flowed into the room like a pool of ink.The black shadow squirmed and stood up from the ground, changing into a more three-dimensional shape and transforming into a complete human form.

This man was still tightly wrapped in a black robe, but there was a slight choking cough coming from under the hood that covered his face.

"Don't like the smell of cigarettes?" A hoarse laugh sounded, like a snake spitting out messages, and the red cigarette butt swayed twice.

The man in black robe gently waved his sleeves and gradually straightened up. He did not get closer, but kept a distance from the other person: "I like it, but I'm not used to it."

"You are from the Aurora Society."

"I need gold pounds."

Banabei asked Marionette to put out the cigarette butt, flicked the cigarette away, and let it roll down to the closed door.

Marionette casually swept the cigarette butt out of the door with his foot.

The man in black robe turned his head: "This kind of behavior is very bad and can easily cause a fire."

Banabei only found it funny that he was being lectured by a cultist: "It makes sense, and I feel very guilty. Are you still a teacher?"

The man in black robe actually nodded: "Yes, I worked as a teacher in a school in the East District for several years. Unfortunately, I can no longer stay there and continue to guide the young lambs who have lost their way."

"Then you'd better not go and teach the students to become believers. You don't know what their parents will think."

The man in black robe chuckled, as if he didn't understand the sarcasm in Barnabas' words at all:
"Of course their parents will also become believers in the Lord. The Lord exists in everyone and everything. When the end comes, the Lord will build an earthly sanctuary to protect believers who are willing to serve and faithfully praise..."

Barnabas felt that this topic was impossible to discuss. If he continued to test the other person's words, there would be basically nothing left to do except listen to this fanatical guy's teachings.

As expected, there were not many normal people in the Aurora Society. The other party was obviously restrained during the meeting. At that time, Banabei could not make a complete judgment. He only came to a detailed conclusion when he saw the shadow moving.

This is why he pushed the cigarette butt out of the door, because the man in black robe blocked the window, and Banabei wanted to leave an extra way for retreat.

At least the other party will not be Rose Bishop. For the Aurora Society, most Rose Bishops are enough to hold important tasks and have independent "numbers". These people are also proud of their numbers internally and will not use any other nicknames.

The man in black robe was still whispering about his Lord, which forced Banabei to speak and directly interrupted him: "We have a Lord we believe in, and we will not change our faith. We only have gold pounds between us." Dealing with information, do you really have information about the people missing in the smog?”

"The fake deceased is not dead, the missing person is missing."

Banabei let the secret puppet sigh heavily: "The current situation is one-on-two. There is no helper of yours nearby, so don't play word games."

The man in black robe coughed twice more, then took out a document bag from his arms and threw it decisively on the ground: "Yes, I came alone. I thought this represented my sincerity. Most of the information you investigated It has been covered up, including the occult methods that are more difficult to spy on. If you want to know more, we can’t pry further.”

High-ranking people, including high-sequence extraordinary people?The driving force behind that incident is very complicated.

Barnabas frowned and asked again: "If this is a trap, how should I 'notify' you?"

"That's your trouble, not mine. The final work of investigating this clue is over."

Secret Puppet shrugged and threw a cloth bag to the ground, which contained a bundle of gold pounds: "The agreed reward, I hope this will be a pleasant cooperation without leaving any omissions."

The man in black robe picked up the cloth bag and put it under his robe: "The pace of the times is approaching."

Then he transformed into a shadow again, spreading outward from the window.

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