Chapter 1 Summoner


A roar broke the surrounding calm.

Qing Ye wakes up slowly listening to the familiar roar.

Today is the 300th day since her rebirth, and the entire doomsday world remains unchanged.

Of course, this is only for her.

Those who have awakened their abilities should become stronger.

Among the zombies, there may have been many zombie kings.

A year ago, she had a car accident on Blue Star and traveled to this doomsday wasteland.

After coming here, because no one protected her, she died in less than a month.

It's just that she didn't expect that after she died, she was reborn here again.

Relying on the convenience of her rebirth, she hoarded a lot of supplies, but these supplies are currently bad and rotten, and she has basically eaten up all that can be eaten.

If she doesn't go out to look for supplies today, she will starve to death here within three days.

After 300 days, she has long been indifferent to life and death, starving to death is death, being eaten by zombies is also death, so she must at least kill one zombie.

You don't lose if you kill one, and you gain if you kill two.

Taking out the chopping knife he had prepared long ago, Qing Ye opened the door of the basement and walked out.

"Roar..." The zombies roared endlessly.

Qing Ye took a deep breath to cheer herself up.

After doing a good job of psychological construction, her whole temperament changed drastically when she raised her head again.

Looking at it now, she is a cold goddess who is not afraid of life and death.

There are not many zombies around here, maybe three or four scattered here and there.

Qing Ye looked for a lone zombie, and she quietly lurked near the zombie.

The moment it turned around, it quickly slashed at the zombie's neck.

[Ding~successfully killed zombies x 1]

[Congratulations to the host for opening the natural disaster summoner. 】



Listening to the voice in her head, Qing Ye was stunned.

She hurried back to her den.


[Detected that the host is a Muggle]

[Now provide the host with the ability beads]

When the system sound fell, Qing Ye felt the five colored beads of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth appear in her mind.

Ability... Is this all there?
"System, why did you come here?"

"I've been dating for 300 days, do you know that if you don't come again, I will die?"

[Ding~ The condition for the system to be activated is that the host kills a zombie x 1]


Qing Ye was a little helpless, she had always firmly believed in the principle that the more you fight, the more you have, but she didn't expect to accidentally turn on the system at the last moment before she died.

"Scary Summoner..."

[Catastrophe Summoner: Also known as the fourth natural disaster, the host can establish a connection and summon blue-star humans to the doomsday wasteland. The summoned cannot disobey the host's order or betray the host, and assist the host to save the doomsday wasteland and restart a new era. 】

The fourth natural disaster: It is a mysterious force. They are not afraid of life and death, and they are not afraid of challenges. They use ordinary bodies to create infinite possibilities.

Short name: player.

That is to say, Qing Ye can treat the doomsday wasteland as a game, calling players from Blue Star to help her save the doomsday wasteland.

Although Qing Ye has no interest in saving the world.

But as long as she can keep going, Qing Ye thinks she can.

Thinking about it, she turned on the summoner and started to build the game system.

"Have you ever heard of the fourth natural disaster?"

"If there was a doomsday game with 100% authenticity, would you play it?"

"Save the doomsday wasteland."

"Zombies attack the city, if it's a brother, come and kill me."

Overnight, old-fashioned and attractive topics spread all over the Blue Star network.

 new book, please support

(End of this chapter)

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