Chapter 26
Only the last three zombies remained, one level 5 and two level 4.

The wisdom of these three zombies is already comparable to that of ordinary humans. The highest level of the players is only level 100, so they are no match for them at all.

But players have one good thing, that is perseverance, so what if they are better than them?As long as you dare to show your blood, God will kill you.

Several high-level players gathered together.

Qing Shan still said: "These zombies are too cunning, they escaped immediately after being injured by us, and there is no way to catch up with us at our speed."

The hot chicken is me: "Continuing like this is not an option. We have to create a place where they can't escape. At that time, even if we use our lives to pile them up, we must also take them down."

Qing Shan still: "You are right, do you have any comments?"

Brother Glasses: "The reason is that, you haven't said how to operate it yet!"

Summer Night: "Why don't we lead them into our base?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up, yes!

The defense of the base is still good. If you want to go out from inside, there is only one way. Wouldn't it be enough to ask the lord to close the door then?
Qing Ye naturally heard the content of their discussion.

In the past, she would definitely roll her eyes and refuse. After all, she is a real person. If she died, she would really die.

But it's different now, her level is also at level 5, and her strength should be comparable to that of a level 5 zombie. How strong she is needs to be tested.

Regardless of her strength, she is a god in the warm base.

Qing Shan still and the few of them reached a consensus and ran to look for Qing Ye together.

Qing Shan still said: "My lord, we want to ask you one thing."

Qing Ye glanced at everyone indifferently, but did not speak.

Seeing the lord's aloofness, Xia Ye suddenly proposed, "We can give you a reward, just ask you to help us do one thing?"

Qing Ye secretly smiled, this summer is really on the road.

Qing Ye: "What do you want me to help with?"

Qing Shan still said: "That's right, we want to slaughter a few level 5 zombies, but they are too cunning and run away every time, so we want to lure them to the base to kill them, and then we need the lord to help open the gate of the base." close."

Qing Shan still said: "After the matter is completed, we will give you 1000 energy points."

Qing Ye didn't speak, and didn't even bother to raise her head.


Qing Shan still: "5000?"

Qing Ye still didn't look up.


Qing Shan still said: "Ten thousand, no more, just close the door."

Qing Ye also knew that it was almost enough, and if the price continued to rise, they would lose money.

Qing Ye: "Okay."

Everyone: ...the lord is really dark.

With the goal, the players start to plan how to attract the zombies.

Zombies are smart, but the wildness in their bodies is still there. As long as they smell the smell of flesh and blood, they will not be able to stop.

Spicy Chicken is good at this!
The hot chicken is me: "Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me, but I'm sure not enough to attract zombies by myself, it's better to find a few low-level ones together."

Qing Shan still said: "Understood, let's go, this time we must take them down!"

Summer night: "Come on!"

Glasses brother: "Come on!"

Coming to Liying City again, the players dispersed in a very planned way.

Spicy Chicken took out his dagger and stood in the place where zombies appeared most often, and cut off his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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