Chapter 28 New resurrection point

It's a pity that they couldn't catch up with this zombie at all.

After chasing for half an hour, Qingshan was still the first to recall, "It seems that we are still too naive."

The hot chicken is me: "What's wrong?"

Qingshan is still: "Although we do have the ability to kill this zombie, if it concentrates on escaping, we will not be able to catch up with it at our level."

Qing Shan still said: "This game is too powerful for level control."

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and they agreed with Qingshan's analysis.

But Qing Ye didn't think so.

Level 5 zombies are even smarter than ordinary people. She doesn't think that just a little trick can make it rush into a strange place without thinking. came in on purpose.

Thinking of this, Qing Ye frowned deeply, things became more and more complicated, the wasteland of doomsday was not as simple as she imagined.

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the task]

[The first-level defense of the warm base is activated]

After the system sound fell, many high-level thermal weapon agencies appeared on the base wall. As long as the base is under attack, thermal weapons will immediately come out to defend.

not bad.

Although the level 5 zombie was let go, the system still judged that she had completed the task, which showed that her guess was correct.

The event ended successfully, and Qing Ye summed it up. She has gained nearly 20 points this time, not counting the crystal cores in the players' hands that were not redeemed in time.

After the event was over, she had to sort out the rewards.

[Congratulations to the players for completing the Liying City mission]
[Specific rewards will be released in the next version]
[Please leave the game within 60 minutes]

[Version will be discontinued and updated]

Soon, the players went offline one by one.


Qing Ye came outside the base.

She still has 13 points left in her hand, and this time she plans to call 5 players in at once.

At that time, the base will be too small, and the resurrection station will not be able to accommodate so many people.

[Ding ~ Release the latest mission]

[Task Content: Go to Liying City to set up the latest base resurrection point]

[Mission Reward: Free upgrade to Warm Base]

When it came, Qing Ye knew that this mission in Liying City could not be without purpose.

But she really couldn't refuse this reward.

The zombies in Liying City have basically been killed, but there are still some local zombies, that is, the uncontrolled zombies are still there.

For newcomers, it can be regarded as a place where a wave of fat can be obtained.

Back in the room, Qing Ye lay down and went to sleep.

It is not a wise choice to do tasks at night.

In the early morning of the next day, Qing Ye invited Bai Qiu to go with her in exchange for a day's meal.

After telling Bai Xiaoxia to stay at home and not run around, the two set off.

Liying City itself is not far away, and they arrived at their destination very quickly.

Liying City is not too big, there are scattered zombies inside, the zombies during the day move clumsily, Qing Ye didn't take the initiative to provoke them.

She came to the center of the city and placed the resurrection point given by the system.

Soon the ground began to rise and turned into a platform with several large characters engraved on it.

The resurrection point of Liying City.

After finishing this matter, the system sound sounded again.

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the task]

[The task rewards have been stored and will be automatically distributed when returning to the warm base]

[Ding ~ Release the latest mission]

[Task Content: Insert the gem into the central groove of the resurrection point]

(End of this chapter)

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