Chapter 40 The Players Are Confused
The two groups have their own ideas.

Qing Shan is still: "When are we going to snatch the warm base?"

He asked a crucial question.

Luo Yong shook his head, "It depends on the lord, but I guess it will only be two days."

The end has been here for so long, and he has a little understanding of the character of the lord.

That is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, and he is a ruthless master.

Now that he has set his sights on the warm base, he will never let it go away.

Lin Xiamu showed admiration, "I heard that the lord of Licheng is very powerful and handsome. I wonder if I have a chance to meet him?"

Luo Yong smiled, women these days, no matter how pure they are, can't refuse a powerful man.

Their lord already has three wives, all of them are beauties, but there is no one as pure as Lin Xia.

"There must be a chance. We can introduce you when the time comes. If you win the Lord's favor, don't forget me!" Luo Yong said.

Lin Xia nodded, "That's for sure, I thank you before it's too late!"

Several people chatted for a long time, and finally Qingshan came to the team's apartment with them at the invitation of Luo Yong.

As the only girl, Lin Xia slept in a room alone.

The others squeeze.

Two days later.

The Licheng base couldn't bear it anymore.

During this period, Qing Ye also got a lot of piecemeal information.

The lord of Licheng just became a level 5 supernatural being a month ago. In addition, he also has two level 4, three level 3 and ten level 2 supernatural beings.

These people are specially raised by his side, and their strength should not be underestimated.

However, Qing Ye didn't take him seriously. Her combat experience may not be that rich, but she has a system and the fourth natural disaster, which is the same as cheating.

With the defense of the warm base, it is difficult for them to come in.

For the first trial, the lord of Licheng didn't come, but his left arm and right arm, the two level 4 supernatural beings.

They are gold-type abilities and fire-type abilities.

The two of them led the team and went to the warm base with some scattered teams.

This also includes Aoyama and the others.

The development of the Licheng base is very mature, and there are many means of transportation.

There are dozens of modified off-road vehicles and motorcycles.

Seeing this scene from the perspective of Aoyama and theirs, not only did Qingye not panic, but what he thought in his heart was that this time the goods were finally available for sale.

No means of transportation, no matter how many players there are, the number of energy points added is very small.

After all, the distance they can leave is limited.

Two hours later, everyone arrived at the gate of Wenxin Base.

Qingye has already made preparations.

Five thousand players have been waiting for a long time.

The moment they appeared, some of the players rushed out.

"Brothers, go!"

"What the hell, slow down, I saw that motorcycle first."

In the hearts of most players, npcs cannot be attacked, so they mainly focus on snatching things.

Especially vehicles.

The dense crowd watched Ding Cheng's scalp tingle.

He is one of the 4th-level supernatural beings.

He took the lead and launched the first wave of attacks on the players.

"Boom..." A large group of players died and disappeared in place.

The revived player was stunned, why is this different from what he imagined?
When Ding Cheng attacked, they actually thought it was an animation, but they didn't expect it to actually hurt.

"What can we do, can we kill npc?"

(End of this chapter)

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