Chapter 46 Licheng Base vs Warm Base
Ye Xin took out her phone and secretly took a picture of Bai Qiu.

As long as they can control Bai Qiu, the people in the Licheng base can also be resurrected at will.

What is it to give a little freedom?Being able to resurrect at will also means they are invincible.

After collecting the information, Ye Xin left without hesitation.

Looking at Ye Xin's leaving back, Qing Ye thought deeply, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

Qing Shan still they are individual talents, they can be cultivated well.

Ye Xin returned to the base in Licheng and told Shen Dengle all the news he had obtained.

"I've worked hard for you these past few days. I'll go to your room tonight." Shen Dengle touched Ye Xin's thigh and said.

Ye Xin nodded shyly, "Then I'll take a shower and wait for you."

After Ye Xin left, Shen Dengle called all his subordinates.

Show them Bai Qiu's photo.

"Remember this person, catch him alive!" Shen Dengle said with a serious expression.

Everyone nodded, they already knew the information, presumably this is the one who can revive others.

The next day, all the people in the Licheng base were dispatched.

Destination: Warm base.

The players who are still in the Licheng base naturally also know the news. They are lurking in the team of the Licheng base, looking for a chance to catch the lord of Licheng.

Qing Ye saw the people in Licheng from their perspective, and in her eyes, these were all walking points.

This time Qing Ye called 1 players back, including Qing Shan and them.

The players are not very organized as they all have one purpose and that is to grab stuff!

As long as it is useful, they will grab everything, especially vehicles.

Everyone in Licheng arrived quickly.

There are also many of them, at least more than 1000.

Everyone is a battle-tested person. They lick blood around zombies, and their combat experience is several times richer than that of players.

The two sides didn't even have too much dialogue, and went to war directly.

Lin Xia: "Family, let's live broadcast a large-scale event in the doomsday wasteland today."

"Licheng Base vs Warm Base"

Lin Xia stood on a high place, live broadcasting the first large-scale human war since the launch of the doomsday wasteland.

"Okay, next we see that the strength of Wenxin Base is far inferior to Licheng Base, but the people in our Xinxin Base are not afraid of life and death, and use their bodies to push back one enemy after another."

"Snatch one motorcycle after another."

Lin Xia explained with a slight tone, and the barrage laughed like crazy.

"Laughing to death, why is the painting style of this year's players so funny?"

"God grab the motorcycle, is the motorcycle that good?"

"What do you know? Motorcycles are very precious in the wasteland of the doomsday. Before that, you couldn't buy them with money. Finally, if you have the opportunity, you must grab it!"

"People from Licheng: They just passed me by, and I became a beggar."

"People from Licheng: It's been bad luck for eight lifetimes, and I met this group of bandits."

"Lonely sister is waiting for you, Qiuqiu 169..."

"Report upstairs!"


Shen Dengle is smart, he knows that if he fights against a group of desperate people, he will definitely lose, so his goal was not this group of players from the beginning.

It was Bai Qiu.

As long as Bai Qiu is under control, everyone will be under his control.

He took advantage of the chaos to leave the battlefield and ran towards the base at high speed.

Qing Ye raised her eyebrows, then turned to look at Bai Qiu beside her.

"Can you catch this man for me?"

Bai Qiu thought for a while, then nodded, "Although it is difficult, there is an opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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