Chapter 6 Building the Wall

Qingshan is still the same: "Today, we will be able to exchange for abilities after brushing the third level again."

The spicy chicken is me: "There seems to be a town where we brushed yesterday. If the lord didn't tell us to go back, I would have planned to go there and have a look."

Qing Shan still said: "Let's go and have a look today, it's probably a new map, maybe there's a boss."

The spicy chicken is me: "OK!"

Qing Ye observed everyone in her den.

There are only 2 girls among the players who came today.

Among them, 10 boys chose to do the tasks released by the system first.

The others are going out to fight zombies while doing tasks.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


Qing Ye put her perspective on a girl whose ID is "He He".

Because while she was collecting supplies, she also tasted what these things tasted like.

It's a pity that except for the zombies, the other things here are 80% similar to Blue Star, and most of the things taste sour.

And after she found out that many things were not tasty, she actually started to dig the ground.

"Eat dirt."

Qing Ye was startled by her operation, is this the fourth natural disaster?
Except for her, everyone else is pretty normal at the moment.

Qing Ye also saw it from the same perspective of Qing Shan, but she didn't expect them to find the town so quickly.

The name of this town is "Youqiao Town". According to Qing Ye's investigation, there are at least 3000 households in this town, and there may be level 3 zombies in it.

However, Qingshan was still cautious, they only attracted the attention of the zombies outside, and then beat the zombies to death.

The two of them progressed very quickly. After collecting enough energy for level 10, they rushed back as fast as possible.

While on the road, I also did some collection tasks.

Qing Shan still said: "My lord, I am level 10, can I receive the ability?"

It takes 10 points for Qing Ye to exchange the ability with the system, so it is not too much for her to ask the player for 2000 energy points, right?
"Congratulations, dear player. Normal abilities require 2000 energy points to be exchanged. They are divided into five types: [Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth]. Do you want to exchange them?"

Qing Shan still said: "2000? Robbing money?"

Hot Chicken is me: "I knew it wouldn't be that easy."

Qing Shan still said: "My lord, can you open the krypton gold channel? I want krypton gold!"

Qing Ye shook her head, what's the use of money for her?

Lin Xia saw what was still going on in Qingshan, she silently wrote it down, and planned to post a strategy after going out today.


The day passed quickly, and the base hadn't been built yet, so we couldn't let everyone stay here at night, because their movements would definitely attract a lot of zombies.

Although this place is the wilderness that Qing Ye carefully selected, but at that time, in order to leave a way out for himself, there were several towns not far away.

If the zombies in the town are attracted, there may be a small wave of zombies breaking out.

[Players are requested to exchange energy points with the lord within 60 minutes]
[The server will be shut down and updated after 60 minutes]

Fortunately, today's collection is almost the same.

Because she spent energy points to send out this task, she didn't earn much today. After deducting the energy points spent, there are still 1150 left.

She is not going to recruit players in a short time.

"System, can these things build walls today?"


[The first-level fence (ordinary) is 50 meters long, 80 meters wide, and 5 meters high]

Remarks: can be upgraded
"let's start!"

Following Qing Ye's words, these rocks and soil clods automatically flew up, melted, and then turned into a wall.

A wall was built in less than 1 minute.

(End of this chapter)

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