Chapter 70 Su Tian's Familiarity
Shen Dengle looked up at Qing Ye, "Why, are you surprised to see me?"

Qing Ye sneered and shook her head, "It's just a defeated general, what's so surprising, besides, I already know your tricks, doll stand-in? Do you have any more?"

Hearing this, Shen Dengle's face changed, and then he cursed angrily, "Stinky bitch, I treat her so well, yet dare to betray me."

After finishing speaking, he recovered his expression, and looked at Qing Ye with a teasing smile on his face, "Do you think that you can kill me like this? Hehe, I won't give you this chance,"

After finishing speaking, he slipped away, anyway, today's protagonist is not him.

Qing Ye couldn't chase after him because Su Tian came out.

If they don't come out, the base will probably be destroyed by this dead woman.

"Hehe, I was careless. I didn't kill you yesterday." Su Tian said with a smile.

Qing Ye shrugged, "You really underestimate me."

At this moment, she could vaguely feel Su Tian's level. He was at least level eight, and his ability was really good.

An eighth-level ability user is not comparable to a seven-level ability user. Unless everyone present today is at the seventh level, it will be difficult to kill them.

But it's okay for Su Tian to be disgusted.

"Since everyone is here, let's die together!" After Su Tian finished speaking, he immediately attacked Qing Ye.

His wind ability is condensed into a wind blade, which is hard to guard against.

Qing Ye raised his hand and condensed ice blocks in front of him.


The ice cube squeaked when it was hit, the seventh-level ability was not as good as the eighth-level ability, and the ice cube soon shattered.

Just one face-to-face put Qing Ye at a disadvantage.

However, behind Su Tian, ​​seeing this guy beating his lord, the players quit.

They sent out supernatural powers to attack Su Tian.

Su Tian didn't expect that there would be a sneak attack on his base.

Although the subconscious crisis made him dodge, but at the same time, Qing Ye seized the opportunity.

The ice picks shot at Su Tian one by one, although they didn't do much damage to him, they made him overwhelmed.

Qing Ye's main focus here is a disgusting person.

After this scene happened a few times, seeing that Su Tian was getting angry and was about to show his power, Qing Ye immediately led the players to evacuate.


After speaking, thousands of players fled in all directions, and there was no way to chase after them. After all, there were too many people.

Qing Ye teleported directly with Bai Qiu, not giving Su Tian a chance to catch up with her.

"Qingye!!!" Su Tian roared angrily.

"Hehe, you can't kill her like this." Behind Su Tian, ​​Shen Dengle said gloatingly.

Hearing the sound, Su Tian instantly returned to normal, as if it wasn't him who just yelled.

"What's the point of killing her so quickly? It will taste delicious when she grows again." Su Tian licked the corner of his mouth as he said.

The fangs in the mouth flashed.

Back to the place where he lived before, Bai Qiu frowned tightly.

Qing Ye looked at him, "What's wrong?"

Bai Qiu shook his head, "I always feel that Su Tian gives me a very familiar feeling, as if I've seen him before, but I'm sure I've never seen his face before."

Qing Ye thought for a while, "You mean his temperament, momentum, you are very familiar with it, but that face is different."

"Yeah." Bai Qiu nodded, he believed in his own feelings, if Su Tian could make him think like this, he must have met him before.

"Don't go there until your strength improves." Bai Qiu said with some worry.

 Calvin every day, come up with new plots every day, I am really good

(End of this chapter)

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