Chapter 75 Trial
Two days later, the trial was finally finished.

Qing Ye didn't intend to try this kind of thankless trial, anyway, she could see it from the player's perspective.

Healing system trial threshold, minimum level 50.

The minimum threshold for space trials is 300 and the highest is 400.

If it is the kind of person who likes to show off, there is no need to let them take the space system trial, it is a waste of time, so the threshold is set relatively high.

[Version 1.6 does not stop updating]
[Update content: On the right side of the back door of the base, a trial site for the healing system, the space system, and two abilities has been added. As long as you pass the trial, you can obtain the corresponding abilities]

[Healing Department: It can heal any wounds and diseases, to a certain extent, it can live to the death of human flesh and bones. ]
[Space system: A necessary ability for combat, teleportation, a life-saving means at critical moments. ]
"I c, I'll be right back."

"The dog official is really getting more and more generous, such a good ability will be given as soon as it is said."


"Upstairs dd, are you male or female?"

In less than a minute after this announcement was issued, many people came to challenge.

However, in order to avoid crowding, it is set that each person can only challenge once a week, but even so, there are still too many people to say.

It can be seen that everyone loves the doomsday wasteland.

After finishing, Qing Ye put her perspective on the players, she wanted to see what the players would experience inside.

In the trial of the healing system, the player will come to a village at the beginning of the game. There are people who are sick all the year round in this village. The player needs to heal people, but each npc has a unique personality.

There are good and bad personalities. Players need to choose whether to save or not according to the specific situation of the npc. If they have been rescued, whether the power of the ability is enough is also a problem.

In the end, the one who passes the level must have a high utilization rate of abilities and high efficiency, and must also be sympathetic and judgmental.

This requirement is actually not high, and there is no single answer to this trial, who can pass it, even Qing Ye doesn't know.

The trial of the space system is different. The only thing that matters about teleportation is strength.

Without strength, without positioning, even if you get this ability, it is useless.

The future war is about to start, you have the space system ability to escape, but you don't have the strength to fight, what's the use?

Therefore, those who entered the trial of the space system first were all complaining, this is simply not something that humans can pass.

In order to avoid those who are too strong to go in and take it, the highest level of 400 plays a key role. After all, apart from Qingshan and them, there are not many people close to level 400.

As for the few of them, Qing Ye has already seen their plan, they use the rotation system, there are a few of them today, and a few of them tomorrow.

They are very strong, so in the first week, three of them have obtained the ability of the space system.

As for Lei Ling, he is only at level 200, and his strength is not enough.

Seeing many players deflated, Qing Ye closed their viewing angles contentedly.

In the evening, Qing Ye came to Hehe's shop, and she hadn't eaten the barbecue made by this little girl for a long time.

As soon as I came in, I came to see this girl with a dazed look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Qing Ye asked suspiciously.

He He raised her head and was a little surprised to see that it was Qing Ye.

"Lord Lord."

Qing Ye nodded, "Do you have something on your mind?"

A trace of weirdness flashed in He He's eyes. After all, no matter who encountered an NPC who wanted to comfort him, he would feel strange.

(End of this chapter)

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