Lord of Doom: My players are 100,000,000 points stronger

Chapter 77 The Truth About Starry Sky Base

Chapter 77 The Truth About Starry Sky Base

Bai Qiu looked at Bai Xiaoxia seriously, "My brother is always doing dangerous things when he goes out. If he wants to protect you at the same time, then both my brother and you will be in danger. If you don't want to hold back, you have to go out to experience yourself."

Bai Xiaoxia seemed to understand, "Okay, then I will practice by myself."

Bai Qiu didn't expect that this would not persuade her, so he could only nod his head helplessly, and then looked at Qing Ye.

Only Qingye has the ability to control the difficulty of the experience and at the same time prevent Bai Xiaoxia's life from being in danger,
Qing Ye nodded, she can still help with this matter, and she can also ask the player to help bring Bai Xiaoxia.

The skewers came up quickly, and Qing Ye ordered a lot of things, and didn't leave until the three of them were full.

When I got home, Nuoqiao was finally online.

"I'm ready, you lend me a car, I'll ride there."

Qing Ye nodded and lent the car to Nuoqiao.

Nuoqiao did not delay, took the car and left.

After a night of no dreams, the people in the starry sky base finally made progress the next day.

When the player was attacking the people in the starry sky base, NPCs from other places suddenly came.

Seeing those npcs, the people in the starry sky base obviously had great mood swings.

Those npcs said that they would take away ten children, but the parents of the children showed great resistance, and the players naturally sided with the people in the starry sky base.

So help them reject these npcs, and the result is that the two sides fought, with a large number of players, and barely won, but they didn't kill them, but let them escape.

This move of theirs finally won the favor of everyone in the starry sky base, and at the same time they learned some secrets about the starry sky base.

Those npcs would come to the starry sky base once a month, taking some people away every time, and those who were taken away never came back.

They are useless, but it doesn't mean they are stupid. Those who were taken away must have encountered an accident.

After that, a person volunteered and said that he was going to find out what happened to the person who was taken away.

Later, the man escaped desperately and told everyone the truth. It turned out that those who were taken away actually went to the dining table.

Yes, they are table ingredients.

Those who learned the truth were heartbroken, and everyone resisted together.

It's a pity that it's useless, no one can beat them. Seeing that the incident was exposed, those people stopped pretending and came to arrest people blatantly.

This is why there is almost no old man left in the entire starry sky base.

Hearing this, the players were filled with righteous indignation, and expressed that they would help them solve this matter, and then said that everyone had offended the people over there and had to leave as soon as possible.

They were afraid, so the players had to bring everyone with them.

But the number of players is limited, so I'm afraid they won't be able to protect them.

Seeing this scene, Qing Ye also understood why the system suddenly became emotional and issued such a task.

"System, did you already know the truth?"

【Host, your authority is higher than mine, don't be afraid that I will betray you】

The system gave an unexpected answer.

It was not unreasonable for Qing Ye to doubt the system before. After all, to her, the system is an outsider, and it controls even more things than Qing Ye.

But through this incident, Qing Ye began to overthrow her previous thoughts, but even so, she still has to be vigilant.

"I know." Qing Ye replied.

In order to avoid accidents for the people in the starry sky base, Qing Ye personally went to pick them up.

(End of this chapter)

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