Chapter 81 New Trials
"Ah? I'm sorry..." Bai Qiu was in a hurry.

Qing Ye burst out laughing, "Okay, just kidding, nothing is more important than life."

Bai Qiu nodded, "Aren't you injured?"

Hearing this, Qing Ye didn't know how to answer for a moment, a wounded person who had been in a coma for a few days, the first thing she said when she woke up was to ask if she was injured?

"I'm fine, you must be hungry after being in a coma for so long, I'll go get you something to eat." After saying that, Qing Ye went out to get porridge.

After eating, Bai Qiu fell asleep again, probably because his body hadn't fully recovered yet, he automatically felt very tired,
But as long as you can wake up, the recovery speed will be faster.

The next day Bai Qiu got up earlier than Qing Ye and even made breakfast.

When Qing Ye got up, she saw him serving porridge there.

Bai Qiu looked up at her, "You're awake."

Qing Ye nodded, and walked over to help, "Why do you wake up so early, don't do these things before you fully recover."

"It's okay, I'm not that fragile." Bai Qiu said.

While the two were eating breakfast, Qing Ye asked, "When you were injured last time, what was the energy that appeared in your body?"

Bai Qiu frowned, his eyes were confused, "I was already in a coma at that time, what happened after that? How is Su Tian?"

"Su Tian didn't die. At that time, a strange force suddenly appeared in your body, which corroded Su Tian's hand. He was injured and fled back." Qing Ye answered truthfully.

This incident was so strange that Bai Qiu couldn't think of a reason for it.

"Su Tian can't be kept." Bai Qiu said.

Qing Ye nodded, "Actually, Su Tian is not human."

Bai Qiu was taken aback for a moment, he suddenly remembered that when the base was destroyed before, he met that Zombie King.

It's Su Tian, ​​no wonder he looks so familiar.

"He is the Zombie King." Bai Qiu said with certainty, "The base I was in before was destroyed by him with the zombies."

Ha ha, then his sins will be even more.

"You have been in a coma for several days, go back and see your sister."

"it is good."

After eating, Bai Qiu went back.

Qing Ye wanted to find a place to exercise her abilities, but if she was not careful outside, she would die.

"System, help me do a trial that can exercise my strength."

【1 million points】

Qing Ye rolled her eyes, "Why don't you go grab it."

She is indeed not short of points now, because many people have reached the border of the abyss now, but she does not have any shortage, but it does not mean that she can spend them randomly. Upgrading to level nine requires [-] million, who can bear it?
But besides making trials, Qing Ye has no other choice, "It's cheaper."

She bargained with the system.

The system was silent for a while, [9999? 】

What the hell, Qing Ye has never thought in her life that a system is so stingy.

"Forget it, 9999 is 9999, but you must ensure the quality of this trial. If the quality is not good, I will kill you."

[Rest assured, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products]

. . .Qing Ye is already numb, has someone changed into this system halfway?
Qing Ye came to the side of the space system trial, and the system began to operate.

[Ding~The strength trial test is completed, and it is being placed, and it will last for 24 hours]


At this point the next day, Qing Ye came over again, just as the trial was finished, she was the first to go in.

The Healing Department and the Space Department saw that the lord had entered a new trial area, and they took screenshots and posted them on the forum.

(End of this chapter)

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