On the Linglong Pagoda, the three brothers toasted and drank. After the hearty hunting competition, the three decided to fulfill their long-cherished wish six years ago.

Liusu also accompanied her, and it was Hitomi Zhuye who pulled her here.

The mahogany tables and chairs are filled with high-quality daughter red, throwing away the worldly dust, and just drinking at this moment.

Overwhelm the world

always a bustling

Hitomi Zhuye raised his wine glass high and said, "What is life like when you sing about wine? It's like the dew in the morning, and the past days are full of bitterness. You should be generous and forget your worries. How can you relieve your worries? Only Du Kang."

Zhu Minglie also raised his wine glass, and continued to read, "Qingqing Zijin, caress my heart. But for the sake of the king, I have pondered it so far. Yoyo Luming, the apple of the wild food. I have a guest, let me play the lute."

Emperor Zhu Yao also raised his wine glass, "It's like the moon, when can I stop? Worry comes from it, and it can't be cut off. It's useless to live with each other when you cross the fields. Qi Kuo talked and swallowed, thinking about the old kindness."

The three wine glasses clinked together and said together——

"The moon and stars are thin, and the black magpie flies south. Three turns around the tree, what branch can be relied on. The mountains are never too high, and the sea is never too deep. Zhou Gong spit and feed, and the world returns to his heart."

After speaking, the three of them raised their heads and drank the wine in their glasses——

Full of pride and passion...

"Happy! Happy!" Hitomi Zhuye said loudly, "Six years ago, I should have drunk it like this, but my elder brother had an accident, so I couldn't drink it..."

After Zhuye Tong finished speaking, Liusu's hand tightened suddenly, and Zhu Minglie's eyes shifted to her body calmly, and their eyes met.

"Liusu, please sing us the song "Jiangshan Beauty", I like to hear you sing." Hajime Hitomi suggested.

"Sing?" Liusu raised her head and asked after listening.

"Let's sing..." Zhu Yao nodded to her, he had never heard her sing "Jiangshan Beauty" up close.

"Okay, then I'll sing a little bit to cheer up the three brothers..."

Liusu said and stood up.

The wind blows, and the dress flutters.

All three looked at her, she lightened her red lips, and sang——

There is no end to the extravagant love in the world of mortals / endless grievances and grievances in the world / generations are destined / flow the same blood / drink the same water / this road is long and long

Of course red flowers go with green leaves/Who will accompany me in this lifetime/Immortably come and go/The past scene reappears/Even though the lotus root is broken, the thread is still connected/

Liusu's voice was soft and shallow, like a warm spring, the lyrics went straight to the depths of people's hearts, the three men were all touched, they all saw something deep in their hearts.

"Lightly sigh that things in the world are changing/Love the country more than beauty/Which hero would rather be alone..."

For some reason, Liusu sang and sang, suddenly sadness came from it, extremely sad, full of feelings, the fragments of the past, from the night when she was confused by the sentence "This king will marry you as a concubine", and she traveled to ancient times, to Xiao Qiluo's birth, scene after scene emerged.

Tears actually flowed from her eyes. The three men, who were immersed in the artistic conception of the lyrics, suddenly saw the crystal clear teardrops dripping on the bottom of the bowl, and they were stunned——

she cried.

"Liusu, you... what's the matter with you?" Hitomi Zhuye walked over first, looked at her with tears streaming down her face, and asked a little at a loss.

The eyes of the other two were also fixed on her.

There was a flash of distress in Zhu Minglie's deep eyes, and Zhu Yaohuang shook the hand in his sleeve.

"Tausu, don't cry." Hitomi Zhuye comforted.

"You will be good brothers for life, right, no matter what happened or what will happen in the future, you will love each other, right?"

"Fool, are you crying because of this?" After hearing this, Hitomi Zhuye couldn't help but patted her on the head, then raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

"Will it be?" Tassel asked.

Why, does she feel so sad?

"Of course I will, I promise I will." Hitomi Tsuno said solemnly.

The other two were stunned at the same time, but neither answered.

After a while, Emperor Zhuyao said——

"I will, Liusu, I promise you, no matter what happens, the three of us will be good brothers." His voice always had a force that was unbelievable and unbelievable.

"I will too." Zhu Minglie also said, but his voice was still cold, faint, icy, without any emotion, and no one could understand his unpredictable thoughts.

This time, the three of them really drank for three days and three nights on the Linglong Pagoda, drinking and talking happily, but this was also the last time the three of them gathered together to drink and sing about life. .

A long, long time later, when the former thirteen princes Zhuye Tong traveled thousands of miles back to the Sun Yao Dynasty and re-climbed the Linglong Pagoda, recalling today's scene, he was still full of embarrassment.

At that time, the ancients are far away.

At that time, the vicissitudes of life became mulberry fields

At that time, the end of the world became the corner of the sea

And Liusu also firmly remembered this time of drinking, singing, and drinking, with great feelings.

In the depths of the years, it blooms quietly.


"Father died at such a young age, it was your fault, you should leave the palace as soon as possible, bastard!"

"That's right, Brother Huang is the king of a country. If you still stay in the palace, he will be forced to abdicate, and the entire Sunshine Dynasty will be turned upside down because of your two disasters..."

"Father is also true, knowing that she has an unethical relationship with the emperor's brother, but still keeping her here, it is a disaster for the Sunshine Dynasty and the emperor's brother!"

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