Concubine comes to disaster

[273] The gap that cannot be crossed

The setting sun gradually slanted to the west, and a round of setting sun reflected the clouds in the sky red, and the rosy clouds were shining brightly. The warm light shone on a man and a woman. Their shadows were stretched very long, and finally overlapped slowly.

Emperor Zhuyao was dressed in white clothes, spotless, slender, majestic and noble, and wearing a pink and purple smoked sweater with tassels, fresh and elegant, petite and exquisite, lively and agile.

The two walked side by side under the setting sun——

Emperor Zhu Yao stared at Tassel, thinking about it, holding his hand and growing old together.

"Lifetime, generation after generation, a couple, life after life, forever depend on each other" This is what he wants to give her, will she be willing?

She frowned slightly at this moment, what was she worrying about?

Zhu Yaohuang suddenly discovered that he could call the wind and rain, order the heroes, and turn his hands into clouds and rain, but in front of her, he was just a man who had just fallen in love.

Many people who looked back secretly in the distance were infected by this beautiful picture.

No one had the heart to walk in, for fear of disturbing the people in the painting and destroying this rare beauty.

The sixteenth city is a hundred miles away from Yaojing, and it was the location of Kyoto at the beginning of the Japanese Dynasty. At the beginning, the first emperor chased the Ming Emperor to stabilize the foundation of the Sunshine Dynasty. The six cities are too close to the frontier, which is not conducive to the development of economy and culture, and is not conducive to the concentration of imperial power to consolidate the regime, so the capital was moved to today's Yaojing.

Today, although Sixteen Cities is not as prosperous as Yaojing, it is not impossible to develop in a short period of time because of its long history, coupled with Lanling King Zhu Yaohuang's culture, Taoism and martial arts strategy, and careful thought.

After walking around the city with him, Liusu discovered that Emperor Zhuyao didn't just come out for a walk to see the scenery, he was actually surveying the people's sentiments.

"Are you going to vigorously develop the Sixteenth City?" Finally, after inspecting the river transport and walking back to the city together, Liusu couldn't help asking.

"Sixteen Cities was the capital when Emperor Ming was alive. At that time, business and trade flourished. Later, when the capital was moved to Yaojing, the focus was shifted to Yaojing. Now that I am stationed here, I do have ideas for further development."

After hearing this, Liusu nodded in agreement—

"Then, have you ever thought about starting a border trade business? I just found out that there are many prairie merchants who smuggled horses to Sixteen City to sell horses.

There are too few good horses here, and we always have to pay a high price to buy a good horse. Why don't we start business with the nomadic tribes on the grassland?

Send special officials to manage the border trade, we buy their horses and spices, and they come to buy our silk, food, ... In this way, the coming and going will benefit the economic development of the sixteen cities, and the people will have more livelihoods channel.

As long as the common people live and work in peace and contentment and live happily, the sixteen cities will be a stable city. "

Zhu Yaohuang listened to her eloquence, and his eyes showed approval. He did not expect that she not only observes so carefully, but also can put forward her own bold and unique opinions. She is like a treasure, and new ones are constantly being unearthed. something to come.

In fact, resuming border trade was an idea he had been brewing for a long time, but she was the first to say it today.

Zhuyao Huangtian has been smart since he was born. For so many years, he has been alone, and no one has ever been able to compete with him. He will always walk and make decisions in his own world alone.

His soul is actually lonely, alone.

But now, there finally appeared a woman who could talk to him and know what he wanted. This was like a sweet spring flowing into his heart.

Like Boya and Zhong Ziqi, high mountains and flowing water.

He cherishes it even more, and he is willing to keep this rare acquaintance no matter what.

"Is what I said wrong? Why are you silent? Comment." Liusu noticed that Emperor Zhuyao was silent, just kept looking at her, and asked hastily.

Chasing the Emperor Yao——

"Tassel, do you think you got into my heart? You said everything I thought about."

"You mean... you think so too?"

Emperor Zhu Yao nodded and said——

"It has been almost ten years since Shiliucheng closed the cooperation with the grassland tribes. If it is opened again, I believe it will be an opportunity for the development of Shiliucheng. The daughter of the leader of the Anyuan tribe is said to be coming to Shiliu soon. The city asked me to send troops to help eradicate foreign aggression, and when the time comes, I will propose to resume border trade along the way."

After hearing this, Liusu nodded, and suddenly she raised her head again, staring at Emperor Zhuyao with a sly expression.

"What? Is there something dirty on my face? Or did you hear that it was the leader's daughter, so you just..." Emperor Zhuyao found out. When the truth was revealed and he could love Liusu without any scruples, he began to change I like bickering with Liusu, it's very interesting, very happy——

"Shocking discovery!! It turns out that King Lanling is actually a black-bellied person!" Liusu said.

"Black-bellied?" This is an unfamiliar word to Zhu Yaohuang.

"It's just that the belly is black, which means that the surface is kind and gentle, but the heart is trying to make up its own mind!" Liusu said without concealing it.

"Oh? How did you see that?" This statement is new, and he has never heard of it before. People's evaluation of him is that he is as gentle as jade, has the world in his heart, and so on. No one has ever used such words to describe him. Said him.

Emperor Zhu Yao expressed his curiosity.

"Look at you, when you offer cooperation when people come to ask for help, obviously you are on the most favorable side, and they will agree to any request you make."

Zhu Yaohuang laughs——

"It's not black-bellied, it's strategy. You can also say that I run the country well, or strategize."

"I think it was premeditated!"

I saw that under the influence of the setting sun, the man was as gentle as the dust, as calm as water, and the majestic color between his brows became more and more prominent.Zhu Yaohuang seldom smiled, but when he was with Liusu, there was always a slight smile on his lips, and only Liusu could see this smile.

The two walked and came to a tower. Liusu looked up and saw that the tower was slanted, "The Leaning Tower of Pisa?!" She suddenly thought of this.

"I didn't expect that you ancients could build such a leaning tower. It's amazing! It seems that our bridge-building technology in China is indeed earlier than that of foreign devils..."

"What? Aren't you an ancient person?" Emperor Zhuyao found that Liusu's mouth would always spit out one or two words or new expressions that he hadn't heard before.

"Oh, what I mean is... the generation of Zhu Minghuang is older than me, so I say they are ancient people." Liusu quickly explained.

"I didn't make this when Emperor Zhuming was alive, I made it." Emperor Zhuyao said as he walked up the leaning tower with his hands behind his back, the long white robe fluttered in the wind, very handsome.

"You built it? Did you design this leaning tower?" Liusu hurriedly chased after him, and she discovered Zhuyaohuang's genius again.

"Yes, this is the tallest building in the Sun Dynasty."

"His Royal Highness Prince Lanling, tell you directly, can you do anything you don't know? It will save me from being frightened from time to time." Oh my god, Emperor Zhuyao actually built a leaning tower!

Zhu Yaohuang heard this, turned around, stopped at the same spot, looked at her and said, "Actually... there are things I am not good at."

"What is it? Tell me, let me balance it out." Tassel asked expectantly.

However, Emperor Zhuyao pretended to be deep and turned around and continued to walk forward, leaving Liusu four words—"I won't tell you!"

"Then why did you build this tower?" She ran over and asked with interest.

Zhu Yaohuang left her four more words - "This is a secret."

Liusu stopped at the spot discouraged, looked at his back, and refused to leave!If you want to learn from Qiluo, just play around.

Zhu Yaohuang walked a few steps, and found that the chattering person behind him stopped talking, and looked back, only to find that she stopped where she was, looking at him with a pair of eyes full of resentment like Xiaobao——

"what happened?"

"I can't walk anymore!"

"Come!" His Royal Highness Lanling really thought that Liusu couldn't walk anymore, so he stretched out his big palm towards him. His hands are so beautiful, generous, warm, with well-defined joints and slender fingers...

Tassel took a look...

Instead of reaching out, she ignored his hand and brushed past him, "No need."

Emperor Zhuyao was stunned for a moment, and took his hand back, what's wrong?It seems that the atmosphere is a bit wrong?He thought about it, it must have been fine just now.

The two went all the way to the top of the tower——

Tassel looks far away——

"Wow, I can really see the other side of the grassland, the sky is blue, the wild is vast, the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low, what a beautiful scenery!"

She shouted excitedly——

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Zhu Yaohuang stood beside her, looking into the distance with her——

The grassland there is endless and boundless.

The sky there is more lovely than anywhere else, the sky is so clear, and the air must be fresh.

Look, there are thousands of miles under the sky, with hills on all sides, the flat land is green, and the hills are also green.

The lines of those hillocks are so soft, just like the boneless paintings, which are only rendered in green and not drawn with pens.

The green color is about to flow, gently flowing into the clouds.

"It turns out that the grassland is much more beautiful than I imagined. It would be great if I could gallop there."

Companion of red dust, unrestrained and unrestrained

Galloping horses, the world is prosperous

Love and hate for wine

Vigorously, until death

Everything in the sky and the earth has become necessary, but those affections are still so real and so beautiful.

Before he knew it, Liusu thought of Zhuye Tong again, Zhuye Tong belonged to freedom, he was unrestrained and enthusiastic, maybe he was galloping on the grassland now.

In a daze, she seemed to see a man in an ice blue robe, handsome and unruly, riding a horse galloping unrulyly, leaving everyone behind.

He is always the fastest and best runner——

Suddenly, Liusu ran to the front of the Leaning Tower, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted with all his strength——

"Did you hear that? No matter how far you run, someone will always miss you, miss you, you will not be alone, you will not be lonely..."

Shouting, crystal tears slipped down again involuntarily, hanging on the cheeks.

Emperor Zhuyao stood aside quietly, didn't speak or disturb her, and accompanied her to mourn for Tongye Zhuye.

He knew that Zhuye Tong was the deepest sin and the most painful pain in her heart. Perhaps, because of his death, her heart would never be able to truly open in her whole life.

There is more than one gap to be bridged between him and her, the most important gap is the one in the heart.

Zhu Yaohuang's hand tightened.

A little sadness, flowing in the air, her tears were slowly dried, leaving only tear stains on her cheeks.

The red glow in the depths of the grassland shone on her body, it was extremely beautiful and desolate.

"You said, he must be riding a horse and galloping there, living a chic and unrestrained life. Everyone likes him very much, right?" After a long time, Liusu finally turned around and asked Emperor Zhuyao.

There was moisture in her eyes, but also good expectations.

"Yes, he is the unique thirteenth master, the most heroic general of the Sun Yao Dynasty, and he will live well there."

"Then... will he come back? He will come back, won't he?" Liusu asked holding back tears.

"Tassel..." Emperor Zhuyao suddenly realized that in front of her sad tears, he seemed to have fallen into an abyss, experiencing a feeling that was more painful than pain.

He reached out and took Tassel into his arms, "Thirteen wishes you happiness, as long as you are happy, it will be fine."

And he also wants her to be happy, as long as she is happy, he is willing to use everything to fight for it.

Even if, one day, she wants to leave him, he will bear the pain and silently bless her.

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