"After the waste."

he said suddenly.


Everyone looked at Emperor Zhuyao in shock, he... unexpectedly made such a decision with pain? !

Abandoned? !

"Brother Huang..." Leng Mei stepped forward and stood beside him.

"Xue Lan, draw up the decree."

Zhu Yaohuang closed his eyes.


Xue Lan took the brush, read one sentence after Emperor Yao, and he wrote one sentence.


The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was so cold and cold.

Tassel's face was pale and pale, with purple lips and hair sticking to both sides of her cheeks.

The rain made her almost unable to open her eyes, but she still stood still.

"Your Majesty, let's go, we'll fall ill if we shower again."

Laner urged anxiously.

"Yes, ma'am, let's come back tomorrow, and we'll come back soon."

Xingbai looked at Liusu's trembling lips, feeling extremely distressed.

"The emperor is really too much, why are you going to treat the queen like this? It's too much!!"

Xiao He was so angry that he threw the umbrella in his hand on the ground.

"No!" Liusu finally spoke. She looked at Xiaohe and said, "He is not such a person, he is not. He must have some difficulties to ignore me. There must be something wrong with his body."


"You are not allowed to speak ill of him! No! He is not such a person." Liusu believed in Emperor Zhuyao almost paranoidly, and did not allow others to deny him.

After hearing Liusu's words, the three fell silent.

Suddenly, the gate of Wenhua Palace opened——

Xiao Bao stood at the door holding the imperial decree.

Seeing Liusu, a smile appeared on her face. She wiped her face and walked over.

"The imperial decree arrives..."

Xiaobao unfolded the imperial decree and read out loudly——

Holy decree?

Liusu froze for a moment, then stood where she was.

"The Empress, please kneel down to receive the order—"

Liusu didn't kneel, but looked at the imperial decree in Xiaobao's hand, Xiaobao was stunned, ignoring the fact that Liusu had kneeled or not—

He opened his mouth and said:

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor's edict said:

Empress Qin, who deserves Mu Tianen, is a queen, but she has made many mistakes, and she will be deposed from the position of queen immediately.

After separation, don't hate each other.One difference and two widths, everyone is happy.

Bestowed. "

"What? Abandon the empress? The emperor wants to abolish the empress?"

The maids were all stunned.

Liusu was also stunned, she stood blankly in the rain, the whole world seemed to be suddenly quiet.

She heard nothing, felt nothing, and only had those two words in her mind - "Abandoned Empress".

"Empress, please... Please accept the order..." Xiaobao's hands were trembling, he didn't dare to look at the tassels, for fear that he would show his flaws, the emperor must have his reasons for what he wanted to do.

"The emperor..."

Suddenly, Liusu's eyes darkened, his body softened, and he fell down limply.

Leng Mei rushed up and caught her body.

After being in the rain for so long, her skin was icy cold, and her lips were already black and purple.

"Empress Empress, Empress Empress has fainted..." the maids of tassels shouted in panic.

In the Wenhua Palace, Emperor Zhu Yao heard voices from outside.

He pushed aside the support of Miracle Doctor Hua and Xue Lan, took out the cherry blossom hairpin from his arms, and put it in his palm, the cherry red pendant, so beautiful——

The bright red blood chasing the corners of Emperor Yao's lips fell drop by drop on the cherry blossom hairpin.

So bright red, so dazzling.

His blood fused with her hairpin

There is a dizzying beauty.

There is an almost suffocating beauty...

He is as affectionate as he is unfeeling

He is as unfeeling as he is

"Tassel... Tassel..."

He murmured Liusu's name, with a smile that was more beautiful, sad, and painful than when the cherry blossoms were falling——

That smile bloomed on his face and fell.

The pain settled and took root in his heart.

"Bring the piano..."

Emperor Zhu Yao sat cross-legged, his slender fingers had distinct joints, but they were stained with blood.

Gently brushing over the strings, a sad melody flowed from his fingertips——

Just because of your smile, I ran away and had nowhere to escape. I drew my sword to cut off the thread of love, but my feelings were gently entangled between my fingers. I was suffering only for the words of love. .This life is only for you, and I am willing to draw a prison for you.

The fainted Liusu closed her eyes tightly, lying in Lengmei's arms, she had never heard Zhuyaohuang's piano sound.

Rain, continue to fall.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and the wind suddenly rose.

The distance between Tassel and Emperor Zhu Yao is getting farther and farther away.


Liusu was caught in the rain and fell ill, lying on the bed, in a daze, still clutching the imperial decree of the abolished empress.

She was hot all over and her skin was flushed.

With her eyes closed tightly, she kept losing consciousness in her sleep, twisting her body in excruciating pain.

"It hurts... it hurts..."

"Mother, mother... Where is your pain, I'll rub it for you." Xiao Qiluo didn't know what happened at all. Aunt Mei carried her mother back.

Then, mother is like this.

She stood in front of the tassel window, Wu Yazi and the wet Nan Wuchu stood aside.

"It hurts……"

Liusu hissed in pain, and then the whole person arched into a ball, clutching his arm tightly.

"Mother... Mother... Where is your pain, where is it?" Xiao Qiluo felt very nervous when she saw Liusu working so hard.

"Doctor, what's the matter with my mother? She said it hurts, so you can prescribe medicine for her to relieve the pain."

"Back to Princess Changle, the empress is just infected with a cold and has a fever. It should...it shouldn't be painful..."

The imperial doctor was sweating profusely, and the emperor also issued a secret decree that if something happened to the empress, all the people in the imperial hospital would have their heads removed.

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