Destroy the leaves of the sycamore, and the branches of Xiao Sasha.

Seeing it all the time, tears empty self-awareness.

In front of the cold palace, the tall sycamore trees, the autumn wind suddenly picked up, and the withered leaves of the sycamore trees fluttered with the wind, one by one, whirling.

Liusu looked up, only to see the words "Jinse Palace", which seemed even more desolate.

Was Zhu Minglie's mother and concubine imprisoned inside?She had heard about Concubine Jin and the Fourth Prince. For some unknown reason, Emperor Zhuyue put Jin Concubine Ruan Jinse into the cold palace 18 years ago. Since then, the mother and son were forced to separate. They have not seen each other for 18 years.

No wonder, Fourth Master would silently come to Jinse Palace to say some heartbreaking words, and that small tea stand probably also has an unforgettable memory of Concubine Jin and Fourth Master.

Pushing open the heavy palace door and walking in, a sparse and bleak aura rushed towards me.

"Lenggong, as its name suggests, how can it be so desolate?" Liusu couldn't help shivering, had the fourth master's mother and concubine lived alone in it for 18 years?

Coming here is tantamount to entering hell, where there is no sky, and there is no room for turning around in a lifetime. How much strength do you need to insist on going first.

Walking, Zhu Minglie suddenly stopped, and murmured——

"It seems that we haven't seen each other for 18 years, will she still remember me?"

This is the first time Liusu has seen the cold-faced Yan Luo Zhu Minglie so hesitant, perhaps because she is also a mother, her heart suddenly tightened, she stepped forward to hold Zhu Minglie's big cold hands, and said: "Fourth Master, don't be afraid. There is no mother who does not remember her child, no matter how long they have been apart, they will remember. I think Empress Jin must have been thinking of you all the time these years."

Zhu Minglie lowered his head, met her affirmative gaze, nodded, and said, "Let's go in together."

His slight fragility was only seen by Tassel.

Going forward step by step, pushing open the last arched door of Jinse Palace, I saw a woman in white plain clothes sitting by the window, looking down, meditating, the melancholy between her brows was so strong that she couldn't get rid of it, her black hair was scattered on her back, Don't have a flavor.

Immediately, Zhu Minglie involuntarily clenched the hand holding Liusu, Liusu raised his head, and found that his lips were trembling, and those cold eyes were eager for a moment.

Probably a little tired, Concubine Jin stood up, groping in the air with her hands, and slowly walked towards the low couch on one side.

Only then did Liusu realize that she... couldn't see, her eyes were blind.

"..." Suddenly, Concubine Jin bumped into the hardwood table beside her accidentally, and the teapot that was originally placed on the edge of the table was about to fall off.

"Be careful!" Zhu Minglie's heart tightened, and he ran over as fast as he could, caught the teapot, and held Concubine Jin's hand with one hand.

Immediately, Concubine Jin was taken aback, she turned around, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and took hold of the hand that held her wrist——

" it Lie'er?" Her voice trembled suddenly.

Liusu vaguely saw Concubine Jin's appearance, her heart trembled, and a ray of doubt came to her heart, why did she feel that Fourth Master's mother looked so familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere?No, it was impossible, she was sure that she had never seen Concubine Jin before, so where did this familiar feeling come from?

"Mother and concubine, it's me... my son is here for you... Please come." Zhu Minglie knelt down on one knee and said, Qi Qiran.

After hearing this, Concubine Jin raised her hand eagerly, her big and ethereal eyes stared forward without focus, she groped, groped, and finally stroked Zhu Minglie's face——

"It's really's my Lie'er..."

"Yes, it's me, I'm here to see you." Zhu Minglie said, his eyes turned red.

Concubine Jin said that two pearly tears flowed from her eyes that had been dry for many years, and fell on the back of Zhu Minglie's hands.

I have been looking forward to it for 18 years, and I never thought that I would see my son again while I was still alive. The emperor said back then that they would never see their mother and son again.

"Lie'er, my Lie'er..." Concubine Jin's voice trembled, she seemed at a loss for her son who suddenly came in front of her.

Liusu watched from the side, her eyes wet.

"Lie'er, long time no see,'ve grown so big." Two lines of clear tears flowed from Concubine Jin's tears.

"Concubine Mother, long time no see." Zhu Minglie looked at Concubine Jin's thin and thin body, and the resentment that had been hidden for many years in that overly thin hand also dissipated.

After 18 years, he finally saw his mother and concubine again!

"Lie'er, are you doing well?" Concubine Jin burst into tears.

"Mother and Concubine, I... am getting married."

"Really? That's great..." Upon hearing this, Concubine Jin quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, with a gratified smile on her face, "Lie'er, you have really grown up and are about to get married."

"Today I brought her to see the concubine mother."

"Okay, come on, come here, let me take a look." Concubine Jin's pale face suddenly turned pale.

Zhu Minglie glanced at Liusu, nodded to her, and then Liusu walked up to Concubine Jin, half-kneeling, and said, "Greetings to Concubine Jin."

It was only then that Liusu could see Concubine Jin's appearance clearly, she was so beautiful, she was described as graceful and slender, with willow brows and emerald mist, sandalwood mouth dotted with cinnabar, a pair of autumn water eyes, smooth muscles and bones, and elegant demeanor.Lips are red without spots, eyebrows are green without painting, face is like a silver basin, and eyes are like water apricots.

Living in the cold palace for many years, she has an added charm of loneliness.

She is so beautiful, she can be called the number one beauty of the Sun Dynasty.

If it weren't for the unfocused eyes, it would be impossible to tell that she is a blind person.

Only then did Liusu understand why she felt that Concubine Jin looked familiar, because the charm between her and Concubine Jin's eyebrows was very similar. At the same time, she also understood why Emperor Zhuyue looked at her with that kind of eyes like seeing an acquaintance every time she saw her. Look at her, it's all because Concubine Jin looks like herself!

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