"But no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, I still can't reach him. I know that his parents don't like me. I know that everyone doesn't know that we are married. I don't care about these things. , I told myself that one day, he will love me, one day he will see what I give. One day his parents will love me. But I was wrong, I was wrong. No one would like me."

She wiped away the tears with her hands.

"Shortly after Yin Xue came back, he was going to divorce me. I really wanted to tell him not to divorce, but I didn't have the courage. I didn't."

She didn't speak anymore, Lin Han heard soft sobbing.

Gradually, the voice gradually became smaller.

Lin Han stood behind her, listening to her words.

The decision in my heart became more and more firm.

Hearing that there was no sound, Lin Han carefully turned in front of her, and sure enough, she was already asleep.

"Anyue, I'm sorry."

Lin Han picked him up carefully, and returned to the room only to find that Aunt Zhong had put the child in Shen Anyue's room.

Thinking that Putao's room was a bit small, she carried her directly to the master bedroom.

He helped her take off her shoes, fetched water again, went back to her room to get makeup remover, and carefully removed her makeup.

Then I wiped my face and feet.

He helped her cover the quilt again.

She's super cute when she's asleep, just like a grape.

Lin Han couldn't help pinching her cheeks flushed.

Suddenly Shen Anyue grabbed her hand.

"Lin Han, don't go, don't go."

Lin Han sat back beside her and patted her lightly.

"I won't go, I'm here, don't go."

Shen Anyue seemed to hear it, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she fell asleep holding his hand.

Seeing her like that, Lin Han couldn't bear it anymore.He just took off his shoes and fell asleep next to him.

At night, Shen Anyue hung her whole body on him.

Lin Han could always give Shen Anyue an inexplicable sense of security. In the second half of the night, Shen Anyue felt too hot and took off all her clothes.

When Lin Han saw this scene, he felt that he could no longer sleep with her.

But the woman didn't have any self-awareness, and her whole body was directly attached to her.

Lin Han felt that she was getting hotter and hotter, and her body's reaction became more and more obvious. After a while, her forehead began to sweat.

Lin Han felt that he was going to be unable to hold on any longer, so he directly pulled Shen Anyue's hand out.

Shen Anyue woke up immediately after Lin Han left.

Sitting up from the bed just like that, the moment Lin Han raised his foot, Shen Anyue stood up and grabbed him.

"I can't go, I promised not to go."

Lin Han didn't even turn his head, but his mind was full of what he just saw.

Shen Anyue posted it from behind.

"Anyue, this is not safe."

"Lin Han, but aren't we married?"

Lin Han knew that she was really drunk when he heard this, and he didn't want her to wake up tomorrow morning with regrets.

"Anyue, be good, I'll be back in a while."

Lin Han's voice had already started to tremble.

Shen Anyue hugged him even harder, her voice was slightly bewitching.

"I like you, you know, I know what's coming, I won't regret it."

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