In the blink of an eye, it was the hottest month of the year, and Su Jiang finally looked forward to her long-awaited summer vacation.

Shen Hope's movie shooting has also finished, and now she can be regarded as having nothing to do.

The little girl was sitting in the gazebo in the yard, holding half a small watermelon with a spoon in her arms. She was wearing a floral suspender dress that just covered her knees, and her hair was tied into a high ball head. Because of the heat, her whole body The upper and lower sides are white and red, just like a ripe peach.

She was swinging with her bare feet, and her shoes were casually thrown aside, looking like her father had seen her beaten.

There is also a red snake coiled beside her. Xiao Hong has grown very fast, and her body is already thicker than Su Jiang's wrist. I think it could be coiled around the little girl's wrist as a bracelet back then.

"Do you eat pig feed all day, why are you so fat?"

It was the first time that Su Jiang wanted to use the word fat to describe a snake. Other snakes are long and thin. Why is Xiaohong of her family so round?

Faced with her own Mama's criticism, Xiaohong drooped her tail a little bit disappointed, humming, as expected, human beings are fickle, obviously Mama said before that it is a blessing to be able to eat, but now she actually despises it for being fat.

Suddenly, Su Jiang's eyes froze, and she immediately put down the watermelon with lightning speed, and then jumped down to put on her shoes.

"Honey, is it hot?"

After hearing this familiar voice, Su Jiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she could hear her father's footsteps, otherwise she would have been nagged again.

But Su Jiang's breath was too early, and she didn't realize that she had put on her shoes backwards.

"It's not hot, Dad."

Su Jiang took two steps before realizing something was wrong, but she didn't show it on her face, afraid that Long Yi would also notice something was wrong.

What kind of bad luck is this for her, there is a 50.00% probability that she won't wear it, right?
"Daddy is going out for a while, baby want to come together?"

Su Jiang nodded, and then took Long Yi's hand.


The idler Gu Qingcheng was carried back by his father with a stick on his head to inherit the family business. Now only she and Long Yi are left in the family. It was rare for a while to be quiet. Even the smiles on the faces of the chefs in the family were visible to the naked eye. more up.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Jiang raised her head to confirm several times on the way. She knew this road, which ran in the opposite direction from the urban area and went straight to the mountain behind the city A.

The group of children in the class often mentioned this mysterious mountain. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Children always have a curious heart and a rebellious body. The more mysterious things are, the more untouchable things he wants to go test.

But there is a price to pay for everything. After the disappearance of children who came to explore the mountain one after another, the mountain was also divided into restricted areas.

The legends about this restricted zone are becoming more and more outrageous. There are monsters eating people, black holes that make the magnetic field out of control, and even a large human experiment base inside.

Su Jiang scratched her chin, and looked at Long Yi beside her with some meaning, why did her father go to the mountains?
A dangerous thought flashed through Su Jiang's mind, oh no, could it be that Father Dragon King found something and wanted to throw her into the mountains?
But this idea was quickly dispelled by her. Which domineering president threw it himself?

What surprised Su Jiang was that the mountain road here was unexpectedly wide, not like a restricted area as they said, but rather a scenic tourist area.

In a short while, Su Jiang's face changed from novelty to numbness. Now she can be regarded as experiencing what is called the eighteen bends of the mountain road.

Just when she was about to vomit unbearably, her vision suddenly opened up. The trees on both sides of the road were gone, and what came into view was a shocking waterfall.

"Get out of the car, baby, you can't drive in here."

As soon as Long Yi finished speaking, Su Jiang couldn't wait to open the car door and rushed out, then clutched her chest and gasped for breath. I don't know if it was a psychological reason, but the air in the mountains seemed extraordinarily fresh.

Long Yi knelt down and patted the little girl's back lightly. Obviously, he didn't expect the little girl's body to be so fragile. Just now, Su Jiang didn't show any discomfort in the car.

The old father was inexplicably ashamed. He didn't notice immediately that the child was uncomfortable.

"Dad, are you walking along this gravel road?"

Su Jiang, who finally came back to life, grabbed Long Yi's sleeve and asked curiously.

"Well, take a rest, don't worry."

Su Jiang didn't understand what Long Yi meant, but she really recovered, really, the child's recovery is fast, and the new body is good.

"Father, Su Jiang doesn't feel bad now, she can run five laps around the mountain without being out of breath."

After Su Jiang finished speaking, she showed the muscles on her arms very cooperatively.

"Pfft, what an interesting kid."

Hearing a chuckle from behind, Su Jiang immediately turned around vigilantly, and then stood in front of Long Yi like a hen protecting her cubs, although she could barely cover her knees.

She looked warily at the man in a white robe in front of her, with an evil smile in her long and narrow phoenix eyes. She was dressed in white and had black hair, standing there like an ink painting.

"Why are you looking at me with such eyes? If I really want to touch Lord Dragon King, can you, Little Douding, stop me?"

Little Douding?
Su Jiang clenched her fists tightly. Sooner or later, she would beat all the people who said she was short. She was annoyed if she didn't grow taller in a month, and this person added fuel to the fire.

"Lecheng, I don't think our relationship is good enough for you to be rude to my daughter."

After hearing Long Yi's cold warning, Le Cheng just smiled lightly, the corners of his mouth were raised and he couldn't see it without a magnifying glass.

"Sorry, little master, I'm being rude."

Seeing Le Cheng who suddenly became so polite in front of her, Su Jiang was stunned for a second or two, seeing that he seemed to know Father Dragon King, and then called her little master, she turned her head to the side and simply didn't bother to argue with this man .

She wants to grow taller quietly, and then slap everyone who says she is short.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people short.

"Lord Dragon King, little master, please follow me."

Lecheng flicked his sleeves, and then made a gesture of please.

Just like that, Su Jiang took Long Yi's sleeve and walked along the gravel road. The colder the more you walked, the three of them came to a retro mansion after a while.

Pushing open the door, the inside is just like that paradise, a large lotus blooming in full bloom, Su Jiang couldn't help but think of Wang Bachi at home.

Others raise koi to grow lotus, and their family raises bastards.

It was almost time for Le Cheng to see him, so he reminded him in time.

"Lord Dragon King, let's go to the front hall. It happens that the young master is also here. I have a very special little guest here. You should get along very well."

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