Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 128 The Brave and Kind Little Snake

The little red snake stared blankly at the two characters. Although it was an illiterate snake and could not read a few big characters, it could recognize these two characters.

Master Yuzu said that it is a forbidden place, a place that cannot be visited, and it is very dangerous. It will not go to this dangerous place, right?
The little red snake immediately raised its head vigilantly, no, it can't let Mama go to a dangerous place, it has to do something, it is a brave snake.

"Strange, what kind of place is it?"

Su Jiangang just wanted to move the mouse to look for information about the iron tower, but unexpectedly, the little red snake next to her suddenly picked up the wind, and wrapped her wrist tightly with its tail. It was not very strong, but But it can make Su Jiang's arm unable to move.

... It was getting cold, and she suddenly wanted to eat snake meat.

"I'm short of pumping, right? Let go."

The little red snake shook its head, it wouldn't loosen even if it was whipped to death!

Su Jiang took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart. She was just getting irritable now, and this silly snake dared to make trouble for her.

"I count to three."

As soon as Su Jiang's words came out, the little red snake was obviously discouraged. It subconsciously let go, but its reason quickly overcame its instinct, and it quickly reacted and entangled Su Jiang again.

This time it has to be brave for Mama!
"Okay, the tail is hard, isn't it?"

Su Jiang looked at the little red snake in front of her with some surprise.

Oh, it shouldn't be called small now, and I don't know what kind of pig feed this snake ate, and that head jumped faster than her.

"You know... I have lost my mother since I was a child..."

Su Jiang's voice suddenly picked up, it sounded pitiful.

"So even you want to bully me?"

The little girl's watery eyes just stared at the little red snake without blinking. After observing for this period of time, she has figured out the character of this snake, which is heartless.

Their father, the Dragon King, has one hundred minds, and she has one hundred and one minds. After adding this snake, it is exactly two hundred minds.

Sure enough, the simple-minded little red snake immediately fell into Su Jiang's trap, and began to feel sorry for its poor numbness.

It slowly loosened its grip on Su Jiang, and then obediently curled up aside.

It's pitiful enough for Mama, it can't make trouble for her anymore, it will be a good snake.

Obviously, it has forgotten that it just wanted to be a brave snake.

"So nice."

Su Jiang patted the little snake's head as a reward, if only her Dragon King father was half as easy to fool as this snake.

Su Jiang tapped the keyboard quickly with her fingertips, and all kinds of information flashed in her eyes, but there was no iron tower, and there was no iron tower she was looking for.

Su Jiang sighed helplessly, feeling a little puzzled in her heart.

Does that place really exist in this world?

"Forget it, anyway, it will come out of their mouths sooner or later."

Su Jiang turned off the computer, put on her pajamas, and went to wash up.

After washing, she found that the headlight on the other side of the hall was still on, so she walked over curiously, and when she got closer, she couldn't help being a little surprised to find that Ji Yu was still here.

The Dragon King father and the little villain probably started talking about Pangu's creation of the world, why are they still talking about it at this time.

Su Jiang walked over quietly, and then squatted behind the potted plant like a thief. At this time, her small size advantage came out, and she was completely blocked by the potted plant when she squatted there.

"You say you are the villain of this world?"

Long Yi frowned, obviously, what Ji Yu said just now was completely beyond his cognition.

Before he could finish digesting the news, Ji Yu spoke again.

"Yes, they say I'm the villain, our world is a novel world, and you are the protagonist."

This time, not only Long Yi, but even Su Jiang after the potted plant was stunned, how did the little villain even know this? They couldn't be the group of time-travelers he was talking about, right?

"The situation you mentioned has indeed happened to me. If it is true that we are a novel world as you said, then why do you, the villain, want to cooperate with me?"

Long Yi just glanced at Ji Yu lightly, the low air pressure from his body made this glance full of oppression.

But who is Ji Yu, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and still has that lazy look of disapproval.

"Because Su Jiang said that her father is the kindest and most powerful person in the world."

Su Jiang: ...

Why are you talking about her again?
"My daughter really said that?"

Long Yi asked suspiciously.

"You can choose not to believe it, but I can be sure that what I'm telling is the truth."

Ji Yu said calmly, the sincerity on his face was really confusing.

"Besides, you won't suffer from cooperating with me. I have far more information than that. What do you think, Uncle Long?"

Long Yi's cold eyes fell on Ji Yu, as if he was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Obviously, it was the two of them who were confronting each other, but it was Su Jiang over there who was nervous.

No, the direction of this plot seems to be getting more and more wrong. Why does the villain have to cooperate with the protagonist?

"Okay, I promise you."

Su Jiang's little hand holding on to the potted plant tightened, what's going on, why did her father agree?

"Su Jiang, you are here..."

Hearing the movement behind her, Su Jiang immediately turned around and covered Ning Pei's mouth, but it was too late, Long Yi and Ji Yu had already noticed the movement here.

"Honey, are you over there?"

Oops, backstabbed.

Su Jiang got out from behind the potted plant with her head down, and she didn't forget to drag Ning Pei when she came out.

If he wants to kill her, then he shouldn't even try to run away.

"Dad, why haven't you gone to rest yet?"

Su Jiang raised her head and said innocently, as the so-called preemptive attack, as long as she is not guilty, it should be someone else.

Unexpectedly, his own daughter would come to ask such a question, and the phrase "why haven't you slept yet" that came out of Long Yi's mouth was successfully choked back.

"Hey, Dad still has something to do, baby go to rest first."

"Is Dad going to whisper to Brother Ji Yu?"

Su Jiang pretended not to know anything, pouted and said angrily.

Looking at the angry little girl in front of him, Long Yi was in a difficult situation. He didn't know how to explain it. He admitted that he had always avoided Su Jiang on purpose when looking for the iron tower. He just didn't want to She gets involved again.

Ji Yu on the side walked slowly in front of Su Jiang, with an indifferent smile on his face, and then pretended to be caring and said.

"It's not a whisper, I can tell you if you want to know."

Su Jiang raised her head, her eyes as round as black grapes were staring at Ji Yu.

"Really, brother Ji Yu, will you really tell Su Jiang everything you whispered to your father?"

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