Chapter 138 Die together?

"Host, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, why can they live such a happy life, but I have to lose my soul?"

In the dim room, the girl was wrapped in a quilt and huddled up. The air conditioner had been adjusted to the highest temperature by her, but even so she still couldn't bear the cold that penetrated into the bone marrow.

It was so cold, like picking out her bones and throwing them into an ice cube, it was so cold through my heart.

When she was about to freeze, scenes flashed in Anna's mind. The video of her framing Yao Xinke was exposed for some reason, and Shen hoped to kick her out of the crew. All the things she had let the system settle with points before were all exposed at this time out.

Everything is like a ball of paper that cannot wrap the fire, her mission has failed, she has become a mouse crossing the street, and what awaits her will be disillusioned.

She was not reconciled, why did Yao Xinke find her father, and why did Su Jiang, who was supposed to die, stand in front of her eldest lady?
Anna struggled to open her eyes, shivering non-stop. The whites of her eyes were already covered with bloodshot eyes. Since she was bound to die sooner or later, she at least had to hold her back.

In order to use up the skill card, all the points need to be exhausted, and the user is bound to the life and pain of another person to share the responsibility.

The most useless and perverted skill card she ever thought would come in handy at this moment.

Under the intertwined pain and cold, Anna twitched all over, but the corner of her mouth pulled out an almost crazy arc.

She can't just let her taste the taste of soul flying away. Anyway, she only has five points left, and she will die when the task fails to settle. It's better to exchange the points for skill cards before the settlement.

She wants to let this group of npcs know who is the real protagonist!
"Please host to choose a binding object."

"I choose... Yao... Oh no, I choose... I choose Su Jiang!"

Anna yelled hysterically. The sharp nails dug deep into the palm of her hand, and blood came out of her nose, eyes, and ears. She let out a cry of pain, and grabbed her hair. Tore it off.

Her plan was so perfect, it was all because of that stinky girl who disrupted her plan, those videos must be her revenge on herself!

She rolled on the ground in pain and yelled frantically, but all this was just the beginning.

"Drip, it's the same skill card activated, and it's in the pain connection."

On the other side, Su Jiang was still chatting with Shen Xiyu and the others, but she didn't know that a catastrophe was about to happen to her.

"Sister Su Jiang, is your father a boxer?"

Liu Xi bypassed Ning You and came to Su Jiang's side, then carefully looked at Long Yi, making sure that the man hadn't noticed him before quietly opening his mouth.


Su Jiang looked at him with some doubts, not understanding why the other party had such a misunderstanding, no matter how her father looked at him, he looked like a domineering president, okay?
"No, then why did my father say that Uncle Long can beat me to death with one punch?"

Liu Xi scratched his head and said with some puzzlement.


In a word, the rest of the room was silenced.

Su Jiang hooked the corners of her mouth a little amusingly, and was just about to explain to Liu Xi, but she didn't expect a tingling pain from her heart as she opened her mouth, as if being pierced by an invisible sharp knife.

Su Jiang slowly covered her chest, her complexion changed suddenly, followed by another stabbing pain, her body trembled uncontrollably, not only her heart, but her internal organs began to ache.

"What's the matter with you, Su Jiang?"

It was Shen Xiyu who first noticed that something was wrong with Su Jiang. The young man asked nervously when he saw her little face that suddenly lost all color.


Before Su Jiang could say "it's okay", she felt a rusty taste in her throat.

She reacted immediately and covered her mouth, but the bright red blood still overflowed from between her fingers.

"Sister Su Jiang!"

"Su Jiang!"

Seeing Su Jiang who suddenly vomited blood, the expressions of the other people in the room changed, and Long Yi, who was farthest from Su Jiang, rushed over at some point.

The blood in the man's whole body seemed to be solidified, and the hands holding Su Jiang trembled slightly. The little girl in his arms bit her lower lip tightly, but blood still overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Housekeeper, call the doctor, and Gu Qingcheng!"

Seeing Long Yi's nervous look, Su Jiang wanted to stretch out her hand to comfort him, but when she raised her arm, she heard a click, as if something broke.

I can't move, it hurts when I move.

"Sister Su Jiang..."

Everything happened so unexpectedly, they were chatting together one second ago, why the next second...

Liu Xi's eyes were red and he wanted to go up to touch Su Jiang, but Shen Xiyu behind him grabbed his wrist.

"Don't make a mess."

The young man's tone was forbearing, the housekeeper had already gone to call the doctor, since they couldn't help, they could only do not make trouble.

"Don't be afraid, honey, you'll be fine with Daddy around."

Hearing Long Yi's trembling voice, Su Jiang opened his eyes with some difficulty, but his eyes seemed to be covered by something, and his vision had already begun to collapse.

Why is her face wet? Isn't she ugly now?

There was another colic in her heart, and Su Jiang couldn't hold back a muffled snort. hurts, is she going to die?

In addition to the pain, there was an inexplicable chill in her body. Su Jiang, who was about to lose consciousness from the pain, was suddenly awakened by the chill. After waking up, the pain doubled, and her whole body seemed to be repeatedly crushed by a truck. average.

Looking at Su Jiang's painful and enduring appearance, Ning You's golden amber eyes were gradually stained with blood, and she turned her head to look at Ning Pei, who was still calm but had already turned into a pair of blood eyes.

"See, Ning Pei, that thread."


The red eyes of the two brothers and sisters looked at the door in unison. A white silk thread that no one could see stretched out from Su Jiang's chest. No one knew where the other end of it was connected.

Looking at the thread, Ning Pei felt as if his chest was on fire. His fist beside him clenched tightly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing him go, Ning You's bloody eyes flashed a sly smile, her brother is really innocent.'s really a pity, she also thought that she would make her family Dahong into such a person herself, but if Ning Pei made a move, it would be nothing to do with her.

Speaking of which, it seems that she created the ability of "to die together". After all, the mood of wanting to kill Ning Pei reached the extreme at that time, and it is not impossible to do such a thing.

Ning You turned around and looked at Su Jiang, who was already sweating profusely from the pain. She couldn't help but feel distressed. The human body is very afraid of pain. I hope Ning Pei can move faster.

(End of this chapter)

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