Chapter 140 Expose?

"Oh...they look exactly the same."

Ji Yu stared at Ning You, who was blue-faced and out of breath, in front of him with a puzzled face. The girl firmly held his hand on her neck, trying to break it away, but after being punished, she was now In the weak stage, her strength is completely at the level of a five-year-old child. Ordinary humans can easily kill her, let alone a pervert like Ji Yu.

"You... you... let go..."

Noticing Ning You's eyes gradually turning red, Ji Yu immediately showed a meaningful smile.

"Okay, I let you go."

After Ji Yu finished speaking, she really let go of Ning You. With a bang, Ning You's legs went limp and fell to the ground. Before she could stand up, her vision went dark, and her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a bag.

"Young master, what should we do with this person?"

Ji Yu looked at the sack that was still tossing and turning in his hands, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly.

"Keep her locked up with those people."

Ning You's lungs were about to explode after being put into a sack. When had she ever suffered such humiliation, being caught by humans would be better than being killed by Ning Pei.

Just wait, Ji Yu, when she recovers her strength, she will be the first to crush him!

But she didn't know when she would have to wait until she regained her strength, and now she could only punch and kick in the sack, unable to rage.

"Ji Yu, I advise you to let go of me, the price of offending me is unbearable for you."

"Oh, you still know my name, it seems that you caught her right, why are you standing there, why don't you take her away quickly?"

Hearing Ji Yu's words, the 1.8-meter man immediately lowered his head and retreated with the sack on his shoulders.

After they left, Ji Yu walked out from the corner, as if nothing had happened, and walked towards Long Yi in a casual manner.

"Uncle Long, is Su Jiang okay?"

Hearing the boy's voice, Long Yi sharply raised his head, sized up Ji Yu with a pair of unfathomable black eyes, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"Your news is quite good."

"It's okay, there is no eyeliner and messenger arranged by Uncle Long at my house."

Long Yi: ...

While the two were talking, the door of the operating room was opened again.

Su Jiang was pushed out with the bed, she lay down with a bored face, ignoring the red shirt on her chest, she looked like a completely fine person.

"Father... Brother Ji Yu?"

Looking at the young man who smiled at her, Su Jiang felt a little puzzled, but the corners of her mouth instinctively curled up.

"Well, it's amazing to be alive after vomiting so much blood."

Ji Yu patted Su Jiang's little head, it was clearly a word of encouragement but it sounded wrong.

"Brother Ji Yu, why are you here?"

"I happened to pass by, and I happened to see your father here."

Hearing Ji Yu's reason, Su Jiang didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, in fact, he didn't know how to make up reasons, so we don't have to make up.

"Wow, what a coincidence."

"Okay, the kid from the Ji family stays out of the way."

Gu Qingcheng lowered his head and looked at Ji Yu with a displeased face, then pushed the bed and left, not forgetting to complain about Ji Yu to Su Jiang on the way.

"Hey, don't play with this brat, you know, maybe he bought you and you have to count the money for him."

Su Jiang's face was blank, she didn't know what to say, did she look so stupid?
"Uncle Long, can I have a word with Su Jiang?"

Looking at Ji Yu who suddenly became polite, Long Yi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Seeing that Long Yi agreed, Ji Yu immediately bent his lips.

"Thank you uncle."

Looking at Ji Yu Huanxi's back, Long Yi sighed heavily. Is his daughter's interpersonal relationship too good?
"Brother Ji Yu, what are you looking at, is there something on Su Jiang's face?"

Su Jiang tilted her head and said with a embarrassed smile.

The little villain has been staring at her without saying a word for almost 10 minutes. No one can guess what the child is thinking, but it is very likely that it is not a good thing.

"No, you can just pretend that I don't exist. I just want to use you to restore my memory."

Ji Yu rubbed his temples depressingly, why did he suddenly fail this time, he didn't remember anything.

Su Jiang let out a soft oh, it's really strange, could it be possible to restore her memory just by looking at her?

Su Jiang just wanted to close her eyes, but suddenly, as if thinking of something, she opened her eyes wide again in an instant, raised her head and looked at Ji Yu with complicated eyes.

Seeing her reaction, Ji Yu smiled and said.

"Yes, it's about your memory. If I'm not mistaken, our two lost memories should be from the same time period, and we were both in the iron tower at that time."

Hearing Ji Yu's words, Su Jiang looked around subconsciously. Fortunately, her father had just gone out to discuss things with Gu Qingcheng, but the little villain might only bring up such topics when only the two of them were alone. Bar.

"Ah...then what should we do, Brother Ji Yu?"

Su Jiang pretended to be anxious and bewildered, but she was already thinking about how to get more information about the iron tower from the person in front of her.

"If you guessed right, you also want to find the iron tower?"

Ji Yu propped his chin with his hand, and showed an inexplicable smile at Su Jiang.

Su Jiang ground her molars, then nodded, this person is the roundworm in her stomach, right?
But before she could respond, Ji Yu said to himself.

"I have a plan here, but before that, can I know your real identity?"

(End of this chapter)

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