Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 144 He also wants a gift from his daughter

Chapter 144 He also wants a gift from his daughter

Ji Yu's eyes darkened, and then he quickly covered his mouth and nose.

The young man covered his mouth and looked coldly at the empty room in front of him. After a long time, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

"It was able to run away, it seems that it was caught correctly."

Ji Yu closed the door and didn't stay too long. After all, counting the time, his "friend" will almost arrive soon.

On the other side, Long Yi walked into the gate of Ji's house with a little girl in a goose-yellow dress in his arms, followed by a white tiger wearing a mask. The boy hung his head without saying a word, his nerves tensed.

The Ji family is very dangerous, he doesn't understand why the adults of his family brought the young master here.

As soon as she arrived at Ji's house, Su Jiang felt uncomfortable all over. She always felt that there was a pair of eyes watching her from the dark. Although there were indeed many people around who were looking at her curiously, they were not the very oppressive eyes.

Su Jiang rested her chin on Long Yi's shoulder, watching with her big curious eyes.

"Sister Su Jiang, you are here too."

Who is calling her?

Su Jiang looked around, and finally looked down.

Liu Xi, who was wearing a black dress with suspenders, was looking up to her, Su Jiang patted her father's shoulder, Long Yi immediately understood, and reluctantly put her on the ground.

Long Yi looked at the silly boy who was excitedly describing to Su Jiang how delicious the desserts were, and felt very upset. Why is there such a boy everywhere?
"Sister Su Jiang, why are you here? My father said this is a birthday party. Do you know whose it is?"

Liu Xi scratched his head and asked curiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone answered his question, but it was not Su Jiang.

"After eating so many cakes from my family, I don't even know it's my birthday."

The voice behind him instantly gave Liu Xi goose bumps all over his body. He jumped up and turned around to see that it was Ji Yu.

"Ji...Ji Yu...brother."

Liu Xi squeezed the corners of his clothes tightly with his small hands, and shouted with a shy expression.

"Who is your brother, don't bark."

Ji Yu said mercilessly, with naked disgust in his tone.

"But sister Su Jiang called you brother... I followed my sister and called..."

Faced with Ji Yu's dislike, Liu Xi twitched the corner of his mouth and explained weakly.

"up to you."

Ji Yu's tone was perfunctory and impatient.

"Brother Ji Yu, happy birthday~"

Su Jiang said while taking Liu Xi behind her, what happened to the little villain today, it feels like eating explosives.

"Well, why did you come here? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ji Yu crossed his hands and said with displeasure.

Su Jiang rubbed the lace edge of the skirt with her hands, and she couldn't help wondering, who made the prince unhappy again?

"Because it's Brother Ji Yu's birthday, it will take a little longer for Su Jiang to make a beautiful and delicate braid."

After hearing this, Ji Yu lowered his head, and then carefully examined the little girl's hairstyle.

A simple high ponytail without even a hair accessory, how delicate is it?

"Does it look good, Brother Ji Yu?"

Su Jiang raised her small head and showed Ji Yu a big and bright smile.

Ji Yu: ...

The boy turned his head away silently, and then nodded silently. Su Jiang couldn't see his face clearly, but she could feel that the boy's aura had softened a lot.

Liu Xi, who was standing behind Su Jiang, opened his mouth wide. As expected of his sister Su Jiang, she coaxed her away with a few words.

The little boy put his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows proudly. His sister Su Jiang is indeed the most powerful!
"Brother Ji Yu, I have a gift for you."

After Su Jiang finished speaking, she looked at Bai Hu beside her. The young man was carrying a plush doll bag that was extremely inconsistent with his temperament. Seeing his little master looking at him, Bai Hu quickly stepped forward and handed the bag to her. .

Su Jiang took her small bag, then reached out and took out a small rectangular box with beautiful packaging.

"Happy birthday, be happy every day, Brother Ji Yu."

Su Jiang smiled and handed over the gift in her hand.

Ji Yu looked at the small gift box in front of him, and then at Su Jiang who looked expectant, his expression lost control for a moment, and then he accepted the little girl's gift with some unease.

"You too……"

The boy's voice was very low, but Su Jiang with sharp ears could still hear it.

The veins in Long Yi's hands holding the goblet on the side were throbbing. When did his daughter prepare the presents? As a father, he doesn't know anything?
When is his birthday? He also wants a gift from his daughter.

... Tsk, it seems that we have to wait a long time.

Xu Shi noticed Long Yi's resentful and sour eyes, a cunning flashed in Ji Yu's eyes, and he quickly put the small gift box into his pocket.

"I like it very much, thank you."

Ji Yu stretched out his hand, smiled and squeezed the soft flesh on Su Jiang's cheek.

Su Jiang twitched the corners of her mouth. This man really lied without blinking an eye. He obviously didn't take it apart or even looked at it. He just said he liked it very much. Can he be more perfunctory?

But at this moment, there was quite a commotion from the other side of the banquet hall.

(End of this chapter)

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