Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 149 The Flawless Person

Shen Xiyuan looked thoughtfully at the three little bean dings in front of him, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Xiyu, you are the least lovely one."

As soon as Shen Xiyuan finished speaking, Shen Xiyu looked up at him inexplicably.

Is this person sleeping stupidly?

"Su Jiang, I'll take my second brother to rest first, he probably hasn't woken up yet."

After Shen Xiyu said hello to Su Jiang, she dragged her second brother, who was wandering away, away. After they left, Liu Xi was also dragged home by his collar by his father.

Long Yi took Su Jiang to find a quiet corner and sat down. Su Jiang played with her little curly hair boredly, and frowned slightly. From the beginning to the present, that line of sight that cannot be ignored has always been there.

"Father, where are Ning You and Ning Pei?"

Su Jiang straightened her body slightly, and asked curiously.

"I haven't found it yet. One is missing at home and the other is missing in the hospital."

Missing... or two together.

Xu Shi noticed his daughter's sudden tense emotions, Long Yi reached out and patted her little head lightly.

"It's okay, baby, they'll be fine, after all, they're not ordinary people."

Su Jiang froze for a moment, then nodded, yes, what was she worried about.

The little girl tightly clutched the lace of her skirt, and anxiety filled her mind.

At this time, at the end of the world, there was no wind in the void, the golden ginkgo tree was as tall and tall as it was back then, and the man in a snow-white robe gently placed his hand on the trunk.

The moment he touched the tree trunk, the man's golden brown eyes seemed to be filled with stars, extremely brilliant, and cracks began to appear on his flawless white face.

The skin does not break, peels off and then regenerates, like an insect shedding its skin. With the continuous moulting, his figure gradually becomes smaller, and finally he is about the size of a ten-year-old boy.

Compared with before, in addition to the size of the body, there is also a golden ginkgo leaf flower on the young man's forehead.

This is the scene where Ning You rushed over. In an instant, the anger and desire transformed from unwillingness and jealousy were about to burn her sanity completely.

"Why... why are you still alive, why did you activate the power before me?"

Ning You dragged her thin and bruised body slowly towards Ning Pei, saying in disbelief as she walked.

But no one answered her question, Ning Pei just glanced at him lightly, with a look of pity in his eyes.

Ning You froze. What kind of eyes is this? Are you pitying her? What's so pitiful, isn't it just activating the power? If Ning Pei can do it, she can do the same!

Thinking of this, Ning You staggered towards the ginkgo tree in front, but the moment her hand touched the trunk of the ginkgo tree, a strange and distorted flame instantly enveloped her whole body.


The piercing pain came from all directions, Ning You was so painful that she was about to faint, and the veins all over her body were bulging, but her hands were still firmly grasped on the tree trunk.

"Ningyou, let go, this flame will directly burn your soul."

"Shut up, I won't lose to you!"

Ning You gritted her teeth and dug her fingers directly into the book cover, even though her soul was burned to the point of dissipating.

Seeing Ning You being so stubborn, Ning Pei's golden eyes were full of puzzlement.

"It's useless for you to do this. You need a flawless person to activate the power, and your strength is not enough."

Not enough power?

Ning You sneered, yes, she has been weaker than Ning Pei since she was a child, but Ning Pei lacks emotion. To activate power, strength and emotion are indispensable, that is, a flawless person.

But...how can Ning Pei regain her feelings?

In this case, she can also gain strength.

If not, find a way to get it!

Ning You opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were full of madness, she opened her mouth suddenly and bit the tree trunk as if she didn't know the pain.

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