Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 152 The Boy's Smile

Chapter 152 The Boy's Smile

"Father, elder brother Su Yao invited us to his house again, shall we go?"

Su Jiang shook the phone in her hand, and asked Long Yi expectantly.

"Does baby like it there?"

Long Yi didn't make a decision immediately, but asked Su Jiang about it.

"I like it, Su Jiang likes aunt and uncle."

"Okay, let's go then."

With the consent of her father, the Dragon King, Su Jiang stood up abruptly, and then patted her little skirt.

But before leaving, I should tell the host of the banquet, where is the little villain?

The little girl glanced left and right, but unfortunately there were too many people around, and she couldn't see where Ji Yu was at all.

Seeing his daughter like this, Long Yi naturally guessed what she was going to do.

In terms of politeness, he is very glad that his daughter did not inherit it from him.

"Okay honey, let's go, they'll know."

After Long Yi finished speaking, he picked up Su Jiang, and Bai Hu left after him.

Su Jiang rested her chin on Long Yi's shoulder, and was hugged by her father, the Dragon King, and left the banquet hall. This kind of feeling that she would make a way wherever she went was quite cool, and everyone used it in an extremely cryptic way He looked at them curiously, but none of them dared to step forward.

Is she taking advantage of her father's power?
Just a second before leaving, Su Jiang caught a glimpse of Ji Yu who had disappeared for a long time.

The teenager was holding an old stuffed bear toy in his arms, which looked extremely incompatible with his attire. He looked at Su Jiang who was about to leave with complicated eyes, and then pulled out a gentle smile.

Su Jiang opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but Long Yi walked too fast, and Ji Yu was immediately blocked by the crowd.

Strange, what is the little villain doing, it seems that his smile is different from before, he is obviously smiling, why are his eyes so sad?

And that little bear doll... so familiar...

Su Jiang rubbed her temples, shrank her head into Long Yi's arms, felt upset for no reason, and felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something was missing.

She knew what was missing, her memory.

Why Ji Yu can remember, but she can't, is it because the body is not hers, or that she has to go to the iron tower?

Behind Long Yi, Bai Hu looked at his little master who was frowning, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

Their little master seems to have a lot of things on his mind, what is going on in this little head all day long?

"Little master, you seem to be very distressed. I wonder if Baihu can help you?"

What troubles children may have are undoubtedly some very simple things, homework cannot be finished, and the holiday is coming to an end and school will start soon.

He sees Su Jiang's expression of death-defying expression before going to school, and he also understands it. After all, going to school is much more difficult than being a killer.

He once attended school for one semester under Long Yi's order. Although he didn't remember anything, he was deeply impressed by the elusive homeroom teacher.

As a killer, one must be extremely sensitive to the dangers around him, but that man unexpectedly appeared by the window next to him without anyone noticing, and he couldn't even notice it. On the first day of school, I was punished to stand for sleeping.

That homeroom teacher is definitely a master, he can hide his aura so perfectly.

Seeing the young man's thoughts drifting away, Su Jiang curled her lips helplessly, and then called out twice.

"Brother Hu, Brother Hu, are you listening to Su Jiang?"

Hearing Su Jiang calling him, the boy suddenly came back to his senses.

"I'm here, little master, I'm sorry, I lost my mind again..."

Under the mask, the boy smiled shyly.

"It's okay, but Brother Baihu asked Su Jiang a question, did you hear Su Jiang's answer?"

Su Jiang lay on Long Yi's shoulder, looking at the white tiger following behind with a smile on her face.

The boy touched his nose in embarrassment, and wrote all his thoughts on his face, even the mask couldn't stop him.

"Sorry little master, Baihu didn't hear it."

Su Jiang narrowed her eyes slightly, with such an expression.

That being the case, then she will repeat it again, maybe Baihu can really help?

Thinking of this, Su Jiang quickly cleared her throat, and opened her mouth with a serious face.

"Brother Hu, Su Jiang wants to know..."

(End of this chapter)

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