"I'm going, sister, hurry up and call Uncle Long, there's a thief in the house!"

Su Jiang looked at Su Yao who was terrified, then looked at the fruit knife on his neck, and finally moved his gaze to the expressionless white tiger holding the knife.

"Brother Hu, this is Su Jiang's brother, don't scare him."

Su Jiang grabbed Su Yao's finger and shook it as she spoke.

I couldn't help being curious in my heart, and wondered, where did the white tiger come from, and I clearly remembered that he didn't come in with them.

Su Jiang glanced at the open window on the balcony, and probably knew something in her heart.

But... this is the ninth floor, it is worthy of being a top killer, and it is just a thrill to play.

When Su Jiang opened his mouth, Bai Hu immediately took the fruit knife back, then threw it casually, and threw it precisely into the fruit basket on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry, little master, but the subordinate was rude."

Bai Hu bowed slightly, his voice was muffled, he bowed his head and retreated to the side without saying a word.

"Sister, is this your bodyguard? Isn't it scary?"

Su Yao touched his neck with some palpitations, then shrank back to Su Jiang calmly, and looked at the silent white tiger standing there in the corner with fearful eyes.

Where did this person come from? Is it a human or a ghost?

What are you talking about, Baihu is of course a human being.

The little girl muttered in her heart.

Wait... No one was talking just now.

Su Jiang finally realized what was wrong, she widened her eyes and looked at Su Yao in disbelief.

No way... No way, this person is also a time traveler?
Su Jiang quickly sorted out her emotions, the shock only took two or three seconds, and she quickly recovered the smile on her face.

It's nothing surprising, after all, she already knew that there was more than one traverser, and there might be more, but she didn't meet them.

There is no reason why only she is allowed to time travel and no one else is allowed to time travel, right?
Su Jiang's easy-going temperament has saved her a lot of unnecessary anxiety, even though she still has a half-knowledge about her situation.

"Brother, don't be afraid, Brother Hu is a good man, it was Dad who asked him to protect Su Jiang."

Su Jiang raised her head and explained to Su Yao with a sweet smile.

"So this is ah."

The boy nodded, pretending to be calm and muttering, but his heart exploded.

Isn't it true, is Uncle Long serious, let a mentally unstable killer protect the little girl?

Su Yao couldn't help complaining in his heart, this is not over yet, although the young man doesn't seem to talk much on the surface, but he has a lot of inner drama.

Brother Hu...has become an elder brother, even though he is the only elder brother for the younger sister.

Thinking of this, he boldly gave Bai Hu a very dissatisfied look.

Baihu, who has always been sensitive to malice, suddenly raised his head when he noticed it. Su Yao was frightened, and quickly shrank back to Su Jiang.

It's terrible, and I still feel that this person is terrible after living a lifetime.

Live again?

Su Jiang blinked, she heard clearly what Su Yao said just now.

As a reader who has read hundreds of online novels, Su Jiang immediately had a rough guess in her heart.

Could it be that this person took the rebirth script?

Su Jiang raised her head and glanced at Su Yao, who didn't look very smart. It was really strange, so why couldn't he hear his voice before?
Could it be that he was reborn recently, so it makes sense.

Since he was born again, he must know a lot.

Thinking of this, Su Jiang's eyes suddenly brightened, and she looked at Su Yao as if she was looking at a piece of extremely delicious pork belly.

Su Yao's back suddenly felt cold, and an inexplicable chill crawled up his spine.

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