Chapter 176 Iron Tower (Seventeen)

"Of course it's Ning... I'm not sure about this either, whoever meets first will be the one."

Su Jiang waved her hands, her expression indifferent.

"Can you take the snake off my neck first, it's a bit uncomfortable."

Ji Yu pointed to the little red snake around his neck, smiling forcedly.

Su Jiang nodded, then hooked her fingers towards him, Ji Yu lowered her head in cooperation, and the little red snake was torn off.

Ji Yu looked at the little red snake that was wrapped around Su Jiang's arm again, with a flash of chill in his eyes.

Does this snake have divinity?
Su Jiang noticed Ji Yu's terrifying eyes, and quickly pulled off her sleeves calmly, blocking the little red snake obediently.

"It's too late to stop, I already know."

Su Jiang: ...

What should I do, I don't really want to stay with this person, and if I stay any longer, all her old background will be exposed.

"So it's your hole card?"

Ji Yu asked.

"That's it."

Su Jiang wiped her face casually, she couldn't take it anymore, she didn't even need to look in the mirror, she must be a little black girl now.

"Thank you, Ji Yu."

Looking at the little girl who suddenly thanked him with a serious face in front of him, Ji Yu tilted his head, a little puzzled.

"Why do you thank me, aren't these what I should do?"

Su Jiang pursed her lips. This person has changed a lot. A year ago, he was a dark batch, but this year he has become a black-bellied batch.

"Hahaha, yes yes, we are good friends... good friends."

Su Jiang laughed, trying to get away with it, so let's stop this topic.

"I have to go and find them both quickly."

"me and you together."

Ji Yu grabbed Zhu Jiang's collar by the back, and his tone could not refuse.

"The two of them will definitely not give you power as easily as I do. I can be your hole card when necessary."

Upon hearing this, Su Jiang's eyes lit up, and she grabbed Ji Yu's hand with her backhand.

"What are you talking about, my best friend, we are the strongest in the world."

Su Jiang: (*`*)
Ji Yu: (⌒_⌒;)
On the other side, Ning You stood on the tree with a slumped face, her arms folded around her chest, and the wind above her head messed up her long silver hair, just like her current thoughts.

She seems lost...

"Tsk, it's really hard to use one eye. There's no one here... I have to go to the next place quickly."

Just when Ning You was about to jump in space again, a scream abruptly interrupted her spellcasting.

"Ah, help!"

Ning You glanced down curiously, and sure enough, boring humans started killing each other again.

"It's really boring..."

Just when she raised her hand to raise the magic circle again, a familiar wave of power came from under the tree.

Ning You's eyes darkened, the surrounding leaves began to rustle, the space began to distort, and the volley knife was unsheathed, and there was no one on the tree.

"You...don't come here..."

Xiao Wu sat paralyzed on the ground and looked at the "monster" walking towards him in horror. It was obviously a human body, but it showed the expression that only a beast would have. His eyes were scarlet, just like a character in a doomsday movie. Zombie, looking at him is like looking at a piece of delicious pork belly.

Xiao Wu panicked and picked up a small stone from his side, and then threw it vigorously, but this was like a mantis holding a cart, and it could not stop the "monster" from approaching him at all.


The "monster" was close at hand, Xiao Wu saw it stretched out its hand towards him, and quickly closed his eyes.

Just when he thought he was going to die, the expected pain did not strike.

He only heard a few bursts of air breaking, and some hot and humid liquid splashed on his face.

Xiao Wu slowly opened his eyes, and the scene he saw was unforgettable forever. The previous "monster" was cut into countless small pieces, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. He stretched out his hand.


Xiao Wu covered his face, but found that his face was greasy, he was stunned, what happened just now?
"Hmph, vulnerable."

A girl's disdainful voice came from behind him, Xiao Wu suddenly turned his head, and found that there was a silver-haired girl behind him at some point.

"Ah, ghost!"

Xiao Wu was so frightened that he yelled loudly.

Ning You is not happy, this timid human actually called her a ghost?
"Hey, ignorant human, you smell like my friend, tell me where Su Jiang is."

Ning You put her hands on her hips and looked down at Xiao Wu who was still sitting on the ground in front of her. The latter was obviously confused by her question.

"Su Jiang... I don't know where she is."

"what do you not know?"

Ning You narrowed her eyes in displeasure, her silver hair fluttering without wind.

With a few sounds, several big trees around fell down.

Xiao Wu was shocked, and looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her like a monster. How did she do this? She didn't even lift her hand for such a big tree.

This means...

Xiao Wu choked up his saliva in fear, and quickly glanced at the large pool of blood in front of him.

This "monster" was killed by her!
"I'll give you one last chance, do you know where Su Jiang is?"

Ning You tilted her head, eyes filled with impatience.

"I know...I know, don't kill me!"

Xiao Wu nodded quickly, for fear that he would become the second corpse.

"Hmph, hurry up and lead the way."

Ning You pulled Xiao Wu up from the ground. Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, at least it's better than looking for her without a direction.

"There are many human beings who have been eroded by Nordi's power. They just lose their self-awareness at first, and then their bodies will gradually become like beasts."

After Ji Yu finished speaking, he would pick off a leaf at any time, and then stick it on Su Jiang's head like a hairpin.

Su Jiang didn't even look at it, and just slapped it off.


Ji Yu pursed his lips, and then began to look for other beautiful leaves.

"The three of you were all teleported here. It stands to reason that you shouldn't be too far away. There are two possibilities. One is that Grapefruit's skills are not at home, and the other is that she did it on purpose."

Su Jiang said suddenly.

"You read my memory?"

Being questioned, Su Jiang touched the tip of her nose in embarrassment.

"I didn't do it on purpose. After I got your power, I was still sticking to your forehead. I couldn't control it at first, understand."

After listening to her explanation, Ji Yu smiled, although in Su Jiang's view it was a bit of a mockery.

"With the power of space, teleportation with more than three people is as easy as drinking water for her. As for the reason, she may simply hate me and her brother."

Hearing Ji Yu's call, Su Jiang nodded in agreement.

"Well, Yuzu is very simple, with all emotions written on her face."

As he walked, Ji Yu tugged Zhu Zhujiang's back collar, then raised his head calmly and looked forward.

"Okay, let's not talk about her, the one who is not innocent is here."

(End of this chapter)

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