Chapter 185 I am leaving

Ning Pei was stunned, and it took a long time to digest Su Jiang's words.

Do human beings value friends so much?
"There is only one bed, where will you sleep if you sleep with me?"

Ning Pei asked puzzled.

Su Jiang scratched her head, as if she had just thought of this question.

"That's's okay, I can sleep on the straw."

Looking at Su Jiang with a smile on his face, Ning Pei fell into deep thought and finally spoke after a long time.

"No, you go to bed."

Su Jiang shook her head like a rattle. She was very principled, and what she said would splash water.

"No, you sleep."

Seeing that she was so persistent, Ning Pei couldn't say anything more.

He once heard Ning You say that her friend would give her all the big, red apples, but now his friend would give him the only bed.

So strange...Are all humans so strange?

Late at night, Su Jiang made a small nest for herself with straw beside the bed, and lay on it with her big eyes blinking, her eyes full of smiles.

Happy, she has her own friend today.

In this way, this dilapidated hut welcomed its first guest, and its owner also welcomed her first friend in this life.

Ning Pei thought that he would not stay for long, and it would be time for him to leave after his injury recovered, but he never thought that he would stay for ten years.

He thought about leaving, but there was always a voice in his mind that kept saying, wait, wait...

What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for?
In this way, Ning Pei followed the voice in his head and waited until Su Jiang was 16 years old.

In the past ten years, Ning Pei has made a career in this world by relying on her super high luck and learning ability. In fact, the main reason for her hard work is because she doesn't want to sleep in a broken bed.

Su Jiang has been with him all the time, others said she was Ning Pei's little follower, she just smiled and didn't care.

So what about the little follower, it was Ning Pei who led her out of that hell-like life, it was Ning Pei who accompanied her for ten years, he was her friend, he was Guang, did she have any problems following him, of course it was fine.

On Ning Pei's side, the young man has changed from the cold and indifferent young man back then to the domineering president who dominates the financial news headlines. Ten years is enough time for him to master the world's top technology and knowledge.

It's just that he can clearly feel the changes in his body. The longer he stays in this world, the weaker his body will be. Is this a punishment for violating the rules?
"Ning Pei, what are you in a daze for?"

Su Jiang stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Ning Pei's eyes, smiling like a flower.

Ning Pei, who came back to his senses, slowly raised his eyelids and glanced at the slim girl in front of him. Strange to say, as the son of God, he can see through the fate of all human beings in the world, but only Su Jiang, he really I can't see her fate clearly.

"I'm leaving."

The young man said calmly with a tight face.

As soon as the words fell, the smile on Su Jiang's face froze for an instant, and then gradually faded away.

"You... Where are you going, I can go with you..."

When she said this, she didn't even notice that her voice was trembling.

She was very scared and terrified, she always knew that Ning Pei was not an ordinary person, but after ten years of companionship, he has become a part of her life, not only a friend, but also a family member!
"No, you can't go, all the assets under my name will be transferred to your name."

Ning Pei shook his head, still talking to himself.

Su Jiang sighed in her heart, what, I have already made preparations, so I just came to inform her?

(End of this chapter)

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