Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 187 Shen Xiyu appears on Ji Yu’s mission


The surrounding scene became fragmented like glass, and then completely shattered.

The illusion was shattered, the boy turned into a silver-haired immortal, and Su Jiang became her little boy again.

Ji Yu and Ning You, who had been waiting for a long time, stood aside. The young man's eyes were dark and gloomy.

After seeing Su Jiang and Ning Pei come out, a meaningful smile appeared on their faces.

Ningyou stood next to him like a simple-minded puppy, her eyes were clear and full of worry that she couldn't hide.

But the person who broke the illusion was someone who surprised everyone.

The young boy's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily. He was holding a delicate short knife of unknown material in his hand. The blade was crystal clear, like a diamond that had been polished until it was dazzling.

"Shen...Shen Xiyu?"

Su Jiang widened her eyes slightly and looked at the young boy who suddenly appeared with some surprise.

Why did Young Master Shen come with him? Or could it be that Emperor Nuo sent him here?

Soon, her suspicion was verified. An extremely strange door suddenly appeared behind Shen Xiyu. Inside the door frame was like a bottomless pit. A silver-haired young lady walked out of it with a smile on her lips, followed by someone. A middle-aged woman with a beautiful face but very vicissitudes of life.

"Su Jiang, come here, I am the only one who is really good to you. I knew you were looking for the tower and sent you here right away. Now that you have recovered your old memories, don't you think I'm super good to you?" Woolen cloth?"

The silver-haired young lady smiled kindly, her eyebrows were soft, she tilted her head and looked at Su Jiang with an innocent face and said.

Su Jiang: "..."

"I am indeed grateful that you gave me the power and the opportunity to rewrite my father's destiny."

After hearing Su Jiang's words, Xiao Zhengtai's smile deepened, but Su Jiang's next words made him cold-faced.

"But I won't leave with you. I have family and friends. I won't leave this world."

Nuo Di: "..."

The smile on Xiao Zhengtai's face froze in an instant, his eyes darkened, and his dark eyes lifted up, like a bottomless black hole.

"Shen Xiyu, come here, I will take you home."

Su Jiang ignored Nuo Di over there and stretched out his hand towards Shen Xiyu with a stern expression.I’m really tired. It’s already been hard enough, and now here comes another one.

Seeing that Su Jiang was taking him home, Shen Xiyu's eyes lit up and he immediately held her wrist.

"Okay, go home, don't stay with them anymore, they don't belong to our world, they are all using you."

Su Jiang: "..."

No...how does this kid know everything? Who told him?
"How about it, Su Jiang, do you choose them or us?"

The corner of Nuo Di's mouth raised a slight arc again, but the smile did not reach the depths of his eyes. The cold smile seemed to be warning Su Jiang.

If you don’t choose me, you’re doomed.

But Su Jiang was not allowed to be manipulated casually. He dragged Shen Xiyu behind him and looked fearlessly at Nuo Di in front of him.

"I don't want to fight with you. I just want you to let go of my friends and my father, and change my father's destiny."

The little girl is neither humble nor arrogant, even though she is in front of such a powerful creation god.

This is not a fictional world, but a real one. She originally belonged to this world, and this body was originally hers.

She was able to know the plot direction of this world entirely due to her ability to predict the future. Long Yi, her father, his fate should not be like this, and he should not die in such a careless manner.

"Change it back?"

Nuo Di laughed dryly, his eyes slightly cold, he stopped staring at Su Jiang, and instead focused his teasing eyes on Ji Yu.

"Ji Yu, didn't you tell her what mission you came to this world with?"

Ji Yu: "..."

As Nuo Di finished speaking, several eyes on the scene fell on Ji Yu, including, of course, Su Jiang.

The young man raised his eyes. He had rehearsed this scene countless times in his mind. He knew that he could not hide it no matter what.

He is a tool born out of human desire, and he has always traveled around the world with tasks. He is no exception in this world, and he also has tasks.

That is……

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