Chapter 194 She's Angry
"You shouldn't be like her."

As soon as Su Jiang finished speaking, a crystal clear short knife suddenly appeared in her hand. Her eyes were focused, and without hesitation, she pierced the monster's body with the knife.


The dark monster let out an ear-piercing howl and began to struggle wildly. Su Jiang frowned at the fuss, pressed the monster's hand harder, and then pulled out the knife expressionlessly, followed by another One knife.

Soon, the monster under him stopped struggling and howling, and the shape of its body began to change. The dark surface turned into human skin, and the familiar and beautiful face appeared in front of Su Jiang again, trying to use it. Bitter meat plan.

"You don't understand people, do you? I told you not to be like my mother, I'm going to be angry."

In front of Su Jiang, he released his hand that was holding the monster with an expression on his face. When the monster saw this, he felt happy and planned to take this opportunity to get rid of Su Jiang's control. However, he didn't expect that as soon as the hand was released, there was a burst of energy. The huge pressure instantly nailed it firmly to the ground.

Inner Demon:……

No, who is the real inner demon between it and her?
The little girl didn't say much, and directly dealt a fatal blow to the monster in front of her who was wearing her mother's skin.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The space began to fluctuate, and the monster's body also twisted and was forced into various shapes. Finally, it exploded into countless pieces under the strong pressure.

As the monster disappeared, all the surrounding scenes quickly began to collapse. Su Jiang slowly stood up and gently brushed off the black debris stuck to her body.

She knew clearly that it was fake, but she still couldn't bear to see that face.

Everything returned to darkness again, but a crack appeared in the boundless black screen, and soon a dazzling light shone in through the crack. Su Jiang narrowed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, she fell into darkness again.

The smell of blood hit her nose, and the man held her tightly, breathing extremely weakly. Only then did Su Jiang realize that she had returned to the real world, but unfortunately she couldn't see anything, and the only ones she could use were smell and hearing.


Su Jiang called out softly, but the only answer she received was the man's weak breathing.

Su Jiang pursed her lips. They must have been buried in the ruins, because Long Yi held her tightly in his arms at the last second when the high wall fell, so her body didn't seem to be hurt.

In the darkness, Su Jiang's eyes slowly lit up with red light, like two crystal rubies.

"Dad, it's my turn to protect you now."

It was clearly a well-defended base half an hour ago, but now it was completely in ruins, with cries and screams everywhere.The huge ginkgo tree has not stopped growing, and its spreading branches have completely enveloped the island, making it dark and dark.

"Dahong...Dahong, where are you? Answer me!"

Ning Pei made another cut on her arm and planned to use the contract technique to sense Su Jiang again, but she didn't expect that as soon as she activated her power, she suffered a backlash, spitting out a large mouthful of black blood.

"No way, no way, nothing will happen to you."

Seeing Ning You who wanted to stab her arm again, Ning Pei immediately grabbed her wrist.

"Stop doing useless work, your arm is almost scratched."

The young man's tone was forbearing.

Ning You, whose wrist was grabbed, stopped moving, as if all her strength had been drained from her body. Normally, she would have slapped Ning Pei's hand away, but at this time, she didn't care so much anymore. .

Ji Yu on the side was still digging into the earth with his hands without giving up. His hands were bruised and bloody and covered with dust. He kept digging as if he didn't know the pain.

"It's so touching, my children. It's a pity that she will never come back."

The sound of being beaten sounded again, and the silver-haired young shot appeared in front of the three people with a formulaic smile.

"Come back with me. This world is about to be destroyed. After all, I created you. How can I be willing to abandon my children?"

Nuo Di looked sincere, and after speaking, he extended his hand to the three people in front of him.

But in the next second, his outstretched hand was cut off out of thin air. The severed hand fell to the ground with a snap. There was no blood and no pain.

"Leave far away."

A cold voice sounded, and the leaves of the ginkgo tree began to fall, as if they were afraid of something.

Immediately afterwards there was another dragon roar that resounded throughout the world...

(End of this chapter)

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