Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 197 The Monument Without Words

Chapter 197 The Monument Without Words
Without the obstruction of the fog, Su Jiang could finally see clearly.

But what came into view was a large, densely packed mass of disorderly tombs, with an unmarked tombstone standing in front of each tomb.

Su Jiang looked around and couldn't help but wonder, why is there a cemetery here? Where is the core? Could it be buried in the soil?
The little girl walked to a tomb, then walked around it again, but found nothing strange.

"Whose graves could these be..."

Su Jiang frowned and muttered to himself, as if he had entered a dead end and the clue was broken again.

"What are you doing in front of my grave?"

There was an ethereal voice behind him, and Su Jiang turned around suddenly when he heard the sound, and immediately took a big step back.

A familiar face suddenly appeared in front of him, and the young man looked at the little one who suddenly broke in with curiosity.


After seeing this face clearly, Su Jiang instantly became alert.

This is a face that is exactly the same as that of Nuo Di, but his expression is completely different. The young man in front of him has a visible obedience between his eyebrows, and his ear-length silver hair makes him look more innocent and harmless.

Su Jiang calmed down quickly. Nuo Di should not be able to get rid of Chiyang so quickly, so the person in front of him should not be the real Nuo Di.

He just said "in front of my grave", so these graves are his?

"Is this your grave?"

Su Jiang asked what was on his mind.

The young man was silent, glanced at the grave beside him with complex eyes, nodded and then shook his head.

"Lying inside is the former me. The kind-hearted me I once was is dead. Now I am Niu Hulu Emperor."

Su Jiang: "..."

The young man was serious, while Su Jiang looked confused.

"You are Nuo Emperor. The one lying in the dirt is the former Nuo Emperor. Then who is outside?"

Su Jiang looked at the well-behaved young man in front of her with inquiring eyes.

"Outside... that's the evil Nuo Di, but you may not be able to see me later. When he destroys that small world, the kind me will be next. When I die, can you give me a tombstone?" Do you want to carve a mark on it? The tomb of my Niu Hulu Emperor must be the most unique." The young man stepped forward and pulled Su Jiang's sleeve, his eyes full of pleading.

Su Jiang, who was stared at by his bright eyes, calmly took a small step back, then shook her head and said with a serious face.

"No, because after you die, I'm afraid the next one will be me."


The silver-haired boy lowered his head in disappointment and let out a long sigh.

"But I have a way to save both of our lives."

Su Jiang said tentatively.

"what way?"

The young man's eyes lit up, as Su Jiang expected, and he immediately asked.

"Do you know where the core of this place is? As long as we find the core, we two will be saved."

In times of crisis, Su Jiang can only treat a dead horse as a living horse, and Su Jiang can't think of a better way. After arriving here, she lost the sense of the specific location of the core. The core is probably hidden in this place. The young man in front of him who looked exactly like Nuo Di must know something.

"The core... it's such a familiar name. I seem to have heard it somewhere. Let me think about it."

The young man dragged his chin with his hand and began to think hard.

Su Jiang stared at him expressionlessly, not missing any microexpression on his face.

It doesn't look like he was acting. Could it be that Nuo Di really has a split personality?

Just when Su Jiang was thinking about whether to find another reliable method, the young man who had been thinking for a long time suddenly spoke up.

He suddenly raised his head and clapped his hands.

"When I think about it, the core is..."

(End of this chapter)

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