"After getting the sacred tree, I split my personality. As you can see, that personality is very weak, but it can avoid the constraints of the law, so I gave him the task of the sacred tree to devour the world. , but because he is too weak, he always wants to stop, so I have to kill him every once in a while. Every grave here is buried with the weak and useless him, who was once I."

"I made two plans. The first is to find a substitute to take Qiyu's place, and the second is to let the sacred tree devour the small world. Without this world, there is no need for the sacred tree to exist. In this way This way Qiyu won’t have to continue to be squeezed.”

"It is impossible for the World Tree to swallow up the world it protects, but if the world it wants to protect is a world full of malice and chaos, what will its choice be? So I selected some people with extremely dark hearts, and then used my power to brainwash them, making them mistakenly think that they were the chosen ones, and gave them some special abilities, which is the system they said. As expected, these humans did not let I am disappointed that they are starting to crazily destroy the order of this world for their own interests."

"When this world is swallowed up, everything will be over."

After saying this, Nuo Di closed his eyes, not daring to look into Nuo Qiyu's eyes in front of him. He lowered his hands feebly, as if waiting for his judgment.

When he saw the red thread on his clone's neck, he knew that his second plan had also failed. It turned out that splitting his personality could not avoid the constraints of the law. The invisible eye had been staring at his Every move, everything is just a dream.

"Xiao Nuo, why are you so confused..."

Nuo Qiyu looked at the young man in front of him with red eyes, and his tone was filled with indescribable sorrow.

On the other side, the cheerful young man used white silk thread to make a small bench for himself. He looked like he was having fun and was just short of a plate of melon seeds. When the curtain came down on the big show, he slowly stood up.

clap clap clap...!
The young man clapped his hands, smiled strangely, and said in a faint tone.

"What a wonderful performance. I didn't expect that given you a sacred tree, you could make such a big splash. But as the highest executive officer of the law, I have to give you, the dragon clan, some punishment for violating the law."

Those golden and amber beast eyes gradually lit up, and a strong sense of oppression spread from the young man. Just being stared at by those eyes made him almost out of breath.

"What's the punishment? Otherwise, can you be punished by not being able to see the person you care about most forever?"

"You dare!" Nuo Di, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. The young man's words completely angered him, but in the face of absolute power, his struggle seemed extremely powerless.

It was like throwing a pebble into the sea without causing any splash. The boy in white robe didn't even raise his eyelids.

The golden eyes turned around, and finally rested on Nuo Qiyu who was also unable to move.

"I'm sorry, miss, you have to work hard and you'll die soon."

The young man raised his right hand as he spoke, and a golden thread slowly emerged from his wide sleeve, entwined with the white thread on Nuo Qiyu's body as if it was alive.

The golden thread absorbed the energy of the white thread like a blood-sucking worm, and the woman's already non-solid body became more and more transparent at this time.

Nuo Di, who was pinned to the ground by coercion, opened his scarlet eyes and could only watch the person he loved the most disappearing in front of him little by little.

The woman's figure gradually disappeared, but facing her impending death, she showed a faint smile, as if she was finally relieved.

At this time, Su Jiang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his head, with an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth.

"The time has come, let's take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver-white magic circle suddenly lit up underground, and three figures shrouded in strong light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hmph, let me tell you, in the end, I still rely on my teleportation circle."

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