Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 211 Congratulations to the world

Hearing this voice, Su Jiang was startled, and the consciousness that was about to dissipate suddenly came back, with a panicked look on his face.

"Dad, why are you here? Let go quickly. This sword is..."

Long Yi touched Su Jiang's little head with his other hand and chuckled.

"Dad knows everything, so don't leave me alone like your mother, okay?"

Although what is happening now is beyond his understanding, what remains unchanged is that he must protect his daughter.

Tears blurred her vision, Su Jiang gritted her teeth, and her body instantly burst out with unprecedented power.

The stagnant sword blade began to move slowly at this time, gradually penetrating into the skin of the young man's right arm.

On the other side, in order to trap the white thread of law on the young man and delay Su Jiang and the others, Ning You and the others almost pulled out their last trump card.

The bodies of the three people were penetrated by countless white threads. The white threads could not absorb their vitality and could only pierce into their bodies over and over again, torturing them to the point of death.

At the last moment when everyone could no longer hold on any longer, the golden-eyed boy's entire right arm was cut off by a sharp blade.

In an instant, there were strong winds, lightning and thunder, and a strange phenomenon was born.

The young man's broken arm quickly turned into a pile of leaves. He looked at the leaves on the ground with a blank expression, not too surprised.

With a "clang", the sword in Tuoli Sujiang's hand fell to the ground, and Long Yi fainted behind him.

Su Jiang was half-kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily, with large mouthfuls of blood pouring out of her mouth. Looking at the leaves on the ground, she couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth with a heartfelt arc.

She smiled.

The young man also smiled, the smile on his face was sincere and sincere.

"Congratulations to you, and congratulations to the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man's figure gradually became illusory. His golden vertical pupils were staring at Su Jiang, like an abyss that could suck people into.

Su Jiang supported her head with her hands and stood up staggeringly, ignoring the young man who was about to disappear. The sacred tree disappeared, and the space inside the sacred tree naturally collapsed.

The space began to collapse and countless cracks appeared. From the cracks, Su Jiang saw the blue sky outside and the dazzling sunshine. A beam of light fell on her head. Bathed in the sunshine, she slowly closed her eyes. At that time, the figure of the young man with golden eyes had completely disappeared.Everything is finally over, and the foreseeable future can be broken.

Opening her eyes again, she looked around. The space here was like an egg with more than half of its shell broken. The long sword in Su Jiang's hand turned back into the human form of Chi Yang. The boy's condition was not much better. Go, the two small clusters of flames on the corners were extinguished at this time.

"Master, this place is going to collapse. We have to leave quickly."

Facing the young man's urging, Su Jiang just nodded.

"You take my father away first, and I'll take your brother away."

After Su Jiang said this, she turned around and walked in the direction of Nuo Di. The young man was still standing there with a lost look on his face, still holding the dead branch in his hand, as motionless as a stone sculpture.

"Her only condition for cooperating with me is that I must let you live no matter what."

Su Jiang said calmly, without saying any comforting words to persuade Nuo Di.

"What is this... You asked me to live, but I left without caring. What is this? I ask you, what is this!"

Nuo Di's scarlet eyes were almost bleeding, and he asked questions over and over again, as if he was questioning Su Jiang, and he seemed to be questioning himself.

Su Jiang wiped the blood that slipped from the corners of her eyes and said calmly.

"So you want to die for love?"

"How is it possible? Once you die, you really can't do anything. As long as you are alive, I will not give up any opportunity."

The young man grasped the dead branch in his hand tightly and disappeared without giving Su Jiang a chance to react, leaving only an afterimage.

When Su Jiang saw this, she didn't catch up. According to Nuo Qiyu's request, she only needed to care about Nuo Di's life and death. As for what he thought, she didn't want to care. Besides, she couldn't hold on any longer...

Just when Su Jiang wiped the blood that overflowed from the corners of her eyes five times, her vision went dark and she lost consciousness, and fell straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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