Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 216 Hope it’s not goodbye forever

The lifespan of immortal species has no end. For them, more than ten years or even hundreds of years are like a snap of a finger.

Perhaps to Ji Yu and the others, this separation is nothing.

Su Jiang stood by the balcony, and the ray of sunshine happened to shine on her. She took out three red rope bracelets from her pocket with a smile.

"I give this to you, just think of it as a testimony of our lifelong friendship."

The three people who were given bracelets had different expressions on their faces, and each accepted the red rope bracelet given by Su Jiang with their own thoughts.

"Dahong you..."

Before Ning You could say anything, three light pillars enveloped them, and their bodies gradually became transparent. Time gave them no chance to continue talking.

No, no... Su Jiang must be hiding something from them!

Ji Yu reacted and looked at Su Jiang suddenly. The other person still smiled, as if everything was just his random thoughts.

"Goodbye, my friends."

She is destined to be short-lived in this life and will never be reincarnated again.

The little girl walked with her head down, talking to herself, not noticing the wall of people in front of her.

"I hope this separation is not forever."

Yes, Ji Yu's intuition was very accurate. She did hide one thing from everyone. It was a miracle to bear the power of the four laws in a mortal body. This almost shattered her soul.


"I don't know how long I can live..."

In the remaining time, she should spend the rest of her time with her Dragon King father. After all, this was the outcome she had spent 99 lives in exchange for.

As the bright light disappeared, Su Jiang murmured softly.

As she was walking, her feet suddenly left the ground. Su Jiang suddenly came back to her senses, but when she saw the man who picked her up, her frown immediately relaxed.


Su Jiang called out softly, and Long Yi smoothed her curly hair and said softly. "What's wrong, baby? Your eyes are red."

Su Jiang raised her head, her clear eyes staring at the man in front of her unblinkingly, the ends of her eyes turning slightly red.

It's over. Now her father is afraid that he will give the white-haired person to the black-haired person. Her father will cry to death.

Father Dragon King is so pitiful...

Oh, she is so pitiful.

Others have experienced happiness after all their hardships, but she has experienced death after all their hardships.

Looking at the worried man in front of her, Su Jiang decided to bury this secret in her heart. Telling it would only hurt her father's heart and cause more trouble.

Ordinary people are destined to have separation and death in their lives, and the time spent with important people before the end of life is the most important.

"Are they gone?"

Seeing that the little girl just opened her big eyes and said nothing, Long Yi spoke.

Su Jiang naturally knew who Long Yi was referring to. She thought about it and finally nodded.

This night, the sky that should have been full of stars started to rain.

The rain was noisy and didn't stop all night, as if it was washing away something - something that didn't exist in this world.

"Sir, it's not good, little master, she...!"

In the early morning, Long Yi, who was still sleeping soundly, was awakened by a banging on the door, followed by the sound of a white tiger outside the door.

As soon as he heard that it was his daughter, the man suddenly woke up, ran to the door, opened the door and ran towards the little girl without even putting on his shoes.

In my impression, Bai Hu, a kid, rarely gets so excited. Could it be that something happened to his daughter again?
Damn it, what happened to him last night, why did he sleep so deeply!
Su Jiang's room was on the same floor as Long Yi's, so it didn't take a few steps to get there.

The door of the little girl's room was open, and the housekeeper with an anxious and worried look was standing outside the door. When he saw the scene in the room clearly, Long Yi's heart suddenly tightened.

(End of this chapter)

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