Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 220 Shen Xiyu and Liu Xi’s sweet hug?

Chapter 220 Shen Xiyu & Liu Xi’s sweet hug?
Seeing that Shen Xiyu chose a big adventure, Wang Yun was not surprised at all, and a strange idea immediately popped into her mind.

"A big adventure... Okay, then you call your ex and ask to get back together!"

As soon as these words came out, the room fell silent instantly, like a bomb, leaving everyone speechless. Everyone looked at Wang Yun with a little admiration.

Warrior, this is a warrior.

Su Jiang, who was watching the excitement on the side, couldn't hold back anymore. He twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Shen Xiyu with teasing eyes.

"I've never been in love."

After noticing the weird looks in everyone's eyes, the young man said calmly.

"What, you've never been in love, so wouldn't it be a waste to have such a handsome face?"

After learning that Shen Xiyu was a maternal soloist, Wang Yun couldn't help complaining that she immediately lost interest in making trouble. She was too lazy to tease the innocent little boy when she was joking. What if she couldn't afford the joke and cried.

In the end, the first round ended with Shen Xiyu drinking three drinks. Everyone couldn't help but feel a little pity. They thought they could get some of this mysterious young master's melon. Except for Wang Yun, who didn't know anything, who among the people present had the courage to do so? Making fun of the young master of the Shen family.

The next person to spin the bottle in order is Su Jiang. In everyone's eyes, she is much more mysterious than Shen Xiyu and Liu Xi. Those two at least know the family they belong to, but no one has been able to check her background. come out.

How could he be so close to the young master of the Shen family and the Liu family at the same time?

Su Jiang held down the wine bottle and turned it gently. After a few turns, the bottle stopped and pointed perfectly at Shen Xiyu beside her.

Shen Xiyu:......

Although he was always calm, he was stunned. He almost suspected that there was a mechanism in the bottle, and it was a trap against him.

"Shen Xiyu, it's you."

Su Jiang deliberately lowered her voice and smiled evilly.

"Truth or dare?"

Shen Xiyu was stumped. Su Jiang understood him so well. If she was telling the truth, she would definitely ask questions from some very tricky angles. If she was taking a big risk...this girl had too many evil ideas to count.

In short, if you get slapped by her, you will be unlucky.


Shen Xiyu's tone was helpless. He couldn't escape anyway, so he had no choice.

"Then you and Liu Xi hug each other for a minute."

Su Jiang covered her mouth with a smile that showed her success. As expected, Shen Xiyu's face turned dark.

Liu Xi, who was innocently shot at the side, couldn't help but protest.

"I don't want it, I refuse!"

"I refuse too. I choose to tell the truth."

Shen Xiyu said coldly that getting close to Liu Xi was tantamount to killing him.

Su Jiang slowly raised her eyes, not surprised at all that they would have such a reaction.

"Okay, let's be honest, do you know the Iron Tower?"

The expectant eyes of everyone were instantly extinguished. What, what, they thought they could get another melon?

Su Jiang squeezed the red rope in her hand and stared at Shen Xiyu with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see a hole in his face.

"what is that?"

As Su Jiang guessed, Shen Xiyu was confused by her sudden serious expression, and she frowned and asked in confusion.

Did he really not know? For some reason, the word "iron tower" kept popping up in her mind.

She asked her father, her godfather, and other hall leaders, but all the results she got were that she had never heard of him.

"It's nothing, I made it up, this doesn't count. Listen, my question is, what kind of person do you think I am?"

What is this? This is a big melon!

Don't blame their reaction for being too exaggerated. Suddenly everyone was excited. Everyone present was extremely curious about the relationship between the two people. If you tell the truth, you usually ask about other people's affairs. Why would you ask others about yourself? What's the matter, is this how Truth or Dare is played?

Su Jiang disagreed. She preferred to analyze herself rather than understand others.

Seeing that Su Jiang was not joking, Shen Xiyu lowered his eyes slightly and began to organize his words.

What kind of person is Su Jiang in his eyes?
The young man raised his eyes slightly and met Su Jiang's curious eyes, like stars.

He didn't know since when he didn't dare to look at her like this. Under her clear gaze, there was no way to hide the thoughts in his heart.

What's going on? Why is his heart beating so fast today? Is it because of drinking?

My head feels so dizzy...it's so hot, I can't seem to think anymore...

What kind of girl is she?

He has seen Su Jiang who looked like a little adult at the age of four, Su Jiang in elementary school, Su Jiang in junior high school, and Su Jiang in high school. She lit up his life like the sun.

But he couldn't say that. Su Jiang seemed to only regard him as a friend. In this case, he could just know this kind of thing alone. Telling it would cause a lot of trouble, and maybe he wouldn't even be a friend anymore.

"You... look like you're having a hard time living."

Hearing that Shen Xiyu had been holding back for a long time to say such a sentence, Su Jiang didn't know what to say for a moment, but it seemed that she was really having a hard time. Malnutrition, fever, and injury as a child left sequelae in the hospital. Later, she became ill. I don't know why all kinds of problems suddenly appeared again. It was only thanks to her godfather's care that she could stand in the sun.

She is not afraid of death. What she is afraid of is that her father will not be able to think about her after she dies.

She left too many bonds in this world, and it was hard to let go of them for a while. The medicine she secretly poured out at the beginning seemed to be drinkable now that she endured it. She wanted to live.

"Sorry, I'll excuse you."

Sensing that her mood was not right, Su Jiang immediately stood up, said hello and left. It was windy outside, so just blow it off and it would be fine.

After leaving the box and walking all the way to the corridor and balcony, Su Jiang, who wanted to take a breather, found that someone was already there. She planned to leave, but when she thought that this place was public, she immediately turned around and walked back.

Just like that, there were two lonely figures on the small balcony.

She was about to look up at the stars, but found that her sight was completely blocked by the tall buildings around her. Su Jiang rubbed her temples irritably.

"Miss, you seem distressed?"

Who is speaking?

Oh, there seems to be someone next to her...

The young man's voice was as clear as a sweet spring. Su Jiang was slightly startled. She was not a voice control, she just felt that the voice seemed familiar.


Su Jiang turned sideways, her words stopped abruptly, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she saw a hand gently brushing her face, tucking her slightly messy hair behind her ear.

She finally saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of her. He was a young man who looked like he had stepped out of a painting. He had black hair and black eyes as mysterious as the night, and almost sickly white skin, just like a medieval vampire.

The young man just looked at her wordlessly, his deep eyes full of inexplicable emotions.

"Have we met this lady somewhere?"

If others heard this, they would definitely be scolded. Someone would still use such an old-fashioned pick-up line, but Su Jiang was really stunned. They might have actually seen it before.

Su Jiang gently patted away the young man's hand that was still on her ear. His eyes were like a calm lake. The other person was definitely not as harmless as he seemed.

Dragon King Dad once said that if you encounter something unexpected, just keep an expressionless face. This will scare away at least 80% of the people.

Yes, expressionless, Su Jiang, you are a ruthless woman!
"I don't know you, please be careful."

Looking at Su Jiang with a cold tone in front of him, the young man slowly withdrew his hand. Instead of feeling annoyed and embarrassed after being rejected, he used his other hand to touch the place where Su Jiang's hand had just touched, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. There is a shallow and imperceptible arc.

Naturally, Su Jiang didn't miss his little move. Combined with the obviously raised corners of his mouth, there was something she didn't understand now.

Damn it, has she encountered a pervert?
Her father said that if you can't scare someone away even if you don't have an expression on your face, it only proves that you are too blind and need to be beaten by society.

At this time, you just need to shout that sentence loudly.

"Brother Tiger, there is a pervert here!"

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