"Strange, is it really just an ordinary hairpin?"

After returning to the room, Su Jiang immediately took off the hairpin and began to study it, fearing that someone had tampered with it.

But after checking it over and over again, she still couldn't figure out anything. It was just an ordinary, plain hairpin inlaid with diamonds.

Stroking the uneven hairpin, Su Jiang was a little absent-minded. When she was a child, she especially liked these shiny things. Her head was never free, and her clothes had to be sewed with diamonds. Although she still likes them now, she has been plain for nearly ten years in order to keep a low profile.

Su Jiang clenched the hairpin fiercely, as if he had made some kind of decision.

In order to wear shiny hairpins and shiny skirts, she has to defeat all enemies and eliminate all threats!
Su Jiang casually threw the hairpin into the desk drawer, then lay down on the bed, spread out, and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.

Someone actually managed to sneak into her house. She remembered that when she was put in solitary confinement, she secretly climbed over the wall in the early morning and stood on the wall, where she was caught on the spot by her father. This person actually managed to sneak in in broad daylight when her father and Baihu were at home at the same time. He was really amazing.

How did he do it? She hoped her father would catch him soon so she could ask him questions while torturing him.

Su Jiang fell asleep as she was thinking. In her dream, she could fly over eaves and walls, fight ten people alone, and run eight hundred laps in one breath without even taking a breath. Pain would never torment her body again.

The next morning, after Su Jiang changed her clothes and went downstairs, she saw her father sitting at the dining table neatly dressed. She suddenly remembered that her father said a few days ago that he seemed to be attending an auction today. Coincidentally, she was also going to go.

"Dad, are there any rare items in this auction?"

Su Jiang asked curiously while holding the milk. What her family lacked the least was money and all kinds of rare treasures. Every time she watched those auctions, it was like visiting her own warehouse. Therefore, her father never went to such places and usually just let her go for fun.

"There is something very important, Dad must get it."

Long Yi put down the newspaper and looked at her gently.

Su Jiang nodded, her eyes bulging as she lowered her head to drink milk. What should she do? She was very curious about what it was that made her father take it so seriously that he actually went to take a picture of it himself.

As if she had thought of something, she immediately raised her hand to speak.

"I also need to go."


Su Jiang had expected Long Yi's refusal. The auction was full of good and bad people, and her father was a sitting duck. There were too many dangers in following him. It would be safest to act separately so that her father wouldn't have to be distracted to protect her.

"Okay, okay, actually I don't really want to go~"

Su Jiang held her face and looked at Long Yi with a smile and said, if he didn't take her there, then she would go by herself, and what she was looking for might be there.

Looking at the naughty smile on his girl's face, Long Yi sighed helplessly in his heart, knowing that no one knows a daughter better than her father.

"Baihu, Ruyan, keep an eye on your young lady."

At the door, Long Yi repeated his instructions no less than fifty times, warning Su Jiang not to sneak out, and at the same time, he warned Bai Hu with his eyes.

This kid seemed to be crazy when facing his daughter. He could be fooled by any crappy excuse, so he arranged for the shrewd Ruyan to take over this time.

He rubbed his precious daughter's hair, and the top of the little girl's head suddenly became messy.

Seeing that explosive hairstyle, Long Yi couldn't help but feel relieved. It was great that he had raised the child to this age. To be honest, he quite liked her curly hair when she was a child. It was a pity that he had to straighten her hair when she grew up because it was difficult to manage.

After watching Long Yi leave, Su Jiang turned around and went into the house, then took out his cell phone and started calling people.

[If you don’t study hard, you will inherit a billion-dollar fortune (4)]

Su Jiang: Who wants to go on a thrilling adventure with me? Less than three seconds after posting the message, someone immediately replied to Su Jiang in the group.

Liu Xi: Is it the kind of adventure where you’ll get beaten to death by Uncle Long afterwards?

Su Jiang: ...

Yao Xinke: Where are you going, Xiaojiang?
Shen Xiyu: I'll accompany you.

The news came out almost at the same time these two days, which made Su Jiang feel warm inside. He is indeed her friend and he is loyal at the critical moment.

Su Jiang: There was an auction, and my dad didn’t let me go, so you took me in.

There's no need to hide this from them. If they don't know anything, it would seem like I'm taking advantage of them.

Yao Xinke: OK, no problem!
Shen Xiyu: Sure.

Liu Xi: No, are you so brave?
Yao Xinke: What am I afraid of? The worst that can happen is that I’ll be put in solitary confinement. The small dark room is my home and everyone loves it.

Liu Xi: ...Then where do we gather?

Su Jiang: Moon Goddess KTV
Ten minutes later, when Su Jiang arrived at the KTV, the other three people also arrived. They didn't know what Su Jiang was planning until they entered the box.

Aren’t you going to the auction? Why are you singing?

After closing the door tightly, Su Jiang waved his hand, and just like that, the four of them put their heads together furtively.

Su Jiang lowered his voice and said.

"There is a secret passage leading to the outside. Baihu and Ruyan are guarding the door. I will sneak out of the secret passage with Shen Xiyu later. So, Liu Xi, you and Sister Xinke need to sing here to create the illusion that there are always people inside."

After hearing Su Jiang's plan, the other three looked at each other. Otherwise, how could Su Jiang be the one with the most ideas among the four of them? Look at what's going on. How did she know that there was a secret passage in this room?
Liu Xi couldn't help but speak. After all, he was really afraid of Uncle Long. That had been a shadow in his mind since childhood. Although he and Su Jiang had been in cahoots too many times, he was still very timid.

"Su Jiang, please be careful and take care of yourself."

Su Jiang nodded. She had watched Liu Xi grow up. The child had a distinct personality. Although she looked lazy, she worked very hard. She was the most free and easy one among the four of them. She was very good with her friends, but she was a little afraid of her father.

"Okay, I'll give you enough time."

Yao Xinke held the microphone tightly and spoke solemnly.

Yao Xinke is the one with the most complicated background, the most stories, and the most unfortunate childhood among the four of them, but even so, she is still as bright as a sunflower, taking care of the three of them like an older sister.

It was because of Su Jiang's support back then that she was able to persevere until now, so no matter what Su Jiang wants to do, she will unconditionally support him.

Only Shen Xiyu was left who remained silent, but no one found it strange. After all, he had always been the one who spoke the least among the four. As long as he didn't say anything, it basically meant consent.

Just like that, the plan began. Su Jiang groped her way to the wall. Under the shocked gazes of Liu Xi and the others, she actually pushed open a door on the wall that looked normal.

"Thank you everyone, we are good friends for life!"

Su Jiang turned around and waved at them, then pulled Shen Xiyu into the secret door. In fact, she also wanted to listen to her father, but she had to get that thing, otherwise her life would remain forever in this winter.

(End of this chapter)

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