It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 102 You are no exception

Chapter 102 You are no exception

After walking out of the hospital, Yang Chu looked through the glass door in front of him, and suddenly saw a black figure behind him, and there was faint smoke beside the figure.

Jiang Qiming followed him out, but he didn't know what the intention was.

"Talk?" The man behind him opened his mouth first, and spit out a faint smoke.

"Li Tang doesn't like people who smoke, do you know that?" Yang Chu said subconsciously when he saw the unextinguished cigarette in the man's hand.

He used to smoke too, but...after knowing that Li Tang didn't like it, he smoked less and less, until now he doesn't smoke very much, but he can still think of the past when he sees Jiang Qiming smoking. some things.

"I know." As if realizing something, Jiang Qiming met Yang Chu's gaze, then extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and threw it into the trash can at the gate of the hospital, "But she hasn't woken up yet."

"It just shows that you don't love her that much. If you really love her that much, even if she's not by your side or wakes up, you won't do anything she doesn't like." There was a faint smoke in the air Perhaps most people are not so sensitive to the smell of smoke, but if Li Tang was here at this moment, she would definitely frown slightly.

Since he didn't love her that much, why didn't he let her go.

If he let her go, wouldn't it be more cherishable in Li Tang's opinion to be with her for such a long time?
But in the final analysis, it was just because he was not particularly outstanding, so he couldn't attract such outstanding people.

"Let's talk." The man in a black coat walked towards him, probably because he had just smoked a cigarette, the man's voice was unreasonably low.

"Okay." Yang Chu agreed without thinking too much.

Li Tang's attending physician, nurses, and expensive wards were all arranged by the taciturn man in front of him. If it were him, he would not be able to afford such a high cost.

Sometimes, the wealth gap is too naked, and it is difficult for people not to feel an inferiority complex.

There is a home-cooked restaurant near the hospital. Its original intention is to let patients who are hospitalized due to illnesses have a familiar taste. From the decoration to the taste, it is very earthy and smoky.

They chose this store almost tacitly.

Of course, he didn't know what Jiang Qiming was thinking. He only knew that if Jiang Qiming chose a high-end restaurant according to Jiang Qiming's consumption level, even though he could spend the same amount of money, he still felt distressed to some extent.

The club business he does is not like Jiang Qiming's job, where he can make a huge profit of millions of dollars with one order, and there is no shortage of money at all.

"You like her?" the man who pushed the menu in front of him said straight to the point.

"Yes." Up to now, he has no need to hide anything.

The names of the dishes on the menu are all familiar to him, and they are also what he often eats on weekdays.

After ordering two dishes according to his own habits, Yang Chu pushed the menu back.

He originally thought that according to Jiang Qiming's status, he should be extravagant. He is usually used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, so he should have no interest in this kind of home-cooked dishes. However, the man actually selected three dishes without looking down on or looking down on them at all. the meaning of.

Out of curiosity, he wanted to ask, but after hesitating for a moment, he felt that what happened to Jiang Qiming had nothing to do with him. What he ordered, and even whether he came to this restaurant to eat, was the freedom of others. .

"Does she know?"

The voice that asked him was so calm that he couldn't detect any emotion, but fortunately, he didn't intend to continue to hide his feelings, and simply confessed them all.

"I don't know, or maybe I knew it but didn't say it." Yang Chu said bluntly.

He couldn't guarantee whether Li Tang was aware of his thoughts, but in many things, he felt that he had done something beyond the scope of his friends. Li Tang was not stupid, so he should be able to tell...

"Do you know what she likes?"

The man on the opposite side didn't answer his words, nor did he express his opinion. Instead, it was like asking a question. After he answered a question, a new question would come out of his mouth.

"Rich, good-looking, responsible, and responsible..." Yang Chu lowered his head and counted the commonalities of every man who appeared beside Li Tang in the past, but he couldn't find anything particularly obvious. Can speak vaguely.

"No, you're wrong." Before Yang Chu could finish speaking slowly, the man interrupted him, "She prefers to be free than to be bound by love."

Emotionally, she doesn't need anyone.

Even at that point, she herself has the ability to hack, but she never thought of asking him for help.

Her self-esteem is too strong, so strong that she can't tolerate other people's emotions and thoughts at all.

Obviously, she has always been confident in her ability and charm, why is she not so arrogantly asking herself to help her this time?


He was just trying to excuse himself by being depressed to the extreme.

Of course he knew that it was not her fault.

"That's why you don't know her anymore, Jiang Qiming, how long have you known her, and how long have I known her, I will definitely know her better than you." For some reason, Yang Chu was a little emotional now, "Are you actually You don't love her at all, and you are no different from those men who appeared around her before."

"What did you do again?"

"I've been with her for so long. She knows it. Every time she's sad, she'll be asked to pick her up in the store. Every time, I..."

"Is your company important to her?"

The dishes just ordered were delivered quickly and quietly by the waiter, and they were neatly placed on the small table.

"How can it be unimportant? You don't even know how lonely she is inside, she just needs someone to be with her all the time!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

"She's never short of people around her."

"Yes, there are no bad people around her, but the feeling that she will be replaced soon is unlikely to be good. I can always be by her side. I have seen how those men who want to approach her give up halfway. Once, I guess you are no exception."


The man sitting across from him didn't say anything else, but ate in silence after filling the meal.

"Anyway, you can't give her what she wants, and she won't really like you." It's probably because my words and the emotions I just excited were all ignored. sentence.

But the man on the other side who was eating without saying a word didn't give any response as if he didn't hear what the person on the other side was saying.

(End of this chapter)

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