Chapter 104 Magical Things

After Jiang Qiming left, Heizeman went directly to Li Tang's attending physician and asked about the situation.

"Because Ms. Li's symptoms were caused by injection of an unknown drug, we can't draw conclusions arbitrarily, and we don't know that the residue of the unknown drug in her body will react with other substances. The hospital can't just give the patient medication. ,but……"

"Doctor, please continue."

"However, the patient's condition is much better than at the beginning, probably due to the drug metabolism. If the various indexes can remain stable, family members and friends can also visit her. After all, we still don't know the drug injected into her body. Will it cause infection, or is there any bacterial fungus on the person who enters the ward to visit, which may cause infection..."

"Then as her friend, what can I do before she wakes up? It's not a problem to worry across the ward."

"This still depends on her own situation."

"Okay, I see, thank you, doctor."

After Heizeman finished speaking, he got up and left the office of Li Tang's attending physician, and then returned to the door of Li Tang's ward.

Through the thick glass, he could see the face of the woman lying on the bed, but not really.

Being able to live in Tong Ye's hands for so many days must be considered a bit of a skill for this woman.

As a complete outsider, it is not easy for him to say something.

But in this way, his boss has even forgotten about tomorrow's new product launch for her now, which is not a good sign.

What is the charm of this woman? Jiang Qiming came to him in the middle of the night to talk about emotional problems, and was directly taken away by Tong Ye. She was tortured with drugs for so many days, and now she was rescued by Jiang Qiming. Every day, she stays outside her ward absentmindedly, as if fascinated.

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became, wishing he could rush into the ward and lift the quilt covering the woman, to see how she was different from other women.

It's strange to say that he is similar to Jiang Qiming, and has almost no love experience, and has never experienced this kind of feeling, but as an outsider in the relationship between the two of them, he still thinks that love is amazing.

For a long time, Jiang Qiming in his heart has been as indifferent as ice, almost never anyone or anything can shake him, nothing can shake his decision to make money and trade, but now, he seems to have changed a lot.

In order to make her happy and protect her, he directly asked Wu Peng to be her bodyguard. Let's not talk about what Wu Peng thought, but with Wu Peng's ranking and status in the organization, their deadly enemy Tong Ye hadn't returned to China at that time. Actually, Jiang Qiming didn't need to make such a big fuss about a woman...

Even the woman didn't appreciate it, insisting that Jiang Qiming personally escort her for a whole day...

He actually agreed, and he was as cheerful as a fool.

Later, he directly killed the person named Jian Songjiang for her. Even if it caused a lot of dissatisfaction from the outside world afterwards, he personally resolved the public opinion caused by this matter, and let this matter sink down as quickly as possible. Even he, Heizeman, didn't have time to inquire about this matter, and Jian Songjiang's death ended like this.

Reached a deal with Li Rendao and asked him to change the person in charge of the cooperation, just to get in touch with her more... You must know that Li Rendao is a person who is pressing hard in business. I don't know how much Jiang Qiming will lose if he changes this time. Benefit……

For the woman lying on the hospital bed in front of him, apart from being full of curiosity, Hazelman only had the surprise that he wanted to hide but couldn't hide.

(End of this chapter)

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